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Fran Berman
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
63 | EE | Francine Berman: Got data?: a guide to data preservation in the information age. Commun. ACM 51(12): 50-56 (2008) |
2006 | ||
62 | EE | Arcot Rajasekar, Richard Marciano, Reagan Moore, Chien-Yi Hou, Francine Berman, Lynn Burstan, Steve Anderson, Mellisa McEwen, Bee Bornheimer, Harry Kreisler, Brian Schottlaender, Luc DeClerck, Brad Westbrook, Arwen Hutt, Ardys Kozbial, Chris Frymann, Vivian Chu: Building a demonstration prototype for the preservation of large-scale multimedia collections. DG.O 2006: 287-288 |
61 | EE | Fran Berman: One hundred years of data. DG.O 2006: 3-4 |
60 | EE | Thom Dunning, Francine Berman, John R. Boisseau: Pathway to petascale - The pathway to petascale science. SC 2006: 15 |
59 | EE | Francine Berman, Robert Chadduck, William G. LeFurgy, Daniel E. Atkins, Tony Hey: Long term storage - 100 years of digital data. SC 2006: 72 |
2005 | ||
58 | EE | Arcot Rajasekar, Reagan Moore, Fran Berman, Brian Schottlaender: Digital Preservation Lifecycle Management for Multi-media Collections. ICADL 2005: 380-384 |
57 | EE | Francine Berman, Henri Casanova, Andrew A. Chien, Keith D. Cooper, Holly Dail, Anshuman Dasgupta, W. Deng, Jack Dongarra, L. Johnsson, Ken Kennedy, Charles Koelbel, B. Liu, Xin Liu, Anirban Mandal, Gabriel Marin, Mark Mazina, John M. Mellor-Crummey, Celso L. Mendes, Alex Olugbile, M. Patel, Daniel A. Reed, Zhiao Shi, Otto Sievert, Huaxia Xia, Asim YarKhan: New Grid Scheduling and Rescheduling Methods in the GrADS Project. International Journal of Parallel Programming 33(2-3): 209-229 (2005) |
2004 | ||
56 | EE | Alan Su, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova: On The Feasibility of Running Entity-Level Simulations on Grid Platforms. GRID 2004: 312-319 |
55 | EE | Keith D. Cooper, Anshuman Dasgupta, Ken Kennedy, Charles Koelbel, Anirban Mandal, Gabriel Marin, Mark Mazina, John M. Mellor-Crummey, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova, Andrew A. Chien, Holly Dail, Xin Liu, Alex Olugbile, Otto Sievert, Huaxia Xia, L. Johnsson, B. Liu, M. Patel, Daniel A. Reed, W. Deng, Celso L. Mendes, Zhiao Shi, Asim YarKhan, Jack Dongarra: New Grid Scheduling and Rescheduling Methods in the GrADS Project. IPDPS Next Generation Software Program - NSFNGS - PI Workshop 2004 |
54 | EE | Wilfred W. Li, Robert W. Byrnes, Jim Hayes, Adam Birnbaum, Vicente M. Reyes, Atif Shahab, Coleman Mosley, Dmitry Pekurovsky, Greg B. Quinn, Ilya N. Shindyalov, Henri Casanova, Larry Ang, Fran Berman, Peter W. Arzberger, Mark A. Miller, Philip E. Bourne: The Encyclopedia of Life Project: Grid Software and Deployment. New Generation Comput. 22(2): (2004) |
2003 | ||
53 | EE | Alan Su, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova: Performance Modeling for Entity-Level Simulations. IPDPS 2003: 255 |
52 | EE | Walfredo Cirne, Francine Berman: When the Herd Is Smart: Aggregate Behavior in the Selection of Job Request. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(2): 181-192 (2003) |
51 | EE | Francine Berman, Richard Wolski, Henri Casanova, Walfredo Cirne, Holly Dail, Marcio Faerman, Silvia M. Figueira, Jim Hayes, Graziano Obertelli, Jennifer M. Schopf, Gary Shao, Shava Smallen, Neil T. Spring, Alan Su, Dmitrii Zagorodnov: Adaptive Computing on the Grid Using AppLeS. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(4): 369-382 (2003) |
50 | EE | Holly Dail, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova: A decoupled scheduling approach for Grid application development environments. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(5): 505-524 (2003) |
2002 | ||
49 | EE | Marcio Faerman, Adam Birnbaum, Henri Casanova, Francine Berman: Resource Allocation for Steerable Parallel Parameter Searches. GRID 2002: 157-168 |
48 | EE | Derrick Kondo, Henri Casanova, Eric Wing, Francine Berman: Models and Scheduling Mechanisms for Global Computing Applications. IPDPS 2002 |
47 | EE | Ken Kennedy, Mark Mazina, John M. Mellor-Crummey, Keith D. Cooper, Linda Torczon, Francine Berman, Andrew A. Chien, Holly Dail, Otto Sievert, Dave Angulo, Ian T. Foster, Ruth A. Aydt, Daniel A. Reed, Dennis Gannon, S. Lennart Johnsson, Carl Kesselman, Jack Dongarra, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Richard Wolski: Toward a Framework for Preparing and Executing Adaptive Grid Programs. IPDPS 2002 |
46 | EE | Holly Dail, Henri Casanova, Francine Berman: A decoupled scheduling approach for the GrADS program development environment. SC 2002: 1-14 |
45 | EE | Walfredo Cirne, Francine Berman: Using Moldability to Improve the Performance of Supercomputer Jobs. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 62(10): 1571-1601 (2002) |
44 | EE | Micah Beck, Dorian C. Arnold, Alessandro Bassi, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova, Jack Dongarra, Terry Moore, Graziano Obertelli, James S. Plank, D. Martin Swany, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Richard Wolski: Middleware for the use of storage in communication. Parallel Computing 28(12): 1773-1787 (2002) |
43 | Shava Smallen, Henri Casanova, Francine Berman: Applying scheduling and tuning to on-line parallel tomography. Scientific Programming 10(4): 271-289 (2002) | |
2001 | ||
42 | EE | Micah Beck, Dorian C. Arnold, Alessandro Bassi, Jack Dongarra, Terry Moore, James S. Plank, D. Martin Swany, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Richard Wolski, Francine Berman, Henri Casanova, Graziano Obertelli: Logistical Computing and Internetworking: Middleware for the Use of Storage in Communication. Active Middleware Services 2001: 12-21 |
41 | EE | Atsuko Takefusa, Satoshi Matsuoka, Henri Casanova, Francine Berman: A Study of Deadline Scheduling for Client-Server Systems on the Computational Grid. HPDC 2001: 406-405 |
40 | Walfredo Cirne, Francine Berman: A Model for Moldable Supercomputer Jobs. IPDPS 2001: 59 | |
39 | EE | Shava Smallen, Henri Casanova, Francine Berman: Applying scheduling and tuning to on-line parallel tomography. SC 2001: 12 |
38 | Francine Berman: From TeraGrid to Knowledge Grid. Commun. ACM 44(11): 27-28 (2001) | |
37 | EE | Silvia M. Figueira, Francine Berman: A Slowdown Model for Applications Executing on Time-Shared Clusters of Workstations. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 12(6): 653-670 (2001) |
36 | Jennifer M. Schopf, Francine Berman: Using Stochastic Information to Predict Application Behavior on Contended Resources. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 12(3): 341-364 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
35 | EE | Holly Dail, Graziano Obertelli, Francine Berman, Richard Wolski, Andrew S. Grimshaw: Application-Aware Scheduling of a Magnetohydrodynamics Application in the Legion Metasystem. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 2000: 216-228 |
34 | EE | Shava Smallen, Walfredo Cirne, Jaime Frey, Francine Berman, Richard Wolski, Mei-Hui Su, Carl Kesselman, Stephen J. Young, Mark H. Ellisman: Combining Workstations and Supercomputers to Support Grid Applications: The Parallel Tomography Experience. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 2000: 241-252 |
33 | EE | Gary Shao, Francine Berman, Richard Wolski: Master/Slave Computing on the Grid. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 2000: 3-16 |
32 | EE | Henri Casanova, Arnaud Legrand, Dmitrii Zagorodnov, Francine Berman: Heuristics for Scheduling Parameter Sweep Applications in Grid Environments. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 2000: 349-363 |
31 | EE | Walfredo Cirne, Francine Berman: Adaptive Selection of Partition Size for Supercomputer Requests. JSSPP 2000: 187-208 |
30 | EE | Henri Casanova, Graziano Obertelli, Francine Berman, Richard Wolski: The AppLeS Parameter Sweep Template: User-Level Middleware for the Grid. SC 2000 |
1999 | ||
29 | EE | Jennifer M. Schopf, Francine Berman: Using Stochastic Intervals to Predict Application Behavior on Contended Resources. ISPAN 1999: 344-349 |
28 | Gary Shao, Francine Berman, Richard Wolski: Using Effective Network Views to Promote Distributed Application Performance. PDPTA 1999: 2649-2656 | |
27 | EE | Micah Beck, Henri Casanova, Jack Dongarra, Terry Moore, James S. Plank, Francine Berman, Richard Wolski: Logistical quality of service in NetSolve. Computer Communications 22(11): 1034-1044 (1999) |
1998 | ||
26 | EE | Silvia M. Figueira, Francine Berman: Modeling the Slowdown of Data-Parallel Applications in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Clusters of Workstations. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 1998: 90-101 |
25 | EE | Jennifer M. Schopf, Francine Berman: Performance Prediction in Production Environments. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 647-653 |
1997 | ||
24 | EE | Silvia M. Figueira, Francine Berman: Predicting Slowdown for Networked Workstations. HPDC 1997: 92-101 |
23 | Gary Shao, Richard Wolski, Francine Berman: Modeling the Cost of Redistribution in Scheduling. PPSC 1997 | |
1996 | ||
22 | EE | Francine Berman, Richard Wolski: Scheduling from the Perspective of the Application. HPDC 1996: 100-111 |
21 | EE | Silvia M. Figueira, Francine Berman: Modeling the Effects of Contention on the Performance of Heterogeneous Applications. HPDC 1996: 392- |
20 | John May, Francine Berman: Retargetability and Extensibility in a Parallel Debugger. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 35(2): 142-155 (1996) | |
1994 | ||
19 | John May, Francine Berman: Designing a Parallel Debugger for Portability. IPPS 1994: 909-914 | |
18 | Val Donaldson, Francine Berman, Ramamohan Paturi: Program Speedup in a Heterogeneous Computing Network. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 21(3): 316-322 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
17 | EE | Francine Berman, Tom Kitchens: The heterogeneous computing challenge (Mini symposium). SC 1993: 616-621 |
16 | John May, Francine Berman: Panorama: A Portable, Extensible Parallel Debugger. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging 1993: 96-106 | |
15 | EE | Francine Berman, Gregory E. Shannon: Representing graph families with edge grammars. Inf. Sci. 70(3): 241-269 (1993) |
14 | David S. Johnson, Francine Berman: Performance of the Efficient Data-Driven Evaluation Scheme. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(3): 340-346 (1993) | |
1990 | ||
13 | EE | Harrick M. Vin, Francine Berman: Architectural Support for the Efficient Data-Driven Evaluation Scheme. SPAA 1990: 179-187 |
12 | Francine Berman, David S. Johnson, Frank Thomson Leighton, Peter W. Shor, Larry Snyder: Generalized Planar Matching. J. Algorithms 11(2): 153-184 (1990) | |
11 | Harrick M. Vin, Francine Berman, James S. Mattson Jr.: Efficient Data-Driven Evaluation: Theory and Implementation. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 10(4): 367-385 (1990) | |
1988 | ||
10 | Bernd Stramm, Francine Berman: Communication-Sensitive Heuristics and Algorithms for Mapping Compilers. PPOPP/PPEALS 1988: 222-234 | |
1987 | ||
9 | Mark Anderson, Francine Berman: Removing Useless Tokens from a Dataflow Computation. ICPP 1987: 614-617 | |
8 | Daniel Rose, Francine Berman: Mapping with External I/O : A Case Study. ICPP 1987: 859-862 | |
7 | Francine Berman, Lawrence Snyder: On Mapping Parallel Algorithms into Parallel Architectures. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 4(5): 439-458 (1987) | |
1986 | ||
6 | Francine Berman, Mary Ellen Bock, Eric Dittert, Michael J. O'Donnell, Darrell Plank: Collections of Functions for Perfect Hashing. SIAM J. Comput. 15(2): 604-618 (1986) | |
1985 | ||
5 | Francine Berman, Michael A. Goodrich, Charles Koelbel, W. J. Robison III, Karen Showell: Prep-P: A Mapping Preprocessor for CHiP Architectures. ICPP 1985: 731-733 | |
1982 | ||
4 | Francine Berman: Semantics of Looping Programs in Propositional Dynamic Logic. Mathematical Systems Theory 15(4): 285-294 (1982) | |
1981 | ||
3 | Francine Berman, Mike Paterson: Propositional Dynamic Logic is Weaker without Tests. Theor. Comput. Sci. 16: 321-328 (1981) | |
1980 | ||
2 | Francine Berman: Nonstandard model in propositional dynamic logic. Logic of Programs 1980: 81-85 | |
1979 | ||
1 | Francine Berman: A Completeness Technique for D-Axiomatizable Semantics STOC 1979: 160-166 |