Volume 39,
Number 1,
Volume 39,
Number 2,
Volume 39,
Number 3,
- Saul Greenberg, Ian H. Witten:
Supporting Command Reuse: Empirical Foundations and Principles.
353-390 BibTeX
- Saul Greenberg, Ian H. Witten:
Supporting Command Reuse: Mechanisms for Reuse.
391-425 BibTeX
- Frits L. Engel, Reinder Haakma:
Expectations and Feedback in User-System Communication.
427-452 BibTeX
- John A. Waterworth, Mark H. Chignell, Shumin Zhai:
From Icons to Interface Models: Designing Hypermedia from the Bottom Up.
453-472 BibTeX
- Kazuo Furuta, Shunsuke Kondo:
An Approach to Assessment of Plant Man-Machine Systems by Computer Simulation of an Operator's Cognitive Behavior.
473-493 BibTeX
- Chris Baber, Kate S. Hone:
Modelling Error Recovery and Repair in Automatic Speech Recognition.
495-515 BibTeX
- W. A. Ainsworth:
Theoretical and Simulation Approaches to Error Correction Strategies in Automatic Speech Recognition (Technical Note).
517-520 BibTeX
- Alice Dijkstra, Carla Huis:
``The Reactive Keyboard, '' by J. Darragh and I. Witten (Book Review).
521-528 BibTeX
- Jacques Leplat:
``Person-Centred Ergonomics: A Brantonian View of Human Factors, '' edited by D. J. Oborne, R. Branton, F. Leal, P. Shipley, and T. Stewart (Book Review).
521-528 BibTeX
- Erik Hollnagel:
``Critiquing Human Error: A Knowledge-Based Human-Computer Collaboration Approach, '' by B. G. Silverman (Book Review).
521-528 BibTeX
- Tom Carey:
``Methods and Tools in User-Centred Design in Information Technology, '' edited by M. Galer, S. Harker, and J. Ziegler (Book Review).
521-528 BibTeX
- Antoni Diller:
``What Computers Still Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason, '' by H. L. Dreyfus (Book Review).
521-528 BibTeX
- Deborah K. Stone:
``Intelligent Help: Communicating with Knowledge-Based Systems, '' by Rachel M. Pilkington (Book Review).
521-528 BibTeX
Volume 39,
Number 4,
- Sandra Carberry, W. Alan Pope:
Plan Recognition Strategies for Language Understanding.
529-577 BibTeX
- Quanfeng Wu, John R. Anderson:
Strategy Choice and Change in Programming.
579-598 BibTeX
- Maung K. Sein, Lorne Olfman, Robert P. Bostrom, Sidney A. Davis:
Visualization Ability as a Predictor of User Learning Success.
599-620 BibTeX
- Ton de Jong, Robert de Hoog, Frits de Vries:
Coping with Complex Environments: The Effects of Providing Overviews and a Transparent Interface on Learning with a Computer Simulation.
621-639 BibTeX
- Paul E. Johnson, Imran A. Zualkernan, David W. Tukey:
Types of Expertise: An Invariant of Problem Solving.
641-665 BibTeX
- Lewis R. Karl, Michael Pettey, Ben Shneiderman:
Speech versus Mouse Commands for Word Processing: An Empirical Evaluation.
667-687 BibTeX
- Shawn D. Bird:
Toward a Taxonomy of Multi-Agent Systems.
689-704 BibTeX
Volume 39,
Number 5,
Volume 39,
Number 6,
- Brian Gains:
881-883 BibTeX
- Philip Tucker, Dylan M. Jones:
Document Annotation: To Write, Type or Speak?
885-900 BibTeX
- Michel Desmarais, Luc Giroux, Serge Larochelle:
An Advice-Giving Interface Based on Plan-Recognition and User-Knowledge Assessment.
901-924 BibTeX
- Gerry Kelleher:
Planning for the Support of Computer Users.
925-964 BibTeX
- Ann Blandford:
An Agent-Theoretic Approach to Computer Participation in Dialogue.
965-998 BibTeX
- Marcus Brown, Samuel Joe Rogers:
User Identification via Keystroke Characteristics of Typed Names using Neural Networks.
999-1014 BibTeX
- Yili Liu, Robert Fuld, Christopher D. Wickens:
Monitoring Behavior in Manual and Automated Scheduling Systems.
1015-1029 BibTeX
- John H. Andreae, Shaun W. Ryan, Mark L. Tomlinson, Peter M. Andreae:
Structure from Associative Learning.
1031-1050 BibTeX
- Alistair G. Sutcliffe:
``Developing User Interfaces: Ensuring Usability Through Product and Process, '' by D. Hix and H. R. Hartson (Book Review).
1051-1057 BibTeX
- Ann Blandford:
``Knowledge Negotiation, '' edited by R. Moyse and M. T. Elsom-Cook (Book Review).
1051-1057 BibTeX
- Ruven E. Brooks:
``Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration, '' edited by Allen Cypher (Book Review).
1051-1057 BibTeX
- Wayne D. Gray, Haresh Sabnani, Susan S. Kirschenbaum:
``Human Error, '' by James Reason (Book Review).
1051-1057 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:02:32 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)