
Rudolf K. Keller

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55EEChristian Seybold, Rudolf K. Keller: Aligning Software Maintenance to the Offshore Reality. CSMR 2008: 33-42
54EEReinhard Schauer, Rudolf K. Keller: Integrative Levels of Program Comprehension. WCRE 2008: 145-154
53EEFabrice Bourqun, Rudolf K. Keller: High-impact Refactoring Based on Architecture Violations. CSMR 2007: 149-158
52EEStefan Berner, Roland Weber, Rudolf K. Keller: Enhancing Software Testing by Judicious Use of Code Coverage Information. ICSE 2007: 612-620
51EEOlivier Gerbé, Guy W. Mineau, Rudolf K. Keller: Un métamodèle des graphes conceptuels. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 21(2): 255-284 (2007)
50EEMohammed Elkoutbi, Ismaïl Khriss, Rudolf K. Keller: Automated Prototyping of User Interfaces Based on UML Scenarios. Autom. Softw. Eng. 13(1): 5-40 (2006)
49 Hind Kabaili, Rudolf K. Keller, François Lustman: Assessing Object-oriented Software Changeability with Design Metrics. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 61-66
48 Sarita Bassil, Stefanie Rinderle, Rudolf K. Keller, Peter G. Kropf, Manfred Reichert: Preserving the Context of Interrupted Business Process Activities. ICEIS (3) 2005: 38-45
47EEStefan Berner, Roland Weber, Rudolf K. Keller: Observations and lessons learned from automated testing. ICSE 2005: 571-579
46 Roland Weber, Theo Helfenberger, Rudolf K. Keller: Fit for Change: Steps towards Effective Software Maintenance. ICSM (Industrial and Tool Volume) 2005: 26-33
45EESarita Bassil, Rudolf K. Keller, Peter G. Kropf: A Workflow-Oriented System Architecture for the Management of Container Transportation. Business Process Management 2004: 116-131
44EEMorad Benyoucef, Hakim Alj, Kim Levy, Rudolf K. Keller: A Rule-Driven Approach for Defining the Behaviour of Negotiating Software Agents. DCW 2002: 165-181
43EESarita Bassil, Morad Benyoucef, Rudolf K. Keller, Peter G. Kropf: Addressing Dynamism in E-Negotiations by Workflow Management Systems. DEXA Workshops 2002: 655-659
42EERui Yin, Rudolf K. Keller: Program Comprehension by Visualization in Contexts. ICSM 2002: 332-341
41EEM. Ajmal Chaumun, Hind Kabaili, Rudolf K. Keller, François Lustman: A change impact model for changeability assessment in object-oriented software systems. Sci. Comput. Program. 45(2): 155-174 (2002)
40EERudolf K. Keller, Jean-François Bédard, Guy Saint-Denis: Design and Implementation of a UML-Based Design Repository. CAiSE 2001: 448-464
39 Hind Kabaili, Rudolf K. Keller, François Lustman: Cohesion as Changeability Indicator in Object-Oriented Systems. CSMR 2001: 39-46
38 Morad Benyoucef, Hakim Alj, Rudolf K. Keller: An Infrastructure for Rule-Driven Negotiating Software Agents. DEXA Workshop 2001: 737-741
37EEOlivier Gerbé, Guy W. Mineau, Rudolf K. Keller: Conceptual Graphs and Metamodeling. ICCS 2001: 245-259
36EEReinhard Schauer, Rudolf K. Keller: The Method Replacement Indicator: A Metric for Analyzing Behavioral Substitution. ICSM 2001: 754-764
35EESarita Bassil, Rudolf K. Keller: Software Visualization Tools: Survey and Analysis. IWPC 2001: 7-17
34 Siegfried Schönberger, Rudolf K. Keller, Ismaïl Khriss: Algorithmic support for model transformation in object-oriented software development. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 13(5): 351-383 (2001)
33 Morad Benyoucef, Hakim Alj, Mathieu Vézeau, Rudolf K. Keller: Combined Negotiations in E-Commerce: Concepts and Architecture. Electronic Commerce Research 1(3): 277-299 (2001)
32EERudolf K. Keller, Reinhard Schauer: Towards a Quantitative Assessment of Method Replacement. CSMR 2000: 141-150
31EEM. Ajmal Chaumun, Hind Kabaili, Rudolf K. Keller, François Lustman, Guy Saint-Denis: Design Properties and Object-Oriented Software Changeability. CSMR 2000: 45-54
30EEMorad Benyoucef, Rudolf K. Keller: An Evaluation of Formalisms for Negotiations in E-commerce. DCW 2000: 45-54
29EEMorad Benyoucef, Rudolf K. Keller: A Conceptual Architecture for a Combined Negotiation Support System. DEXA Workshop 2000: 1015-1019
28EEGuy Saint-Denis, Reinhard Schauer, Rudolf K. Keller: Selecting a Model Interchange Format: The SPOOL Case Study. HICSS 2000
27EEMohammed Elkoutbi, Rudolf K. Keller: User Interface Prototyping Based on UML Scenarios and High-Level Petri Nets. ICATPN 2000: 166-186
26 Olivier Gerbé, Guy W. Mineau, Rudolf K. Keller: Conceptual Graphs, Metamodeling, and Notation of Concepts. ICCS 2000: 157-171
25EESébastien Robitaille, Reinhard Schauer, Rudolf K. Keller: Bridging Program Comprehension Tools by Design Navigation. ICSM 2000: 22-32
24EEGregory Butler, Rudolf K. Keller, Hafedh Mili: A framework for framework documentation. ACM Comput. Surv. 32(1es): 15 (2000)
23EEIsmaïl Khriss, Rudolf K. Keller, Issam A. Hamid: Pattern-based refinement schemas for design knowledge transfer. Knowl.-Based Syst. 13(6): 403-415 (2000)
22EEM. Ajmal Chaumun, Hind Kabaili, Rudolf K. Keller, François Lustman: A Change Impact Model for Changeability Assessment in Object-Oriented Software Systems. CSMR 1999: 130-138
21EERudolf K. Keller, Reinhard Schauer, Sébastien Robitaille, Patrick Pagé: Pattern-Based Reverse-Engineering of Design Components. ICSE 1999: 226-235
20EEReinhard Schauer, Sébastien Robitaille, François Martel, Rudolf K. Keller: Hot Spot Recovery in Object-Oriented Software with Inheritance and Composition Template Methods. ICSM 1999: 220-229
19EEMohammed Elkoutbi, Ismaïl Khriss, Rudolf K. Keller: Generating User Interface Prototypes from Scenarios. RE 1999: 150-
18EERudolf K. Keller, Reinhard Schauer: A Compositional Approach to Software Design. HICSS (5) 1998: 386-395
17EEOlivier Gerbé, Guy W. Mineau, Rudolf K. Keller: Conceptual Graphs for Representing Business Process in Corporate Memories. ICCS 1998: 401-415
16 Rudolf K. Keller, Reinhard Schauer: Design Components: Towards Software Composition at the Design Level. ICSE 1998: 302-311
15EEReinhard Schauer, Rudolf K. Keller: Pattern Visualization for Software Comprehension. IWPC 1998: 4-
14 Ismaïl Khriss, Mohammed Elkoutbi, Rudolf K. Keller: Automating the Synthesis of UML StateChart Diagrams from Multiple Collaboration Diagrams. UML 1998: 132-147
13 Rudolf K. Keller, Jean Tessier, Gregor von Bochmann: A Pattern System for Network Management Interfaces. Commun. ACM 41(9): 86-93 (1998)
12 Anne Pons, Rudolf K. Keller: Schema Evolution in Object Databases by Catalogs. IDEAS 1997: 368-378
11 Rudolf K. Keller, Xijin Shen, Richard Lajoie, Marianne Ozkan, Tao Tao: Environment Support for Business Reengineering: The Macrotec Approach. Software - Concepts and Tools 16(1): 31-40 (1995)
10 Rudolf K. Keller, Marianne Ozkan, Xijin Shen: Towards Comprehensive Support for the Dynamic Analysis of Petri Net Based Models. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994: 298-317
9EEMichel Desmarais, Cameron Hayne, Sumithra Jagannath, Rudolf K. Keller: A survey on user expectations for interface builders. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 279-280
8 Richard Lajoie, Rudolf K. Keller: Design and Reuse in Object-Oriented Frameworks: Patterns, Contracts, and Motifs in Concert. COODBSE 1994: 295-312
7 Rudolf K. Keller: User Interface Tools: a Survey and Perspective. ICSE Workshop on SE-HCI 1994: 225-231
6EERudolf K. Keller, Anurag Garg, Amin Y. Noaman, Tao Tao: Multi-level documentation of organizational architectures and processes. SIGDOC 1994: 139-144
5EERudolf K. Keller, Richard Lajoie, Nazim H. Madhavji, Tilmann F. W. Bruckhaus, Kamel Toubache, Won-Kook Hong, Khaled El Emam: A Comprehensive Process Model for Studying Software Process Papers. ICSE 1993: 78-88
4EERudolf K. Keller, Anurag Garg, Tao Tao: HyperRef: online support for research literature assessment and documentation. SIGDOC 1993: 163-175
3 Rudolf K. Keller, Nazim H. Madhavji: A Comprehensive Process Model for Discussing and Recording Scientific Papers. EWSPT 1992: 245-253
2EERudolf K. Keller, Mary Cameron, Richard N. Taylor, Dennis B. Troup: User Interface Development and Software Environments: The Chiron-1 System. ICSE 1991: 208-218
1 Walter R. Bischofberger, Rudolf K. Keller: Enhancing the Software Life Cycle by Prototyping. Structured Programming 10(1): 47-59 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Hakim Alj [33] [38] [44]
2Sarita Bassil [35] [43] [45] [48]
3Jean-François Bédard [40]
4Morad Benyoucef [29] [30] [33] [38] [43] [44]
5Stefan Berner [47] [52]
6Walter R. Bischofberger [1]
7Gregor von Bochmann [13]
8Fabrice Bourqun [53]
9Tilmann F. W. Bruckhaus [5]
10Gregory Butler (Greg Butler) [24]
11Mary Cameron [2]
12M. Ajmal Chaumun [22] [31] [41]
13Michel C. Desmarais (Michel Desmarais) [9]
14Mohammed Elkoutbi [14] [19] [27] [50]
15Khaled El Emam [5]
16Anurag Garg [4] [6]
17Olivier Gerbé [17] [26] [37] [51]
18Issam A. Hamid [23]
19Cameron Hayne [9]
20Theo Helfenberger [46]
21Won-Kook Hong [5]
22Sumithra Jagannath [9]
23Hind Kabaili [22] [31] [39] [41] [49]
24Ismaïl Khriss [14] [19] [23] [34] [50]
25Peter G. Kropf (Peter Kropf) [43] [45] [48]
26Richard Lajoie [5] [8] [11]
27Kim Levy [44]
28François Lustman [22] [31] [39] [41] [49]
29Nazim H. Madhavji [3] [5]
30François Martel [20]
31Hafedh Mili [24]
32Guy W. Mineau [17] [26] [37] [51]
33Amin Y. Noaman [6]
34Marianne Ozkan [10] [11]
35Patrick Pagé [21]
36Anne Pons [12]
37Manfred Reichert [48]
38Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (Stefanie Rinderle) [48]
39Sébastien Robitaille [20] [21] [25]
40Guy Saint-Denis [28] [31] [40]
41Reinhard Schauer [15] [16] [18] [20] [21] [25] [28] [32] [36] [54]
42Siegfried Schönberger [34]
43Christian Seybold [55]
44Xijin Shen [10] [11]
45Tao Tao [4] [6] [11]
46Richard N. Taylor [2]
47Jean Tessier [13]
48Kamel Toubache [5]
49Dennis B. Troup [2]
50Mathieu Vézeau [33]
51Roland Weber [46] [47] [52]
52Rui Yin [42]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)