
Michel C. Desmarais

Michel Desmarais

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35EEShunkai Fu, Michel C. Desmarais, Bingfeng Pi, Ying Zhou, Weilei Wang, Gang Zou, Song Han, Xunrong Rao: Simple but Effective Porn Query Recognition by k-NN with Semantic Similarity Measure. APWeb/WAIM 2009: 3-14
34EEShunkai Fu, Bingfeng Pi, Ying Zhou, Michel C. Desmarais, Weilei Wang, Song Han, Xunrong Rao: Cross-Channel Query Recommendation on Commercial Mobile Search Engine: Why, How and Empirical Evaluation. PAKDD 2009: 883-890
33EEShunkai Fu, Michel Desmarais: Fast Markov Blanket Discovery Algorithm Via Local Learning within Single Pass. Canadian Conference on AI 2008: 96-107
32 Shunkai Fu, Michel Desmarais, Fan Li: One-Pass Learning Algorithm for Fast Recovery of Bayesian Network. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 53-58
31EEMichel Desmarais: Just-in-Time Knowledge for Effective Hybrid Learning. ICHL 2008: 31-39
30EEShunkai Fu, Michel Desmarais: Tradeoff Analysis of Different Markov Blanket Local Learning Approaches. PAKDD 2008: 562-571
29EEShunkai Fu, Michel Desmarais: Local Learning Algorithm for Markov Blanket Discovery. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2007: 68-79
28EENicolas Plouznikoff, Alexandre Plouznikoff, Michel Desmarais, Jean-Marc Robert: Gesture-based interactions with virtually embodied wearable computer software processes competing for user attention. SMC 2007: 2533-2538
27EEJoel Migneault, Jean-Marc Robert, Michel C. Desmarais, Sylvain Caron: Comparing voice with touch screen for controlling the instructor's operating station of a flight simulator. SMC 2007: 3662-3667
26EEFrançois Lemieux, Michel C. Desmarais: Conception centrée sur l'utilisateur lors de la définition des exigences en RUP©. Une étude de cas. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 12(6): 9-37 (2007)
25EETamer Rafla, Pierre N. Robillard, Michel Desmarais: A method to elicit architecturally sensitive usability requirements: its integration into a software development process. Software Quality Journal 15(2): 117-133 (2007)
24EEAlexandre Plouznikoff, Nicolas Plouznikoff, Jean-Marc Robert, Michel Desmarais: Enhancing human-machine interactions: virtual interface alteration through wearable computers. CHI 2006: 373-376
23EEMichel Desmarais, Michel Gagnon: Bayesian Student Models Based on Item to Item Knowledge Structures. EC-TEL 2006: 111-124
22EENicolas Plouznikoff, Alexandre Plouznikoff, Michel Desmarais, Jean-Marc Robert: Support mobile à la tâche: médiation utilisateur - monde réel par l'intermédiaire d'un ordinateur porté. IHM 2006: 107-114
21EEAndré Jodoin, Régent L'Archevêque, Pierre Allard, Michel Desmarais, Louis Granger: Un environnement de développement dynamique qui intègre des composants graphiques actifs. IHM 2006: 293-294
20EETamer Rafla, Pierre N. Robillard, Michel Desmarais: Investigating the impact of usability on software architecture through scenarios: A case study on Web systems. Journal of Systems and Software 79(3): 415-426 (2006)
19EEMichel Desmarais, Peyman Meshkinfam, Michel Gagnon: Learned student models with item to item knowledge structures. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 16(5): 403-434 (2006)
18 Michel Desmarais, Shunkai Fu, Xiaoming Pu: Tradeoff analysis between knowledge assessment approaches. AIED 2005: 209-216
17EEMichel Desmarais, Xiaoming Pu: Computer Adaptive Testing: Comparison of a Probabilistic Network Approach with Item Response Theory. User Modeling 2005: 392-396
16EEMichel Desmarais: Web Log Session Analyzer: Integrating Parsing and Logic Programming into a Data Mart Architecture. Web Intelligence 2005: 794-797
15 Tamer Rafla, Rafiou Oketokoun, Artur Wiklik, Michel Desmarais, Pierre N. Robillard: Accommodating usability driven changes in existing software architecture. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 150-154
14EEJiming Liu, David A. Maluf, Michel Desmarais: A New Uncertainty Measure for Belief Networks with Applications to Optimal Evidential Inferencing. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 13(3): 416-425 (2001)
13 Michel Desmarais, Richard Leclair, Jean-Yves Fiset, Hichem Talbi: Cost-Justifying Electronic Performance Support Systems. Commun. ACM 40(7): 39-48 (1997)
12EEJiming Liu, Michel Desmarais: A Method of Learning Implication Networks from Empirical Data: Algorithm and Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Validation. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 9(6): 990-1004 (1997)
11EEMichel Desmarais: Thomas K. Landauer / The Trouble with Computers: Usefulness, Usability, and Productivity. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 7(1): 63-64 (1997)
10 Ramzan Khuwaja, Michel Desmarais, Richard Cheng: Intelligent Guide: Combining User Knowledge Assessment with Pedagogical Guidance. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1996: 225-233
9 David A. Maluf, Jiming Liu, Michel Desmarais: Consistent Dynamical System Observers for Nondeterministic Event Modeling. Inf. Sci. 94(1-4): 41-53 (1996)
8 Michel Desmarais, David A. Maluf, Jiming Liu: User-Expertise Modeling with Empirically Derived Probabilistic Implication Networks. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 5(4): 283-315 (1995)
7EEMichel Desmarais, Cameron Hayne, Sumithra Jagannath, Rudolf K. Keller: A survey on user expectations for interface builders. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 279-280
6EEMichel Desmarais, Jiming Liu: Exploring the applications of user-expertise assessment for intelligent interfaces. INTERCHI 1993: 308-313
5EEMichel Desmarais, Jiming Liu: Experimental results on user knowledge assessment with an evidential reasoning methodology. IUI 1993: 223-226
4 Michel Desmarais, Luc Giroux, Serge Larochelle: An Advice-Giving Interface Based on Plan-Recognition and User-Knowledge Assessment. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 39(6): 901-924 (1993)
3 Michel Desmarais, Alain Leblanc: A Meteorological Database for Numerical and Non-Numerical Processing. DEXA 1991: 305-308
2 Michel Desmarais, Luc Giroux, Serge Larochelle: Plan recognition in HCI: the parsing of user actions. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1989: 291-311
1 Michel Desmarais, Luc Giroux, Serge Larochelle: User modelling for a text-editor coach. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1987: 337-352

Coauthor Index

1Pierre Allard [21]
2Sylvain Caron [27]
3Richard Cheng [10]
4Jean-Yves Fiset [13]
5Shunkai Fu [18] [29] [30] [32] [33] [34] [35]
6Michel Gagnon [19] [23]
7Luc Giroux [1] [2] [4]
8Louis Granger [21]
9Song Han [34] [35]
10Cameron Hayne [7]
11Sumithra Jagannath [7]
12André Jodoin [21]
13Rudolf K. Keller [7]
14Ramzan Khuwaja [10]
15Régent L'Archevêque [21]
16Serge Larochelle [1] [2] [4]
17Alain Leblanc [3]
18Richard Leclair [13]
19François Lemieux [26]
20Fan Li [32]
21Jiming Liu [5] [6] [8] [9] [12] [14]
22David A. Maluf [8] [9] [14]
23Peyman Meshkinfam [19]
24Joel Migneault [27]
25Rafiou Oketokoun [15]
26Bingfeng Pi [34] [35]
27Alexandre Plouznikoff [22] [24] [28]
28Nicolas Plouznikoff [22] [24] [28]
29Xiaoming Pu [17] [18]
30Tamer Rafla [15] [20] [25]
31Xunrong Rao [34] [35]
32Jean-Marc Robert [22] [24] [27] [28]
33Pierre N. Robillard [15] [20] [25]
34Hichem Talbi [13]
35Weilei Wang [34] [35]
36Artur Wiklik [15]
37Ying Zhou [34] [35]
38Gang Zou [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)