
Ralf Arnold

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3EEFrank Poehl, Jan Rzeha, Matthias Beck, Michael Gössel, Ralf Arnold, Peter Ossimitz: On-Chip Evaluation, Compensation, and Storage of Scan Diagnosis Data - A Test Time Efficient Scan Diagnosis Architecture. European Test Symposium 2006: 239-246
2EEFrank Poehl, Matthias Beck, Ralf Arnold, Peter Muhmenthaler, Nagesh Tamarapalli, Mark Kassab, Nilanjan Mukherjee, Janusz Rajski: Industrial Experience with Adoption of EDT for Low-Cost Test without Concessions. ITC 2003: 1211-1220
1 Ralf Arnold, Markus Feuser, Horst-Udo Wedekind, Thorsten Bode: Experiences with Implementation of IDDQ Test for Identification and Automotive Products. ITC 1997: 127-135

Coauthor Index

1Matthias Beck [2] [3]
2Thorsten Bode [1]
3Markus Feuser [1]
4Michael Gössel [3]
5Mark Kassab [2]
6Peter Muhmenthaler [2]
7Nilanjan Mukherjee [2]
8Peter Ossimitz [3]
9Frank Poehl [2] [3]
10Janusz Rajski [2]
11Jan Rzeha [3]
12Nagesh Tamarapalli [2]
13Horst-Udo Wedekind [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)