
Harmander Deogun

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8EEHarmander Deogun, Dennis Sylvester, Kevin J. Nowka: Fine grained multi-threshold CMOS for enhanced leakage reduction. ISCAS 2006
7EEHarmander Deogun, Robert M. Senger, Dennis Sylvester, Richard B. Brown, Kevin J. Nowka: A dual-VDD boosted pulsed bus technique for low power and low leakage operation. ISLPED 2006: 73-78
6EEKanak Agarwal, Kevin J. Nowka, Harmander Deogun, Dennis Sylvester: Power Gating with Multiple Sleep Modes. ISQED 2006: 633-637
5EEHarmander Deogun, Dennis Sylvester, David Blaauw: Gate-Level Mitigation Techniques for Neutron-Induced Soft Error Rate. ISQED 2005: 175-180
4EEHarmander Deogun, Rahul M. Rao, Dennis Sylvester, Richard B. Brown, Kevin J. Nowka: Dynamically Pulsed MTCMOS with Bus Encoding for Total Power and Crosstalk Minimization. ISQED 2005: 88-93
3EERajeev R. Rao, Harmander Deogun, David Blaauw, Dennis Sylvester: Bus encoding for total power reduction using a leakage-aware buffer configuration. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 13(12): 1376-1383 (2005)
2EEHarmander Deogun, Rajeev R. Rao, Dennis Sylvester, David Blaauw: Leakage-and crosstalk-aware bus encoding for total power reduction. DAC 2004: 779-782
1EEDongwoo Lee, Harmander Deogun, David Blaauw, Dennis Sylvester: Simultaneous State, Vt and Tox Assignment for Total Standby Power Minimization. DATE 2004: 494-499

Coauthor Index

1Kanak Agarwal [6]
2David Blaauw (David T. Blaauw) [1] [2] [3] [5]
3Richard B. Brown [4] [7]
4Dongwoo Lee [1]
5Kevin J. Nowka [4] [6] [7] [8]
6Rahul M. Rao [4]
7Rajeev R. Rao [2] [3]
8Robert M. Senger [7]
9Dennis Sylvester [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)