
Gabriel P. Bischoff

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7EEGabriel P. Bischoff, Karl S. Brace, Gianpiero Cabodi: A Compositional Approach for Equivalence Checking of Sequential Circuits with Unknown Reset State and Overlapping Partitions. EUROCAST 2007: 505-514
6EEGabriel P. Bischoff, Karl S. Brace, Gianpiero Cabodi, Sergio Nocco, Stefano Quer: Exploiting Target Enlargement and Dynamic Abstraction within Mixed BDD and SAT Invariant Checking. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 119(2): 33-49 (2005)
5EEJoel Grodstein, Rachid Rayess, Tad Truex, Linda Shattuck, Sue Lowell, Dan Bailey, David Bertucci, Gabriel P. Bischoff, Daniel E. Dever, Mike Gowan, Roy Lane, Brian Lilly, Krishna Nagalla, Rahul Shah, Emily Shriver, Shi-Huang Yin, Shannon V. Morton: Power and CAD considerations for the 1.75mbyte, 1.2ghz L2 cache on the alpha 21364 CPU. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2002: 1-6
4 Gabriel P. Bischoff, Karl S. Brace, Samir Jain, Rahul Razdan: Formal Implementation Verification of the Bus Interface Unit for the Alpha 21264 Microprocessor. ICCD 1997: 16-24
3EERahul Razdan, Gabriel P. Bischoff, Ernst G. Ulrich: Clock suppression techniques for synchronous circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 12(10): 1547-1556 (1993)
2 Joel Grodstein, Nick Rethman, Rahul Razdan, Gabriel P. Bischoff: Automatic Detection of MOS Synchronizers for Timing Verification. ICCAD 1991: 304-307
1 Rahul Razdan, Gabriel P. Bischoff, Ernst G. Ulrich: Exploitation of Periodicity in Logic Simulation of Synchronous Circuits. ICCAD 1990: 62-65

Coauthor Index

1Dan Bailey [5]
2David Bertucci [5]
3Karl S. Brace [4] [6] [7]
4Gianpiero Cabodi [6] [7]
5Daniel E. Dever [5]
6Mike Gowan [5]
7Joel Grodstein [2] [5]
8Samir Jain [4]
9Roy Lane [5]
10Brian Lilly [5]
11Sue Lowell [5]
12Shannon V. Morton [5]
13Krishna Nagalla [5]
14Sergio Nocco [6]
15Stefano Quer [6]
16Rachid Rayess [5]
17Rahul Razdan [1] [2] [3] [4]
18Nick Rethman [2]
19Rahul Shah [5]
20Linda Shattuck [5]
21Emily Shriver [5]
22Tad Truex [5]
23Ernst G. Ulrich [1] [3]
24Shi-Huang Yin [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)