
Peter C. J. Graham

Peter Graham

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17EERajendra Singh, Peter Graham: Performance Driven Partial Checkpoint/Migrate for LAM-MPI. HPCS 2008: 110-116
16EEMohammad Shorfuzzaman, Peter Graham, M. Rasit Eskicioglu: Popularity-Driven Dynamic Replica Placement in Hierarchical Data Grids. PDCAT 2008: 524-531
15EELei Liang, Peter Graham: Assessment of a Mobile Agent Based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 1-5
14EEHossein Pourreza, Peter Graham: On the Programming Impact ofMulti-Core, Multi-Processor Nodes inMPI Clusters. HPCS 2007: 1
13EEMohammad Shorfuzzaman, M. Rasit Eskicioglu, Peter C. J. Graham: Video Transcoding Using Network Processors to Support Dynamically Adaptive Video Multicast. AINA (1) 2006: 471-476
12EEHossein Pourreza, Peter Graham: On the Fly Service Composition for Local Interaction Environments. PerCom Workshops 2006: 393-399
11EEHossein Pourreza, M. Rasit Eskicioglu, Peter C. J. Graham: Performance assessment of four cluster interconnects on identical hardware: hints for cluster builders. IJHPCN 4(5/6): 270-285 (2006)
10 Mohammad Shorfuzzaman, M. Rasit Eskicioglu, Peter C. J. Graham: Architectures for Network Processors: Key Features, Evaluation, and Trends. Communications in Computing 2004: 141-146
9 Hossein Pourreza, M. Rasit Eskicioglu, Peter C. J. Graham: Preliminary Performance Assessment of Four Cluster Interconnects on Identical Hardware. HPCS 2004: 209-212
8 Vishnu K. Narayanasami, Peter C. J. Graham: Design of a User Level Data Staging System for use in High Performance Computing Systems. HPCS 2004: 213-215
7EEDenis Caromel, Serge Chaumette, Geoffrey Fox, Peter Graham: Workshop Introduction. IPDPS 2002
6EEPeter C. J. Graham: A DSM Cluster Architecture Supporting Aggressive Computation in Active Networks. CCGRID 2001: 547-554
5EEPeter C. J. Graham, Rajendra Singh: A Mechanism for the Dynamic Construction of Clusters Using Active Networks. ICPP Workshops 2001: 403-410
4 Peter Graham, Muthucumaru Maheswaran: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, IC'2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29, 2000 CSREA Press 2000
3EEPeter C. J. Graham, Yahong Sui: LOTEC: A Simple DSM Consistency Protocol for Nested Object Transactions. PODC 1999: 153-162
2EEPeter Graham, Brian J. d'Auriol: Editorial. The Journal of Supercomputing 11(4): 331- (1997)
1 Peter C. J. Graham, Ken Barker: Effective Optimistic Concurrency Control in Multiversion Object Bases. ISOOMS 1994: 313-328

Coauthor Index

1Ken Barker [1]
2Denis Caromel [7]
3Serge Chaumette [7]
4M. Rasit Eskicioglu [9] [10] [11] [13] [16]
5Geoffrey Fox (Geoffrey Charles Fox) [7]
6Lei Liang [15]
7Muthucumaru Maheswaran [4]
8Vishnu K. Narayanasami [8]
9Hossein Pourreza [9] [11] [12] [14]
10Mohammad Shorfuzzaman [10] [13] [16]
11Rajendra Singh [5] [17]
12Yahong Sui [3]
13Brian J. d'Auriol [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)