
Giovanni Di Crescenzo

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84EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Helger Lipmaa: Succinct NP Proofs from an Extractability Assumption. CiE 2008: 175-185
83EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Helger Lipmaa: 3-Message NP Arguments in the BPK Model with Optimal Soundness and Zero-Knowledge. ISAAC 2008: 615-627
82EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: On the Security of Beth's Identification Schemes against Active and Concurrent Adversaries. MMICS 2008: 1-17
81EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano, Moti Yung: On Monotone Formula Composition of Perfect Zero-Knowledge Languages. SIAM J. Comput. 38(4): 1300-1329 (2008)
80EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Raquel Morera, Faramak Vakil, Vijay K. Varma: A secure virtual point of service for purchasing digital media content over 3G wireless networks. Security and Communication Networks 1(6): 441-450 (2008)
79EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Munir Cochinwala, Hyong Sop Shim: Modeling cryptographic properties of voice and voice-based entity authentication. Digital Identity Management 2007: 53-61
78 Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Ivan Visconti: On Defining Proofs of Knowledge in the Bare Public Key Model. ICTCS 2007: 187-198
77EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Vishal Saraswat: Public Key Encryption with Searchable Keywords Based on Jacobi Symbols. INDOCRYPT 2007: 282-296
76EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Renwei Ge, Gonzalo R. Arce: Threshold cryptography in mobile ad hoc networks under minimal topology and setup assumptions. Ad Hoc Networks 5(1): 63-75 (2007)
75EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Luigi V. Mancini: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 171(1): 1-2 (2007)
74EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Secure Node Discovery in Ad-hoc Networks and Applications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 171(1): 43-55 (2007)
73 Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Aviel D. Rubin: Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 10th International Conference, FC 2006, Anguilla, British West Indies, February 27-March 2, 2006, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2006
72EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Maria Striki, John S. Baras: Modeling key agreement in multi-hop ad hoc networks. IWCMC 2006: 39-44
71EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Richard J. Lipton, Shabsi Walfish: Perfectly Secure Password Protocols in the Bounded Retrieval Model. TCC 2006: 225-244
70EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Faramak Vakil: Cryptographic hashing for virus localization. WORM 2006: 41-48
69EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Mariusz A. Fecko, Renwei Ge, Gonzalo R. Arce: Securing Weakly-Dominating Virtual Backbones in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. WOWMOM 2006: 576-580
68EEYi Deng, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Dongdai Lin: Concurrently Non-Malleable Zero Knowledge in the Authenticated Public-Key Model CoRR abs/cs/0609057: (2006)
67EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Renwei Ge, Gonzalo R. Arce: Securing reliable server pooling in MANET against byzantine adversaries. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(2): 357-369 (2006)
66EEZhi Zhou, Gonzalo R. Arce, Giovanni Di Crescenzo: Halftone visual cryptography. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(8): 2441-2453 (2006)
65EERenwei Ge, Gonzalo R. Arce, Giovanni Di Crescenzo: Approximate Message Authentication Codes for N-ary Alphabets. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 1(1): 56-67 (2006)
64EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: You Can Prove So Many Things in Zero-Knowledge. CISC 2005: 10-27
63EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Abhrajit Ghosh, Rajesh Talpade: Towards a Theory of Intrusion Detection. ESORICS 2005: 267-286
62EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, R. F. Graveman, Renwei Ge, Gonzalo R. Arce: Approximate Message Authentication and Biometric Entity Authentication. Financial Cryptography 2005: 240-254
61EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Aggelos Kiayias: Asynchronous Perfectly Secure Communication over One-Time Pads. ICALP 2005: 216-227
60EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Ivan Visconti: Concurrent Zero Knowledge in the Public-Key Model. ICALP 2005: 816-827
59EEAbhrajit Ghosh, Larry Wong, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Rajesh Talpade: InFilter: Predictive Ingress Filtering to Detect Spoofed IP Traffic. ICDCS Workshops 2005: 99-106
58EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Renwei Ge, Gonzalo R. Arce: Improved topology assumptions for threshold cryptography in mobile ad hoc networks. SASN 2005: 53-62
57EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Security of erasable memories against adaptive adversaries. StorageSS 2005: 115-122
56EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano, Ivan Visconti: Improved Setup Assumptions for 3-Round Resettable Zero Knowledge. ASIACRYPT 2004: 530-544
55EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano, Ivan Visconti: Constant-Round Resettable Zero Knowledge with Concurrent Soundness in the Bare Public-Key Model. CRYPTO 2004: 237-253
54EEDan Boneh, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Rafail Ostrovsky, Giuseppe Persiano: Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search. EUROCRYPT 2004: 506-522
53EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: On NC1 Boolean Circuit Composition of Non-interactive Perfect Zero-Knowledge. MFCS 2004: 356-367
52EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Gonzalo R. Arce, Renwei Ge: Threshold Cryptography for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. SCN 2004: 91-104
51EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Javier Herranz, Germán Sáez: Reducing Server Trust in Private Proxy Auctions. TrustBus 2004: 80-89
50 Z. Zhou, Gonzalo R. Arce, Giovanni Di Crescenzo: Halftone visual cryptography. ICIP (1) 2003: 521-524
49EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Clemente Galdi: Hypergraph Decomposition and Secret Sharing. ISAAC 2003: 645-654
48EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Sharing one secret vs. sharing many secrets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 295: 123-140 (2003)
47EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: Randomness-Optimal Characterization of Two NP Proof Systems. RANDOM 2002: 179-193
46EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Olga Kornievskaia: Efficient Re-keying Protocols for Multicast Encryption. SCN 2002: 119-132
45EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Equivocable and Extractable Commitment Schemes. SCN 2002: 74-87
44EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Rafail Ostrovsky, Giuseppe Persiano, Amit Sahai: Robust Non-interactive Zero Knowledge. CRYPTO 2001: 566-598
43EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Jonathan Katz, Rafail Ostrovsky, Adam Smith: Efficient and Non-interactive Non-malleable Commitment. EUROCRYPT 2001: 40-59
42EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Privacy for the Stock Market. Financial Cryptography 2001: 259-278
41EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Olga Kornievskaia: Efficient Kerberized Multicast in a Practical Distributed Setting. ISC 2001: 27-45
40EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Sharing One Secret vs. Sharing Many Secrets: Tight Bounds for the Max Improvement Ratio. MFCS 2001: 292-303
39EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Yuval Ishai, Rafail Ostrovsky: Universal Service-Providers for Private Information Retrieval. J. Cryptology 14(1): 37-74 (2001)
38 Ernest F. Brickell, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Yair Frankel: Sharing Block Ciphers. ACISP 2000: 457-470
37EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Removing Complexity Assumptions from Concurrent Zero-Knowledge Proofs. COCOON 2000: 426-435
36EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Tal Malkin, Rafail Ostrovsky: Single Database Private Information Retrieval Implies Oblivious Transfer. EUROCRYPT 2000: 122-138
35EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Private Selective Payment Protocols. Financial Cryptography 2000: 72-89
34EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: Necessary and Sufficient Assumptions for Non-iterative Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge for All NP Relations. ICALP 2000: 451-462
33EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Sharing one secret vs. sharing many secrets: tight bounds on the average improvement ratio. SODA 2000: 273-274
32EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Kouichi Sakurai, Moti Yung: On zero-knowledge proofs (extended abstract): ``from membership to decision''. STOC 2000: 255-264
31EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Rafail Ostrovsky: On Concurrent Zero-Knowledge with Pre-processing. CRYPTO 1999: 485-502
30EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Rafail Ostrovsky, Sivaramakrishnan Rajagopalan: Conditional Oblivious Transfer and Timed-Release Encryption. EUROCRYPT 1999: 74-89
29EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge: A Low-Randomness Characterization of NP. ICALP 1999: 271-280
28EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Yair Frankel: Existence of Multiplicative Secret Sharing Schemes with Polynomial Share Expansion. SODA 1999: 895-896
27EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Niels Ferguson, Russell Impagliazzo, Markus Jakobsson: How to Forget a Secret. STACS 1999: 500-509
26EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Russell Impagliazzo: Security-Preserving Hardness-Amplification for Any Regular One-Way Function. STOC 1999: 169-178
25EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Oded Goldreich, Giuseppe Persiano: The Graph Clustering Problem has a Perfect Zero-Knowledge Interactive Proof. Inf. Process. Lett. 69(4): 201-206 (1999)
24EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: Communication-Efficient Anonymous Group Identification. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1998: 73-82
23EEWilliam Aiello, Mihir Bellare, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Ramarathnam Venkatesan: Security Amplification by Composition: The Case of Doubly-Iterated, Ideal Ciphers. CRYPTO 1998: 390-407
22EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano, Moti Yung: Image Density is Complete for Non-Interactive-SZK (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1998: 784-795
21EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Russell Impagliazzo: Proofs of Membership vs. Proofs of Knowledge. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1998: 34-45
20EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Kouichi Sakurai, Moti Yung: Checking Programs Discreetly: Demonstrating Result-Correctness Efficiently while Concealing it. ISAAC 1998: 59-68
19EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Yuval Ishai, Rafail Ostrovsky: Universal Service-Providers for Database Private Information Retrieval (Extended Abstract). PODC 1998: 91-100
18 Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Kouichi Sakurai, Moti Yung: Result-Indistinguishable Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Increased Power and Constant-Round Protocols. STACS 1998: 511-521
17EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Yuval Ishai, Rafail Ostrovsky: Non-Interactive and Non-Malleable Commitment. STOC 1998: 141-150
16EEWilliam Aiello, Mihir Bellare, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Ramarathnam Venkatesan: Security amplification by composition: The case of doubly-iterated ideal ciphers CoRR cs.CR/9809031: (1998)
15EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Oded Goldreich, Giuseppe Persiano: The Graph Clustering Problem has a Perfect Zero-Knowledge Proof Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 5(6): (1998)
14EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Moti Yung: Keeping the SZK-Verifier Honest Unconditionally. CRYPTO 1997: 31-45
13 Alfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: Randomness-Efficient Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1997: 716-726
12 Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Kouichi Sakurai, Moti Yung: Zero-knowledge proofs of decision power: new protocols and optimal round-complexity. ICICS 1997: 17-27
11EEGiovanni Di Crescenzo: Recycling Random Bits in Composed Perfect Zero-Knowledge. EUROCRYPT 1995: 367-381
10EEStefano D'Amiano, Giovanni Di Crescenzo: Anonymous NIZK Proofs of Knowledge with Preprocessing. EUROCRYPT 1995: 413-416
9 Alfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: Zero-Knowledge Arguments and Public-Key Cryptography Inf. Comput. 121(1): 23-40 (1995)
8 Yvo Desmedt, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Mike Burmester: Multiplicative Non-abelian Sharing Schemes and their Application to Threshold Cryptography. ASIACRYPT 1994: 21-32
7 Giovanni Di Crescenzo: A Non-Iterative Electronic Cash System. CIAC 1994: 109-124
6EECarlo Blundo, Alfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Antonio Giorgio Gaggia, Ugo Vaccaro: Multi-Secret Sharing Schemes. CRYPTO 1994: 150-163
5EEStefano D'Amiano, Giovanni Di Crescenzo: Methodology for Digital Money based on General Cryptographic Tools. EUROCRYPT 1994: 156-170
4 Alfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano, Moti Yung: On Monotone Formula Closure of SZK FOCS 1994: 454-465
3 Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: Round-Optimal Perfect Zero-Knowledge Proofs. Inf. Process. Lett. 50(2): 93-99 (1994)
2 Alfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: The Knowledge Complexity of Quadratic Residuosity Languages. Theor. Comput. Sci. 132(2): 291-317 (1994)
1EEAlfredo De Santis, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Giuseppe Persiano: Secret Sharing and Perfect Zero Knowledge. CRYPTO 1993: 73-84

Coauthor Index

1William Aiello [16] [23]
2Gonzalo R. Arce [50] [52] [58] [62] [65] [66] [67] [69] [76]
3John S. Baras [72]
4Mihir Bellare [16] [23]
5Carlo Blundo [6]
6Dan Boneh [54]
7Ernest F. Brickell [38]
8Mike Burmester [8]
9Munir Cochinwala [79]
10Stefano D'Amiano [5] [10]
11Yi Deng [68]
12Yvo Desmedt [8]
13Mariusz A. Fecko [69]
14Niels Ferguson [27]
15Yair Frankel [28] [38]
16Antonio Giorgio Gaggia [6]
17Clemente Galdi [49]
18Renwei Ge [52] [58] [62] [65] [67] [69] [76]
19Abhrajit Ghosh [59] [63]
20Oded Goldreich [15] [25]
21R. F. Graveman [62]
22Javier Herranz [51]
23Russell Impagliazzo [21] [26] [27]
24Yuval Ishai [17] [19] [39]
25Markus Jakobsson [27]
26Jonathan Katz [43]
27Aggelos Kiayias [61]
28Olga Kornievskaia [41] [46]
29Dongdai Lin [68]
30Helger Lipmaa [83] [84]
31Richard J. Lipton [71]
32Tal Malkin [36]
33Luigi V. Mancini [75]
34Raquel Morera [80]
35Tatsuaki Okamoto [14]
36Rafail Ostrovsky [17] [19] [30] [31] [36] [39] [43] [44] [54]
37Giuseppe Persiano (Pino Persiano) [1] [2] [3] [4] [9] [13] [15] [22] [24] [25] [29] [34] [44] [47] [53] [54] [55] [56] [81]
38Sivaramakrishnan Rajagopalan [30]
39Aviel D. Rubin [73]
40Germán Sáez [51]
41Amit Sahai [44]
42Kouichi Sakurai [12] [18] [20] [32]
43Alfredo De Santis [1] [2] [4] [6] [9] [13] [15] [22] [24] [25] [29] [34] [44] [47] [53] [81]
44Vishal Saraswat [77]
45Hyong Sop Shim [79]
46Adam Smith [43]
47Maria Striki [72]
48Rajesh Talpade [59] [63]
49Ugo Vaccaro [6]
50Faramak Vakil [70] [80]
51Vijay K. Varma [80]
52Ramarathnam Venkatesan [16] [23]
53Ivan Visconti [55] [56] [60] [78]
54Shabsi Walfish [71]
55Larry Wong [59]
56Moti Yung (Mordechai M. Yung) [4] [12] [14] [18] [20] [22] [32] [81]
57Z. Zhou [50]
58Zhi Zhou [66]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)