
Carla Ferreira

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12EECátia Vaz, Carla Ferreira, António Ravara: Dynamic Recovering of Long Running Transactions. TGC 2008: 201-215
11EELuís Caires, Carla Ferreira, Hugo Torres Vieira: A Process Calculus Analysis of Compensations. TGC 2008: 87-103
10EERoberto Bruni, Michael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira, C. A. R. Hoare, Hernán C. Melgratti, Ugo Montanari: Comparing Two Approaches to Compensable Flow Composition. CONCUR 2005: 383-397
9EEMichael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira, Muan Yong Ng: Precise Modelling of Compensating Business Transactions and its Application to BPEL. J. UCS 11(5): 712-743 (2005)
8EEMichael J. Butler, C. A. R. Hoare, Carla Ferreira: A Trace Semantics for Long-Running Transactions. 25 Years Communicating Sequential Processes 2004: 133-150
7EEMichael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira: An Operational Semantics for StAC, a Language for Modelling Long-Running Business Transactions. COORDINATION 2004: 87-104
6EEJuan Carlos Augusto, Carla Ferreira, Andrew M. Gravell, Michael Leuschel, Karen M. Y. Ng: The Benefits of Rapid Modelling for E-business System Development. ER (Workshops) 2003: 17-28
5EEJuan Carlos Augusto, Michael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira, Stephen-John Craig: Using SPIN and STeP to Verify Business Processes Specifications. Ershov Memorial Conference 2003: 207-213
4EEJuan Carlos Augusto, Y. Howard, Andrew M. Gravell, Carla Ferreira, Stefan Gruner, Michael Leuschel: Model-Based Approaches for Validating Business Critical Systems. STEP 2003: 225-233
3EECarla Ferreira, Michael J. Butler: Using B Refinement to Analyse Compensating Business Processes. ZB 2003: 477-496
2EEMandy Chessell, Catherine Griffin, David Vines, Michael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira, Peter Henderson: Extending the concept of transaction compensation. IBM Systems Journal 41(4): 743-758 (2002)
1EEMichael J. Butler, Carla Ferreira: A Process Compensation Language. IFM 2000: 61-76

Coauthor Index

1Juan Carlos Augusto [4] [5] [6]
2Roberto Bruni [10]
3Michael J. Butler [1] [2] [3] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
4Luís Caires [11]
5Mandy Chessell [2]
6Stephen-John Craig [5]
7Andrew M. Gravell [4] [6]
8Catherine Griffin [2]
9Stefan Gruner [4]
10Peter Henderson [2]
11C. A. R. Hoare (Tony Hoare) [8] [10]
12Y. Howard [4]
13Michael Leuschel [4] [6]
14Hernán C. Melgratti [10]
15Ugo Montanari [10]
16Karen M. Y. Ng [6]
17Muan Yong Ng [9]
18António Ravara [12]
19Cátia Vaz [12]
20Hugo Torres Vieira [11]
21David Vines [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)