
Ole H. Nielsen

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5 Paraskevi Fragopoulou, Ole H. Nielsen: Performance Evaluation and Modeling of Reduction Operations on the IBM RS/6000 SP Parallel Computer. PARA 1996: 272-283
4 B. Hammer, Ole H. Nielsen: Parallel Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics. PARA 1995: 295-302
3 Ole H. Nielsen: Data-Parallel Molecular Dynamics with Neighbor-Lists. PARA 1995: 443-449
2 Ole H. Nielsen: Performance of a Molecular-Dynamics Algorithm on Connection Machines CM-200 and CM-5. HPCN 1994: 261-266
1 Ole H. Nielsen: Molecular dynamics: experiences with Connection Machines CM-200 and CM-5. PARA 1994: 392-396

Coauthor Index

1Paraskevi Fragopoulou [5]
2B. Hammer [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)