
Sanghoon Park

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4 Amy L. Baylor, Daniel Warren, Sanghoon Park, E. Shen, Roberto Perez: The impact of frustration-mitigating messages delivered by an interface agent. AIED 2005: 73-79
3 Daniel Warren, E. Shen, Sanghoon Park, Amy L. Baylor, Roberto Perez: Adult Learner Perceptions of Affective Agents: Experimental Data and Phenomenological Observations. AIED 2005: 944-946
2EEManbae Kim, Sanghoon Park, Youngran Cho: Object-Based Stereoscopic Conversion of MPEG-4 Encoded Data. PCM (3) 2004: 491-498
1EEInsung Ihm, Sanghoon Park, Rae Kyoung Lee: Rendering of spherical light fields. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 1997: 59-68

Coauthor Index

1Amy L. Baylor [3] [4]
2Youngran Cho [2]
3Insung Ihm [1]
4Manbae Kim [2]
5Rae Kyoung Lee [1]
6Roberto Perez [3] [4]
7E. Shen [3] [4]
8Daniel Warren [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)