
Christie I. Ezeife

C. I. Ezeife

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18EEChristie I. Ezeife, Maxwell Ejelike, Akshai K. Aggarwal: WIDS: a sensor-based online mining wireless intrusion detection system. IDEAS 2008: 255-261
17EEChristie I. Ezeife, Jingyu Dong, Akshai K. Aggarwal: SensorWebIDS: a web mining intrusion detection system. IJWIS 4(1): 97-120 (2008)
16EEC. I. Ezeife, Mostafa Monwar: SSM : A Frequent Sequential Data Stream Patterns Miner. CIDM 2007: 120-126
15EEJing Li, Christie I. Ezeife: Cleaning Web Pages for Effective Web Content Mining. DEXA 2006: 560-571
14EEChristie I. Ezeife, Yi Lu: Mining Web Log Sequential Patterns with Position Coded Pre-Order Linked WAP-Tree. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 10(1): 5-38 (2005)
13EEChristie I. Ezeife, Min Chen: Incremental Mining of Web Sequential Patterns Using PLWAP Tree on Tolerance MinSupport. IDEAS 2004: 465-469
12EEChristie I. Ezeife, Min Chen: Mining Web Sequential Patterns Incrementally with Revised PLWAP Tree. WAIM 2004: 539-548
11 Christie I. Ezeife, Ajumobi Udechukwu: Data Position and Profiling in Domain-Independent Warehouse Cleaning. ICEIS (1) 2003: 232-238
10 Christie I. Ezeife, Pinakpani Dey: Incremental Horizontal Fragmentation of Database Class Objects. ICEIS (1) 2003: 239-245
9EEYi Lu, Christie I. Ezeife: Position Coded Pre-order Linked WAP-Tree for Web Log Sequential Pattern Mining. PAKDD 2003: 337-349
8EEC. I. Ezeife, Yue Su: Mining Incremental Association Rules with Generalized FP-Tree. Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 147-160
7EEZequn Zhou, C. I. Ezeife: A Low-Scan Incremental Association Rule Maintenance Method Based on the Apriori Property. Canadian Conference on AI 2001: 26-35
6EEC. I. Ezeife: Selecting and materializing horizontally partitioned warehouse views. Data Knowl. Eng. 36(2): 185-210 (2001)
5EEMei Xu, C. I. Ezeife: Maintaining Horizontally Partitioned Warehouse Views. DaWaK 2000: 126-133
4EEC. I. Ezeife, Jian Zheng: Measuring the Performance of Database Object Horizontal Fragmentation Schemes. IDEAS 1999: 408-414
3EEC. I. Ezeife, Ken Barker: Distributed Object Based Design: Vertical Fragmentation of Classes. Distributed and Parallel Databases 6(4): 317-350 (1998)
2 C. I. Ezeife: A Uniform Approach for Selecting Views and Indexes in a Data Warehouse. IDEAS 1997: 151-160
1EEC. I. Ezeife, Ken Barker: A Comprehensive Approach to Horizontal Class Fragmentation in a Distributed Object Based System. Distributed and Parallel Databases 3(3): 247-272 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Akshai K. Aggarwal [17] [18]
2Ken Barker [1] [3]
3Min Chen [12] [13]
4Pinakpani Dey [10]
5Jingyu Dong [17]
6Maxwell Ejelike [18]
7Jing Li [15]
8Yi Lu [9] [14]
9Mostafa Monwar [16]
10Yue Su [8]
11Ajumobi Udechukwu [11]
12Mei Xu [5]
13Jian Zheng [4]
14Zequn Zhou [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)