
Albert E. Casavant

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7EEAarti Gupta, Albert E. Casavant, Pranav Ashar, X. G. Liu, Akira Mukaiyama, Kazutoshi Wakabayashi: Property-Specific Testbench Generation for Guided Simulation. VLSI Design 2002: 524-
6EEAlbert E. Casavant, Aarti Gupta, S. Liu, Akira Mukaiyama, Kazutoshi Wakabayashi, Pranav Ashar: Property-specific witness graph generation for guided simulation. DATE 2001: 799
5 Ti-Yen Yen, Alex Ishii, Albert E. Casavant, Wayne Wolf: Efficient Algorithms for Interface Timing Verification. Formal Methods in System Design 12(3): 241-265 (1998)
4EEAlbert E. Casavant: MIST - A Design Aid for Programmable Pipelined Processors. DAC 1994: 532-536
3EETi-Yen Yen, Wayne Wolf, Albert E. Casavant, Alex Ishii: Efficient algorithms for interface timing verification. EURO-DAC 1994: 34-39
2EERichard I. Hartley, Albert E. Casavant: Optimizing pipelined networks of associative and commutative operators. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 13(11): 1418-1425 (1994)
1EEKristen N. McNall, Albert E. Casavant: Automatic Operator Configuration in the Synthesis of Pipelined Architectures. DAC 1990: 174-179

Coauthor Index

1Pranav Ashar [6] [7]
2Aarti Gupta [6] [7]
3Richard I. Hartley [2]
4Alex Ishii [3] [5]
5S. Liu [6]
6X. G. Liu [7]
7Kristen N. McNall [1]
8Akira Mukaiyama [6] [7]
9Kazutoshi Wakabayashi [6] [7]
10Wayne Wolf [3] [5]
11Ti-Yen Yen [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)