
Robert Chadduck

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3EEFrancine Berman, Robert Chadduck, William G. LeFurgy, Daniel E. Atkins, Tony Hey: Long term storage - 100 years of digital data. SC 2006: 72
2EEReagan W. Moore, Joseph JáJá, Robert Chadduck: Mitigating Risk of Data Loss in Preservation Environments. MSST 2005: 39-48
1EEMark Huber, Alla Lake, Robert Chadduck: NARA's Electronic Records Archive (ERA) - The Electronic Records Challenge. MSST 2004: 69-78

Coauthor Index

1Daniel E. Atkins [3]
2Francine Berman (Fran Berman) [3]
3Anthony J. G. Hey (Tony Hey) [3]
4Mark Huber [1]
5Joseph JáJá [2]
6Alla Lake [1]
7William G. LeFurgy [3]
8Reagan Moore (Reagan W. Moore) [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)