
Colin F. Snook

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13EEColin F. Snook, Michael J. Butler: UML-B: A Plug-in for the Event-B Tool Set. ABZ 2008: 344
12EEColin F. Snook, Michael Poppleton, Ian Johnson: Rigorous engineering of product-line requirements: A case study in failure management. Information & Software Technology 50(1-2): 112-129 (2008)
11EEColin F. Snook, Marina A. Waldén: Refinement of Statemachines Using Event B Semantics. B 2007: 171-185
10EED. Moisuc, S. Revol, Colin F. Snook: UML User Interface to a Proof-based Hardware Design Flow. FDL 2006: 337-344
9EEDubravka Ilic, Elena Troubitsyna, Linas Laibinis, Colin F. Snook: Formal Development of Mechanisms for Tolerating Transient Faults. RODIN Book 2006: 189-209
8EEColin F. Snook, Michael Poppleton, Ian Johnson: Towards a Method for Rigorous Development of Generic Requirements Patterns. RODIN Book 2006: 326-342
7EEColin F. Snook, Michael J. Butler: UML-B: Formal modeling and design aided by UML. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 15(1): 92-122 (2006)
6EEMichael J. Butler, Michael Leuschel, Colin F. Snook: Tools for System Validation with B Abstract Machines. Abstract State Machines 2005: 57-69
5EENikos S. Voros, Colin F. Snook, Stefan Hallerstede, Thierry Lecomte: A hardware/software codesign framework for developing complex embedded systems using formal model refinement. FDL 2004: 598-612
4EEColin F. Snook, Rachel Harrison: Experimental comparison of the comprehensibility of a Z specification and its implementation in Java. Information & Software Technology 46(14): 955-971 (2004)
3EEColin F. Snook, Kim Sandström: Using UML-B and U2B for formal refinement of digital components1. FDL 2003: 505-515
2 Colin F. Snook, Rachel Harrison: Practitioners' views on the use of formal methods: an industrial survey by structured interview. Information & Software Technology 43(4): 275-283 (2001)
1EEManoranjan Satpathy, Rachel Harrison, Colin F. Snook, Michael J. Butler: A Generic Model for Assessing Process Quality. IWSM 2000: 94-110

Coauthor Index

1Michael J. Butler [1] [6] [7] [13]
2Stefan Hallerstede [5]
3Rachel Harrison [1] [2] [4]
4Dubravka Ilic [9]
5Ian Johnson [8] [12]
6Linas Laibinis [9]
7Thierry Lecomte [5]
8Michael Leuschel [6]
9D. Moisuc [10]
10Michael Poppleton (M. Poppleton) [8] [12]
11S. Revol [10]
12Kim Sandström [3]
13Manoranjan Satpathy [1]
14Elena Troubitsyna [9]
15Nikos S. Voros [5]
16Marina A. Waldén [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)