
Steve Anderson

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9EEArcot Rajasekar, Richard Marciano, Reagan Moore, Chien-Yi Hou, Francine Berman, Lynn Burstan, Steve Anderson, Mellisa McEwen, Bee Bornheimer, Harry Kreisler, Brian Schottlaender, Luc DeClerck, Brad Westbrook, Arwen Hutt, Ardys Kozbial, Chris Frymann, Vivian Chu: Building a demonstration prototype for the preservation of large-scale multimedia collections. DG.O 2006: 287-288
8EEGeoff Sobering, Levi Cook, Steve Anderson: Pseudo-classes: very simple and lightweight mockObject-like classes for unit-testing. OOPSLA Companion 2004: 162-163
7EEStephanie Barish, Richard Edwards, Steve Anderson, Janine Fron: Innovative Pedagogies for 21st Century Multimedia Education: An Introduction to the USC Annenberg Center for Communication Multimedia Literacy Program. IV 2002: 617-621
6 James Jeppensen, Walt Allen, Steve Anderson, Michael Pilsl: Hard Disk Controller: The Disk Drive's Brain and Body. ICCD 2001: 262-267
5 Jay Lundell, Steve Anderson: Designing a "Front Panel" for Unix: The Evolution of a Metaphor. CHI 1995: 573-579
4EESteve Anderson, Shiz Kobara, Barry Mathis, Dustin Rosing, Eviatar Shafrir: SYNERGIES: a vision of information products working together. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 423-424
3EEMatthew T. O'Keefe, Terence Parr, Kevin Edgar, Steve Anderson, Paul Woodward, Hank Dietz: The Fortran-P Translator: Towards Automatic Translation of Fortran 77 Programs for Massively Parallel Processors. Scientific Programming 4(1): 1-21 (1995)
2 John Sargeant, Chris C. Kirkham, Steve Anderson: Towards a Computational Model for UFO. IFIP PACT 1994: 299-308
1EESteve Anderson, Shiz Kobara, Barry Mathis, Eviatar Shafrir: IMAGINE: a vision of health care in 1997. INTERCHI 1993: 535

Coauthor Index

1Walt Allen [6]
2Stephanie Barish [7]
3Francine Berman (Fran Berman) [9]
4Bee Bornheimer [9]
5Lynn Burstan [9]
6Vivian Chu [9]
7Levi Cook [8]
8Luc DeClerck [9]
9Hank Dietz [3]
10Kevin Edgar [3]
11Richard Edwards [7]
12Janine Fron [7]
13Chris Frymann [9]
14Chien-Yi Hou [9]
15Arwen Hutt [9]
16James Jeppensen [6]
17Chris C. Kirkham [2]
18Shiz Kobara [1] [4]
19Ardys Kozbial [9]
20Harry Kreisler [9]
21Jay Lundell [5]
22Richard Marciano [9]
23Barry Mathis [1] [4]
24Mellisa McEwen [9]
25Reagan Moore (Reagan W. Moore) [9]
26Matthew T. O'Keefe [3]
27Terence Parr [3]
28Michael Pilsl [6]
29Arcot Rajasekar [9]
30Dustin Rosing [4]
31John Sargeant [2]
32Brian Schottlaender [9]
33Eviatar Shafrir [1] [4]
34Geoff Sobering [8]
35Brad Westbrook [9]
36Paul Woodward [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)