
Manoranjan Satpathy

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21EEManoranjan Satpathy, Anand Yeolekar, S. Ramesh: Randomized directed testing (REDIRECT) for Simulink/Stateflow models. EMSOFT 2008: 217-226
20EEManoranjan Satpathy, S. Ramesh: Test case generation from formal models through abstraction refinement and model checking. A-MOST 2007: 85-94
19EEManoranjan Satpathy, Michael J. Butler, Michael Leuschel, S. Ramesh: Automatic Testing from Formal Specifications. TAP 2007: 95-113
18EEManoranjan Satpathy, Qaisar A. Malik, Johan Lilius: Synthesis of Scenario Based Test Cases from B Models. FATES/RV 2006: 133-147
17EEManoranjan Satpathy, Michael Leuschel, Michael J. Butler: ProTest: An Automatic Test Environment for B Specifications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 111: 113-136 (2005)
16EEManoranjan Satpathy, Nils T. Siebel, Daniel Rodríguez: Assertions in Object Oriented Software Maintenance: Analysis and a Case Study. ICSM 2004: 124-135
15EEDaniel Rodríguez, Manoranjan Satpathy, Dietmar Pfahl: Effective Software Project Management Education through Simulation Models: An Externally Replicated Experiment. PROFES 2004: 287-301
14EEManoranjan Satpathy, Rabi N. Mahapatra, Siddharth Choudhuri, Sachin V. Chitnis: High Performance Code Generation through Lazy Activation Records. Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures 2003: 37-50
13EENils T. Siebel, Stephen Cook, Manoranjan Satpathy, Daniel Rodríguez: Latitudinal and longitudinal process diversity. Journal of Software Maintenance 15(1): 9-25 (2003)
12EEManoranjan Satpathy, Rachel Harrison: A Typed Generic Process Model for Product Focused Process Improvement. COMPSAC 2002: 379-384
11EEDaniel Rodríguez, Rachel Harrison, Manoranjan Satpathy, José Javier Dolado: An Investigation of Prediction Models for Project Management. COMPSAC 2002: 779-784
10EEManoranjan Satpathy, Nils T. Siebel, Daniel Rodríguez: Maintenance of Object Oriented Systems through Re-Engineering: A Case Study. ICSM 2002: 540-549
9EEDaniel Rodríguez, Rachel Harrison, Manoranjan Satpathy: A Generic Model and Tool Support for Assessing and Improving Web Processes. IEEE METRICS 2002: 141-151
8EESounaka Mishra, Kripasindhu Sikdar, Manoranjan Satpathy: Optimizing register spills for eager functional languages. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(5): 699-708 (2002)
7EESounaka Mishra, Kripasindhu Sikdar, Manoranjan Satpathy: Optimizing Register Spills for Eager Functional Languages. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2001: 128-137
6 José Cristóbal Riquelme Santos, Isabel Ramos, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz, Francisco J. Ferrer-Troyano, Miguel Toro, José Javier Dolado, A. Ruiz de Infante, Javier Tuya, P. Fernández, M. A. Prieto, Mercedes Ruiz Carreira, D. Rodriguez-García, Manoranjan Satpathy, Rachel Harrison, R. Matilla, M. A. Álvarez: SEGESOFT: Entorno de Entrenamiento para la Gestión de Proyectos Software. JISBD 2001: 131-144
5EEManoranjan Satpathy, Rachel Harrison, Colin F. Snook, Michael J. Butler: A Generic Model for Assessing Process Quality. IWSM 2000: 94-110
4EEManoranjan Satpathy, Dang Van Hung, Paritosh K. Pandya: Some Decidability Results for Duration Calculus under Synchronous Interpretation. FTRTFT 1998: 186-197
3 Manoranjan Satpathy, Amitabha Sanyal, G. Venkatesh: Improved Register Usage for Functional Programs through Multiple Function Versions. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 1998(7): (1998)
2 Manoranjan Satpathy, Amitabha Sanyal, G. Venkatesh: An Automaton-Driven Frame Disposal Algorithm and its Proof of Correctness. ASIAN 1995: 88-102
1 Sachin V. Chitnis, Manoranjan Satpathy, Sundeep Oberoi: Rationalized Three Instruction Machine. Intermediate Representations Workshop 1995: 94-102

Coauthor Index

1Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz [6]
2M. A. Álvarez [6]
3Michael J. Butler [5] [17] [19]
4Mercedes Ruiz Carreira [6]
5Sachin V. Chitnis [1] [14]
6Siddharth Choudhuri [14]
7Stephen Cook [13]
8José Javier Dolado [6] [11]
9P. Fernández [6]
10Francisco J. Ferrer-Troyano [6]
11Rachel Harrison [5] [6] [9] [11] [12]
12Dang Van Hung [4]
13A. Ruiz de Infante [6]
14Michael Leuschel [17] [19]
15Johan Lilius [18]
16Rabi N. Mahapatra [14]
17Qaisar A. Malik [18]
18R. Matilla [6]
19Sounaka Mishra [7] [8]
20Sundeep Oberoi [1]
21Paritosh K. Pandya [4]
22Dietmar Pfahl [15]
23M. A. Prieto [6]
24S. Ramesh (Sethu Ramesh) [19] [20] [21]
25Isabel Ramos [6]
26Daniel Rodríguez [9] [10] [11] [13] [15] [16]
27D. Rodriguez-García [6]
28José Cristóbal Riquelme Santos [6]
29Amitabha Sanyal [2] [3]
30Nils T. Siebel [10] [13] [16]
31Kripasindhu Sikdar [7] [8]
32Colin F. Snook [5]
33Miguel Toro [6]
34Javier Tuya [6]
35G. Venkatesh [2] [3]
36Anand Yeolekar [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)