
Scott Kirkpatrick

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18EEElliot Jaffe, Scott Kirkpatrick: Architecture of the internet archive. SYSTOR 2009: 11
17EEYoav Etsion, Dan Tsafrir, Scott Kirkpatrick, Dror G. Feitelson: Fine grained kernel logging with KLogger: experience and insights. EuroSys 2007: 259-272
16EEElliot Jaffe, Danny Bickson, Scott Kirkpatrick: Everlab: A Production Platform for Research in Network Experimentation and Computation. LISA 2007: 203-213
15EEThrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, Serge Fdida, Scott Kirkpatrick: Future internet: fundamentals and measurement. Computer Communication Review 37(2): 101-106 (2007)
14EEYaron Weinsberg, Tal Anker, Danny Dolev, Scott Kirkpatrick: On a NIC's Operating System, Schedulers and High-Performance Networking Applications. HPCC 2006: 380-389
13EEShai Carmi, Shlomo Havlin, Scott Kirkpatrick, Yuval Shavitt, Eran Shir: New Model of Internet Topology Using k-shell Decomposition CoRR abs/cs/0607080: (2006)
12EEDan Tsafrir, Yoav Etsion, Dror G. Feitelson, Scott Kirkpatrick: System noise, OS clock ticks, and fine-grained parallel applications. ICS 2005: 303-312
11EEJohannes J. Schneider, Scott Kirkpatrick: Selfish vs. Unselfish Optimization of Network Creation CoRR abs/cs/0508029: (2005)
10EEDaphna Weinshall, Scott Kirkpatrick: Passwords you'll never forget, but can't recall. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1399-1402
9EEErik Aurell, Uri Gordon, Scott Kirkpatrick: Comparing Beliefs, Surveys, and Random Walks. NIPS 2004
8 Rémi Monasson, Riccardo Zecchina, Scott Kirkpatrick, Bart Selman, Lidror Troyansky: 2+p-SAT: Relation of typical-case complexity to the nature of the phase transition. Random Struct. Algorithms 15(3-4): 414-435 (1999)
7EEBart Selman, Scott Kirkpatrick: Critical Behavior in the Computational Cost of Satisfiability Testing. Artif. Intell. 81(1-2): 273-295 (1996)
6EEScott Kirkpatrick, Géza Györgyi, Naftali Tishby, Lidror Troyansky: The Statistical Mechanics of k-Satisfaction. NIPS 1993: 439-446
5 Philip N. Strenski, Scott Kirkpatrick: Analysis of Finite Length Annealing Schedules. Algorithmica 6(3): 346-366 (1991)
4 Frederica Darema, Scott Kirkpatrick, V. Alan Norton: Parallel Algorithms for Chip Placement by Simulated Annealing. IBM Journal of Research and Development 31(3): 391-402 (1987)
3 Scott Kirkpatrick, Robert H. Swendsen: Statistical Mechanics and Disordered Systems. Commun. ACM 28(4): 363-373 (1985)
2EEMario P. Vecchi, Scott Kirkpatrick: Global Wiring by Simulated Annealing. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2(4): 215-222 (1983)
1 Scott Kirkpatrick, D. Gelatt Jr., Mario P. Vecchi: Optimization by Simmulated Annealing. Science 220(4598): 671-680 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Tal Anker [14]
2Erik Aurell [9]
3Danny Bickson [16]
4Shai Carmi [13]
5Frederica Darema [4]
6Danny Dolev [14]
7Yoav Etsion [12] [17]
8Serge Fdida [15]
9Dror G. Feitelson [12] [17]
10D. Gelatt Jr. [1]
11Uri Gordon [9]
12Géza Györgyi [6]
13Shlomo Havlin [13]
14Elliot Jaffe [16] [18]
15Rémi Monasson [8]
16V. Alan Norton [4]
17Johannes J. Schneider [11]
18Bart Selman [7] [8]
19Yuval Shavitt [13]
20Eran Shir [13]
21Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos [15]
22Philip N. Strenski [5]
23Robert H. Swendsen [3]
24Naftali Tishby [6]
25Lidror Troyansky [6] [8]
26Dan Tsafrir [12] [17]
27Mario P. Vecchi [1] [2]
28Yaron Weinsberg [14]
29Daphna Weinshall [10]
30Riccardo Zecchina [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)