
Michael J. Jacobson

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4EEMichael J. Jacobson, Chunyan Miao, Beaumie Kim, Zhiqi Shen, Mark Chavez: Research into Learning in an Intelligent Agent Augmented Multi-user Virtual Environment. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2008: 348-351
3 Eric Hamilton, Amy L. Baylor, Mark Chavez, Ronald Cole, Chris DiGiano, Andy Hurford, Michael J. Jacobson, Manu Kapur, Leo Lee, Richard Lesh, Manuel Lima, Philip Vahey: Assessment of Group and Individual Learning through Intelligent Visualization (AGILeViz). AIED 2007: 714
2 Michael J. Jacobson: Exploring Fundamental Issues about Problem-Oriented Hypermedia. ICCE 2005: 148-155
1EEMichael J. Jacobson: Cognitive visualisations and the design of learning technologies. IJLT 1(1): 40-62 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Amy L. Baylor [3]
2Mark Chavez [3] [4]
3Ronald Cole [3]
4Chris DiGiano [3]
5Eric Hamilton [3]
6Andy Hurford [3]
7Manu Kapur [3]
8Beaumie Kim [4]
9Leo Lee [3]
10Richard Lesh [3]
11Manuel Lima [3]
12Chunyan Miao [4]
13Zhiqi Shen [4]
14Philip Vahey [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)