
Thomas Långbacka

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9EENiklas Holsti, Thomas Långbacka: Impact of a Restricted Tasking Profile: The Case of the GOCE Platform Application Software. Ada-Europe 2003: 92-101
8 Jim Grundy, Thomas Långbacka: Recording HOL Proofs in a Structured Browsable Format. AMAST 1997: 567-571
7 Thomas Långbacka, Joakim von Wright: Refining Reactive Systems in HOL Using Action Systems. TPHOLs 1997: 183-197
6 Michael J. Butler, Thomas Långbacka: Program Derivation Using the Refinement Calculator. TPHOLs 1996: 93-108
5 Thomas Långbacka, Rimvydas Ruksenas, Joakim von Wright: TkWinHOL: A Tool for Window Inference in HOL. TPHOLs 1995: 245-260
4 Thomas Långbacka: A HOL Formalisation of the Temporal Logic of Actions. TPHOLs 1994: 332-345
3 Joakim von Wright, Jukka Hekanaho, P. Luostarinen, Thomas Långbacka: Mechanizing Some Advanced Refinement Concepts. Formal Methods in System Design 3(1/2): 49-81 (1993)
2 Joakim von Wright, Thomas Långbacka: Using a Theorem Prover for Reasoning about Concurrent Algorithms. CAV 1992: 56-68
1 Joakim von Wright, Jukka Hekanaho, P. Luostarinen, Thomas Långbacka: Mechanising some Advanced Refinement Concepts. TPHOLs 1992: 307-326

Coauthor Index

1Michael J. Butler [6]
2Jim Grundy [8]
3Jukka Hekanaho [1] [3]
4Niklas Holsti [9]
5P. Luostarinen [1] [3]
6Rimvydas Ruksenas [5]
7Joakim von Wright [1] [2] [3] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)