
Mark A. Miller

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5EERami Rifaieh, Roger Unwin, Jeremy Carver, Mark A. Miller: SWAMI: Integrating Biological Databases and Analysis Tools Within User Friendly Environment. DILS 2007: 48-58
4EEAtif Shahab, Danny Chuon, Toyotaro Suzumura, Wilfred W. Li, Robert W. Byrnes, Kouji Tanaka, Larry Ang, Satoshi Matsuoka, Philip E. Bourne, Mark A. Miller, Peter W. Arzberger: Grid Portal Interface for Interactive Use and Monitoring of High-Throughput Proteome Annotation. LSGRID 2004: 53-67
3EEAdam Birnbaum, James Hayes, Wilfred W. Li, Mark A. Miller, Peter W. Arzberger, Philip E. Bourne, Henri Casanova: Grid Workflow Software for a High-Throughput Proteome Annotation Pipeline. LSGRID 2004: 68-81
2EEIlkay Altintas, Adam Birnbaum, Kim Baldridge, Wibke Sudholt, Mark A. Miller, Céline Amoreira, Yohann Potier, Bertram Ludäscher: A Framework for the Design and Reuse of Grid Workflows. SAG 2004: 120-133
1EEWilfred W. Li, Robert W. Byrnes, Jim Hayes, Adam Birnbaum, Vicente M. Reyes, Atif Shahab, Coleman Mosley, Dmitry Pekurovsky, Greg B. Quinn, Ilya N. Shindyalov, Henri Casanova, Larry Ang, Fran Berman, Peter W. Arzberger, Mark A. Miller, Philip E. Bourne: The Encyclopedia of Life Project: Grid Software and Deployment. New Generation Comput. 22(2): (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Ilkay Altintas [2]
2Céline Amoreira [2]
3Larry Ang [1] [4]
4Peter W. Arzberger [1] [3] [4]
5Kim Baldridge [2]
6Francine Berman (Fran Berman) [1]
7Adam Birnbaum [1] [2] [3]
8Philip E. Bourne [1] [3] [4]
9Robert W. Byrnes [1] [4]
10Jeremy Carver [5]
11Henri Casanova [1] [3]
12Danny Chuon [4]
13Jim Hayes (James Hayes) [1] [3]
14Wilfred W. Li [1] [3] [4]
15Bertram Ludäscher [2]
16Satoshi Matsuoka [4]
17Coleman Mosley [1]
18Dmitry Pekurovsky [1]
19Yohann Potier [2]
20Greg B. Quinn [1]
21Vicente M. Reyes [1]
22Rami Rifaieh [5]
23Atif Shahab [1] [4]
24Ilya N. Shindyalov [1]
25Wibke Sudholt [2]
26Toyotaro Suzumura [4]
27Kouji Tanaka [4]
28Roger Unwin [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)