
Shay Kutten

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99EEAmos Korman, Shay Kutten: A note on models for graph representations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(14): 1401-1412 (2009)
98EEBaruch Awerbuch, Israel Cidon, Shay Kutten: Optimal maintenance of a spanning tree. J. ACM 55(4): (2008)
97EEShay Kutten, Toshimitsu Masuzawa: Output Stability Versus Time Till Output. DISC 2007: 343-357
96EEJanna Burman, Shay Kutten: Time Optimal Asynchronous Self-stabilizing Spanning Tree. DISC 2007: 92-107
95EEAmos Korman, Shay Kutten: Controller and estimator for dynamic networks. PODC 2007: 175-184
94EEAmos Korman, Shay Kutten: Labeling Schemes with Queries. SIROCCO 2007: 109-123
93EEOrnan Ori Gerstel, Shay Kutten, Eduardo Sany Laber, Rachel Matichin, David Peleg, Artur Alves Pessoa, Críston de Souza: Reducing human interactions in Web directory searches. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 25(4): (2007)
92EEShay Kutten, David Peleg: Asynchronous resource discovery in peer-to-peer networks. Computer Networks 51(1): 190-206 (2007)
91EEAmos Korman, Shay Kutten: Distributed verification of minimum spanning trees. Distributed Computing 20(4): 253-266 (2007)
90EEBaruch Awerbuch, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, Boaz Patt-Shamir, George Varghese: A Time-Optimal Self-Stabilizing Synchronizer Using A Phase Clock. IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 4(3): 180-190 (2007)
89EEShantanu Das, Paola Flocchini, Shay Kutten, Amiya Nayak, Nicola Santoro: Map construction of unknown graphs by multiple agents. Theor. Comput. Sci. 385(1-3): 34-48 (2007)
88EEDanny Hendler, Shay Kutten: Constructing Shared Objects That Are Both Robust and High-Throughput. DISC 2006: 428-442
87EEAmos Korman, Shay Kutten: On Distributed Verification. ICDCN 2006: 100-114
86EEShantanu Das, Shay Kutten, Ayelet Yifrach: Improved Distributed Exploration of Anonymous Networks. ICDCN 2006: 306-318
85EEShay Kutten: Scalable Self Stabilization. ITRE 2006: 260
84EEAmos Korman, Shay Kutten: Distributed verification of minimum spanning trees. PODC 2006: 26-34
83EEJaap-Henk Hoepman, Shay Kutten, Zvi Lotker: Efficient Distributed Weighted Matchings on Trees. SIROCCO 2006: 115-129
82EEAmos Korman, Shay Kutten: Labeling Schemes with Queries CoRR abs/cs/0609163: (2006)
81EEShay Kutten: Introduction to the special issue PODC'2004. Distributed Computing 18(4): 233-233 (2006)
80EEJanna Burman, Ted Herman, Shay Kutten, Boaz Patt-Shamir: Asynchronous and Fully Self-stabilizing Time-Adaptive Majority Consensus. OPODIS 2005: 146-160
79EEAmos Korman, Shay Kutten, David Peleg: Proof labeling schemes. PODC 2005: 9-18
78EEShay Kutten, Hirotaka Ono, David Peleg, Kunihiko Sadakane, Masafumi Yamashita: Energy-Optimal Online Algorithms for Broadcasting in Wireless Networks. WONS 2005: 125-130
77 Soma Chaudhuri, Shay Kutten: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2004, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, July 25-28, 2004 ACM 2004
76EEShay Kutten, Boaz Patt-Shamir: Adaptive Stabilization of Reactive Protocols. FSTTCS 2004: 396-407
75EEOrnan Ori Gerstel, Shay Kutten, Rachel Matichin, David Peleg: Hotlink Enhancement Algorithms for Web Directories: (Extended Abstract). ISAAC 2003: 68-77
74EEYossi Azar, Shay Kutten, Boaz Patt-Shamir: Distributed error confinement. PODC 2003: 33-42
73EEJoshua S. Auerbach, Madan Gopal, Marc Kaplan, Shay Kutten: Multicast group membership management. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 11(1): 166-175 (2003)
72 Shay Kutten, Paul G. Spirakis: Preface. Theor. Comput. Sci. 291(1): 1 (2003)
71EEShay Kutten, David Peleg, Uzi Vishkin: Deterministic Resource Discovery in Distributed Networks. Theory Comput. Syst. 36(5): 479-495 (2003)
70EEShay Kutten, David Peleg: Asynchronous Resource Discovery in Peer to Peer Networks. SRDS 2002: 224-231
69EEIsrael Cidon, Shay Kutten, Ran Soffer: Optimal allocation of electronic content. Computer Networks 40(2): 205-218 (2002)
68EEDan Sadot, Y. Nachmani, Amotz Bar-Noy, Shay Kutten: Next generation Tbit/sec routers and switches: traffic modeling, scheduling algorithms, and simulations. J. High Speed Networks 11(2): 89-102 (2002)
67EEIsrael Cidon, Shay Kutten, Ran Soffer: Optimal Allocation of Electronic Content. INFOCOM 2001: 1773-1780
66EEShay Kutten, David Peleg, Uzi Vishkin: Deterministic resource discovery in distributed networks. SPAA 2001: 77-83
65EEShay Kutten, David Peleg: Deterministic distributed resource discovery (brief announcement). PODC 2000: 336
64 Shay Kutten, Rafail Ostrovsky, Boaz Patt-Shamir: The Las-Vegas Processor Identity Problem (How and When to Be Unique). J. Algorithms 37(2): 468-494 (2000)
63 Shay Kutten, David Peleg: Tight Fault Locality. SIAM J. Comput. 30(1): 247-268 (2000)
62EEAmir Herzberg, Shay Kutten: Early Detection of Message Forwarding Faults. SIAM J. Comput. 30(4): 1169-1196 (2000)
61EEShay Kutten, Avner Porat: Maintenance of a Spanning Tree in Dynamic Networks. DISC 1999: 342-355
60EEJoffroy Beauquier, Christophe Genolini, Shay Kutten: Optimal Reactive k-Stabilization: The Case of Mutual Exclusion. PODC 1999: 209-218
59EEAjei S. Gopal, Inder S. Gopal, Shay Kutten: Fast broadcast in high-speed networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 7(2): 262-275 (1999)
58EEOrnan Ori Gerstel, Galen H. Sasaki, Shay Kutten, Rajiv Ramaswami: Worst-case analysis of dynamic wavelength allocation in optical networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 7(6): 833-846 (1999)
57 Shay Kutten, David Peleg: Fault-Local Distributed Mending. J. Algorithms 30(1): 144-165 (1999)
56 Amotz Bar-Noy, Ran Canetti, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, Baruch Schieber: Bandwidth Allocation with Preemption. SIAM J. Comput. 28(5): 1806-1828 (1999)
55EEShay Kutten, Boaz Patt-Shamir: Stabilizing Time-Adaptive Protocols. Theor. Comput. Sci. 220(1): 93-111 (1999)
54 Shay Kutten: Distributed Computing, 12th International Symposium, DISC '98, Andros, Greece, September 24-26, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
53EEIsrael Cidon, Shay Kutten, Ran Soffer: Optimal Allocation of Electronic Contect in Networks. PODC 1998: 313
52EEJoffroy Beauquier, Christophe Genolini, Shay Kutten: k-Stabilization of Reactive Tasks. PODC 1998: 318
51EEShay Kutten, Boaz Patt-Shamir: Asynchronous Time-Adaptive Self Stabilization. PODC 1998: 319
50 Carlo Blundo, Alfredo De Santis, Amir Herzberg, Shay Kutten, Ugo Vaccaro, Moti Yung: Perfectly Secure Key Distribution for Dynamic Conferences. Inf. Comput. 146(1): 1-23 (1998)
49 Shay Kutten, David Peleg: Fast Distributed Construction of Small k-Dominating Sets and Applications. J. Algorithms 28(1): 40-66 (1998)
48 Juan A. Garay, Shay Kutten, David Peleg: A Sublinear Time Distributed Algorithm for Minimum-Weight Spanning Trees. SIAM J. Comput. 27(1): 302-316 (1998)
47 Baruch Awerbuch, Israel Cidon, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, David Peleg: Optimal Broadcast with Partial Knowledge. SIAM J. Comput. 28(2): 511-524 (1998)
46 Ornan Ori Gerstel, Shay Kutten: Dynamic Wavelength Allocation in All-Optical Ring Networks. ICC (1) 1997: 432-436
45 Shay Kutten, Boaz Patt-Shamir: Time-Adaptive Self Stabilization. PODC 1997: 149-158
44 Ornan Ori Gerstel, Galen H. Sasaki, Shay Kutten, Rajiv Ramaswami: Dynamic Wavelength Allocation in Optical Networks. PODC 1997: 293
43 Juan A. Garay, Inder S. Gopal, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, Moti Yung: Efficient On-Line Call Control Algorithms. J. Algorithms 23(1): 180-194 (1997)
42EEYehuda Afek, Shay Kutten, Moti Yung: The Local Detection Paradigm and Its Application to Self-Stabilization. Theor. Comput. Sci. 186(1-2): 199-229 (1997)
41 Shay Kutten: Scalable Fault Tolerance. SOFSEM 1996: 286-306
40 Shay Kutten, David Peleg: Tight Fault Locality (Extended Abstract). FOCS 1995: 704-713
39 Shay Kutten, David Peleg: Fault-Local Distributed Mending (Extended Abstract). PODC 1995: 20-27
38 Shay Kutten, David Peleg: Fast Distributed Construction of k-Dominating Sets and Applications. PODC 1995: 238-249
37EEAmotz Bar-Noy, Ran Canetti, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, Baruch Schieber: Bandwidth allocation with preemption. STOC 1995: 616-625
36 Baruch Awerbuch, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, David Peleg: Optimal Broadcast with Partial Knowledge (Extended Abstract). WDAG 1995: 116-130
35 Israel Cidon, Inder S. Gopal, Shay Kutten: New models and algorithms for future networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(3): 769-780 (1995)
34EERay Bird, Inder S. Gopal, Amir Herzberg, Philippe A. Janson, Shay Kutten, Refik Molva, Moti Yung: The KryptoKnight family of light-weight protocols for authentication and key distribution. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 3(1): 31-41 (1995)
33 Israel Cidon, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, David Peleg: Greedy Packet Scheduling. SIAM J. Comput. 24(1): 148-157 (1995)
32EEAmotz Bar-Noy, Frank K. Hwang, Ilan Kessler, Shay Kutten: A New Competitive Algorithm for Group Testing. Discrete Applied Mathematics 52(1): 29-38 (1994)
31 Juan A. Garay, Shay Kutten, David Peleg: A Sub-Linear Time Distributed Algorithm for Minimum-Weight Spanning Trees (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1993: 659-668
30 Sudhanshu Aggarwal, Shay Kutten: Time Optimal Self-Stabilizing Spanning Tree Algorithms. FSTTCS 1993: 400-410
29 Shay Kutten, Rafail Ostrovsky, Boaz Patt-Shamir: The Las-Vegas Processor Identity Problem (How and When to Be Unique). ISTCS 1993: 150-159
28 Juan A. Garay, Inder S. Gopal, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, Moti Yung: Efficient On-Line Call Control Algorithms. ISTCS 1993: 285-293
27EEBaruch Awerbuch, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, Boaz Patt-Shamir, George Varghese: Time optimal self-stabilizing synchronization. STOC 1993: 652-661
26 Ray Bird, Inder S. Gopal, Amir Herzberg, Philippe A. Janson, Shay Kutten, Refik Molva, Moti Yung: Systematic Design of a Family of Attack-Resistant Authentication Protocols. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(5): 679-693 (1993)
25EECarlo Blundo, Alfredo De Santis, Amir Herzberg, Shay Kutten, Ugo Vaccaro, Moti Yung: Perfectly-Secure Key Distribution for Dynamic Conferences. CRYPTO 1992: 471-486
24 Amotz Bar-Noy, Ilan Kessler, Shay Kutten, Frank K. Hwang: A New Competitive Algorithm for Group Testing. INFOCOM 1992: 786-793
23 Baruch Awerbuch, Shay Kutten, David Peleg: Competitive Distributed Job Scheduling (Extended Abstract) STOC 1992: 571-580
22EERay Bird, Inder S. Gopal, Amir Herzberg, Philippe A. Janson, Shay Kutten, Refik Molva, Moti Yung: Systematic Design of Two-Party Authentication Protocols. CRYPTO 1991: 44-61
21EEJoshua S. Auerbach, Madan Gopal, Marc Kaplan, Shay Kutten: Multicast group membership management in high speed wide area networks. ICDCS 1991: 231-238
20 Baruch Awerbuch, Shay Kutten, David Peleg: On Buffer-Economical Store-and-Forward Deadlock Prevention. INFOCOM 1991: 410-414
19 Baruch Awerbuch, Israel Cidon, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, David Peleg: Broadcast with Partial Knowledge (Preliminary Version). PODC 1991: 153-163
18 Baruch Awerbuch, Shay Kutten, David Peleg: Efficient Deadlock-Free Routing. PODC 1991: 177-188
17EEAjei S. Gopal, Inder S. Gopal, Shay Kutten: Hardware Flooding (preliminary version). SIGCOMM 1991: 259-270
16 Baruch Awerbuch, Israel Cidon, Shay Kutten: Communication-Optimal Maintenance of Replicated Information FOCS 1990: 492-502
15 Ajei S. Gopal, Inder S. Gopal, Shay Kutten: Broadcast in Fast Networks. INFOCOM 1990: 338-347
14EEBaruch Awerbuch, Israel Cidon, Inder S. Gopal, Marc Kaplan, Shay Kutten: Distributed Control for PARIS. PODC 1990: 145-159
13 Yehuda Afek, Shay Kutten, Moti Yung: Memory-Efficient Self Stabilizing Protocols for General Networks. WDAG 1990: 15-28
12 Israel Cidon, Shay Kutten, Yishay Mansour, David Peleg: Greedy Packet Scheduling. WDAG 1990: 169-184
11 Israel Cidon, Inder S. Gopal, Shay Kutten: Optimal Computation of Global Sensitive Functions in Fast Networks. WDAG 1990: 185-191
10EEEphraim Korach, Shay Kutten, Shlomo Moran: A Modular Technique for the Design of Efficient Distributed Leader Finding Algorithms. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 12(1): 84-101 (1990)
9EEAlon Itai, Shay Kutten, Yaron Wolfstahl, Shmuel Zaks: Optimal Distributed t-Resilient Election in Complete Networks. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(4): 415-420 (1990)
8 Amir Herzberg, Shay Kutten: Fast Isolation of Arbitrary Forwarding Faults. PODC 1989: 339-353
7 Shay Kutten: Stepwise construction of an efficient distributed traversing algorithm for general strongly connected directed networks or: Traversing one way streets with no map. ICCC 1988: 446-452
6EEIsrael Cidon, Inder S. Gopal, Shay Kutten: New Models and Algorithms for Future Networks. PODC 1988: 79-89
5 Shay Kutten: Optimal Fault-Tolerant Distributed Construction of a Spanning Forest. Inf. Process. Lett. 27(6): 299-307 (1988)
4 Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Shay Kutten: Fault Tolerant Distributed Majority Commitment. J. Algorithms 9(4): 568-582 (1988)
3 Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Shay Kutten, Yaron Wolfstahl, Shmuel Zaks: Making Distributed Spanning Tree Algorithms Fault-Resilient. STACS 1987: 432-444
2 Imrich Chlamtac, Shay Kutten: Tree-Based Broadcasting in Multihop Radio Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(10): 1209-1223 (1987)
1 Ephraim Korach, Shay Kutten, Shlomo Moran: A Modular Technique for the Design of Efficient Distributed Leader Finding Algorithms. PODC 1985: 163-174

Coauthor Index

1Yehuda Afek [13] [42]
2Sudhanshu Aggarwal [30]
3Joshua S. Auerbach [21] [73]
4Baruch Awerbuch [14] [16] [18] [19] [20] [23] [27] [36] [47] [90] [98]
5Yossi Azar [74]
6Amotz Bar-Noy [24] [32] [37] [56] [68]
7Reuven Bar-Yehuda [3] [4]
8Joffroy Beauquier [52] [60]
9Ray Bird [22] [26] [34]
10Carlo Blundo [25] [50]
11Janna Burman [80] [96]
12Ran Canetti [37] [56]
13Soma Chaudhuri [77]
14Imrich Chlamtac [2]
15Israel Cidon [6] [11] [12] [14] [16] [19] [33] [35] [47] [53] [67] [69] [98]
16Shantanu Das [86] [89]
17Paola Flocchini [89]
18Juan A. Garay [28] [31] [43] [48]
19Christophe Genolini [52] [60]
20Ornan Ori Gerstel [44] [46] [58] [75] [93]
21Ajei S. Gopal [15] [17] [59]
22Inder S. Gopal [6] [11] [14] [15] [17] [22] [26] [28] [34] [35] [43] [59]
23Madan Gopal [21] [73]
24Danny Hendler [88]
25Ted Herman [80]
26Amir Herzberg [8] [22] [25] [26] [34] [50] [62]
27Jaap-Henk Hoepman [83]
28Frank K. Hwang (Frank Kwang-Ming Hwang) [24] [32]
29Alon Itai [9]
30Philippe A. Janson [22] [26] [34]
31Marc Kaplan [14] [21] [73]
32Ilan Kessler [24] [32]
33Ephraim Korach [1] [10]
34Amos Korman [79] [82] [84] [87] [91] [94] [95] [99]
35Eduardo Sany Laber [93]
36Zvi Lotker [83]
37Yishay Mansour [12] [19] [27] [28] [33] [36] [37] [43] [47] [56] [90]
38Toshimitsu Masuzawa [97]
39Rachel Matichin [75] [93]
40Refik Molva [22] [26] [34]
41Shlomo Moran [1] [10]
42Y. Nachmani [68]
43Amiya Nayak [89]
44Hirotaka Ono [78]
45Rafail Ostrovsky [29] [64]
46Boaz Patt-Shamir [27] [29] [45] [51] [55] [64] [74] [76] [80] [90]
47David Peleg [12] [18] [19] [20] [23] [31] [33] [36] [38] [39] [40] [47] [48] [49] [57] [63] [65] [66] [70] [71] [75] [78] [79] [92] [93]
48Artur Alves Pessoa [93]
49Avner Porat [61]
50Rajiv Ramaswami [44] [58]
51Kunihiko Sadakane [78]
52Dan Sadot [68]
53Alfredo De Santis [25] [50]
54Nicola Santoro [89]
55Galen H. Sasaki [44] [58]
56Baruch Schieber [37] [56]
57Ran Soffer [53] [67] [69]
58Críston de Souza [93]
59Paul G. Spirakis [72]
60Ugo Vaccaro [25] [50]
61George Varghese [27] [90]
62Uzi Vishkin [66] [71]
63Yaron Wolfsthal (Yaron Wolfstahl) [3] [9]
64Masafumi Yamashita [78]
65Ayelet Yifrach [86]
66Moti Yung (Mordechai M. Yung) [13] [22] [25] [26] [28] [34] [42] [43] [50]
67Shmuel Zaks [3] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)