
Cosimo Laneve

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55EECosimo Laneve, Luca Padovani: The Pairing of Contracts and Session Types. Concurrency, Graphs and Models 2008: 681-700
54EECosimo Laneve, Antonio Vitale: Expressivity in the kappa Family. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 218: 97-109 (2008)
53EECosimo Laneve, Fabien Tarissan: A simple calculus for proteins and cells. Theor. Comput. Sci. 404(1-2): 127-141 (2008)
52EEAlberto Credi, Marco Garavelli, Cosimo Laneve, Sylvain Pradalier, Serena Silvi, Gianluigi Zavattaro: nanoK: A calculus for the modeling and simulation of nano devices. Theor. Comput. Sci. 408(1): 17-30 (2008)
51EEAlberto Credi, Marco Garavelli, Cosimo Laneve, Sylvain Pradalier, Serena Silvi, Gianluigi Zavattaro: Modelization and Simulation of Nano Devices in $\mathtt{nano}\kappa$ Calculus. CMSB 2007: 168-183
50EECosimo Laneve, Luca Padovani: The Must Preorder Revisited. CONCUR 2007: 212-225
49EECosimo Laneve, Fabien Tarissan: A Simple Calculus for Proteins and Cells. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 171(2): 139-154 (2007)
48EEVincent Danos, Cosimo Laneve: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 180(3): 1-2 (2007)
47EEPhilippa Gardner, Cosimo Laneve, Lucian Wischik: Linear forwarders. Inf. Comput. 205(10): 1526-1550 (2007)
46EESamuele Carpineti, Cosimo Laneve: A Basic Contract Language for Web Services. ESOP 2006: 197-213
45EECosimo Laneve, Luca Padovani: Smooth Orchestrators. FoSSaCS 2006: 32-46
44EESamuele Carpineti, Giuseppe Castagna, Cosimo Laneve, Luca Padovani: A Formal Account of Contracts for Web Services. WS-FM 2006: 148-162
43EESamuele Carpineti, Cosimo Laneve: A Rude Contract Language for Web Services. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 162: 147-152 (2006)
42EESamuele Carpineti, Cosimo Laneve, Paolo Milazzo: BoPi - A Distributed Machine for Experimenting Web Services Technologies. ACSD 2005: 202-211
41EEAllen L. Brown Jr., Cosimo Laneve, L. Gregory Meredith: PiDuce: A Process Calculus with Native XML Datatypes. EPEW/WS-FM 2005: 18-34
40EECosimo Laneve, Gianluigi Zavattaro: Foundations of Web Transactions. FoSSaCS 2005: 282-298
39EECosimo Laneve, Gianluigi Zavattaro: web-pi at Work. TGC 2005: 182-194
38EEVincent Danos, Cosimo Laneve: Formal molecular biology. Theor. Comput. Sci. 325(1): 69-110 (2004)
37 Carlo Blundo, Cosimo Laneve: Theoretical Computer Science, 8th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2003, Bertinoro, Italy, October 13-15, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
36EEVincent Danos, Cosimo Laneve: Graphs for Core Molecular Biology. CMSB 2003: 34-46
35EEPhilippa Gardner, Cosimo Laneve, Lucian Wischik: Linear Forwarders. CONCUR 2003: 408-422
34EEVincent Danos, Cosimo Laneve: Core Formal Molecular Biology. ESOP 2003: 302-318
33EELaura Bocchi, Cosimo Laneve, Gianluigi Zavattaro: A Calculus for Long-Running Transactions. FMOODS 2003: 124-138
32EECédric Fournet, Cosimo Laneve, Luc Maranget, Didier Rémy: Inheritance in the join calculus. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 57(1-2): 23-69 (2003)
31 Cosimo Laneve, Björn Victor: Solos In Concert. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 13(5): 657-683 (2003)
30 Cosimo Laneve: A type system for JVM threads. Theor. Comput. Sci. 290(1): 741-778 (2003)
29EERoberto Bruni, Cosimo Laneve, Ugo Montanari: Orchestrating Transactions in Join Calculus. CONCUR 2002: 321-337
28EEPhilippa Gardner, Cosimo Laneve, Lucian Wischik: The Fusion Machine. CONCUR 2002: 418-433
27EECosimo Laneve, Joachim Parrow, Björn Victor: Solo Diagrams. TACS 2001: 127-144
26EECédric Fournet, Cosimo Laneve: Bisimulations in the join-calculus. Theor. Comput. Sci. 266(1-2): 569-603 (2001)
25EECédric Fournet, Cosimo Laneve, Luc Maranget, Didier Rémy: Inheritance in the Join Calculus. FSTTCS 2000: 397-408
24 Gérard Boudol, Cosimo Laneve: lambda-calculus, multiplicities, and the pi-calculus. Proof, Language, and Interaction 2000: 659-690
23 Cosimo Laneve: Calculi for Concurrent Objects (Tutorial). FMOODS 1999
22EECosimo Laneve, Björn Victor: Solos in Concert. ICALP 1999: 513-523
21 Michele Boreale, Cédric Fournet, Cosimo Laneve: Bisimulations in the join-calculus. PROCOMET 1998: 68-86
20 Cédric Fournet, Cosimo Laneve, Luc Maranget, Didier Rémy: Implicit Typing à la ML for the Join-Calculus. CONCUR 1997: 196-212
19 Andrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve: On the Dynamics of Sharing Graphs. ICALP 1997: 259-269
18 Gérard Boudol, Cosimo Laneve: The Discriminating Power of Multiplicities in the Lambda-Calculus. Inf. Comput. 126(1): 83-102 (1996)
17 Cosimo Laneve, Ugo Montanari: Axiomatizing Permutation Equivalence. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 6(3): 219-249 (1996)
16EEAndrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve: Interaction Systems II: The Practice of Optimal Reductions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 159(2): 191-244 (1996)
15 Andrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve: Comparing Lambda-calculus translations in Sharing Graphs. TLCA 1995: 1-15
14EEGérard Boudol, Cosimo Laneve: Termination, deadlock and divergence in the lambda-calculus with multiplicities. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 1: (1995)
13 Roberto Gorrieri, Cosimo Laneve: Split and ST Bisimulation Semantics Inf. Comput. 118(2): 272-288 (1995)
12EEAndrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve: Paths, Computations and Labels in the lambda-Calculus. Theor. Comput. Sci. 142(2): 277-297 (1995)
11 Andrea Asperti, Vincent Danos, Cosimo Laneve, Laurent Regnier: Paths in the lambda-calculus LICS 1994: 426-436
10 Andrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve: The Family Relation in Interaction Systems. TACS 1994: 366-384
9 Cosimo Laneve: Distributive Evaluations of lambda-calculus. Fundam. Inform. 20(4): 333-352 (1994)
8 Andrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve: Interaction Systems I: The Theory of Optimal Reductions. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 4(4): 457-504 (1994)
7 Andrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve: Interaction Systems. HOA 1993: 1-19
6 Andrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve: Paths, Computations and Labels in the Lambda-Calculus. RTA 1993: 152-167
5 Andrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve: Optimal Reductions in Interaction Systems. TAPSOFT 1993: 485-500
4 Cosimo Laneve, Ugo Montanari: Axiomatizing Permutation Equivalence in the Lambda-Calculus. ALP 1992: 350-363
3 Cosimo Laneve, Ugo Montanari: Mobility in the CC-Paradigm. MFCS 1992: 336-345
2 Roberto Gorrieri, Cosimo Laneve: The Limit of Split_n-Bisimulations for CCS Agents. MFCS 1991: 170-180
1 Alessandro Fantechi, Stefania Gnesi, Cosimo Laneve: An Expressive Temporal Logic for Basic LOTOS. FORTE 1989: 261-276

Coauthor Index

1Andrea Asperti [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [15] [16] [19]
2Carlo Blundo [37]
3Laura Bocchi [33]
4Michele Boreale [21]
5Gérard Boudol [14] [18] [24]
6Allen L. Brown Jr. [41]
7Roberto Bruni [29]
8Samuele Carpineti [42] [43] [44] [46]
9Giuseppe Castagna [44]
10Alberto Credi [51] [52]
11Vincent Danos [11] [34] [36] [38] [48]
12Alessandro Fantechi [1]
13Cédric Fournet [20] [21] [25] [26] [32]
14Marco Garavelli [51] [52]
15Philippa Gardner [28] [35] [47]
16Stefania Gnesi [1]
17Roberto Gorrieri [2] [13]
18Luc Maranget [20] [25] [32]
19L. Gregory Meredith [41]
20Paolo Milazzo [42]
21Ugo Montanari [3] [4] [17] [29]
22Luca Padovani [44] [45] [50] [55]
23Joachim Parrow [27]
24Sylvain Pradalier [51] [52]
25Laurent Regnier [11]
26Didier Rémy [20] [25] [32]
27Serena Silvi [51] [52]
28Fabien Tarissan [49] [53]
29Björn Victor [22] [27] [31]
30Antonio Vitale [54]
31Lucian Wischik [28] [35] [47]
32Gianluigi Zavattaro [33] [39] [40] [51] [52]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)