
Yakov I. Fet

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9 Yakov I. Fet: Teaching historical truth: Pages from the history of Russian computer science. TelE-Learning 2002: 61-68
8 Valeri P. Il'in, Yakov I. Fet: An Architecture of a Parallel Grid Multiprocessor. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 16(1): (1997)
7 Yakov I. Fet, Alexander Vazhenin: Highly Parallel Concentrated Heterogeneous Computing. PARA 1995: 177-188
6 Yakov I. Fet, Dmitri A. Pospelov: Parallel Computing in Russia. PaCT 1995: 464-476
5EEYakov I. Fet: Vertical Processing Systems: A Survey. IEEE Micro 15(1): 65-75 (1995)
4 Yakov I. Fet, Alexander Vazhenin: Heterogeneous Processing: A Combined Approach. PARA 1994: 194-206
3 Yakov I. Fet: Digital Compressors. Parcella 1994: 13-25
2 Valeri P. Il'in, Yakov I. Fet: Grid Massively Parallel Processor. PARLE 1993: 752-755
1 Yakov I. Fet: Comments on ``A Design of a Fast Cellular Associative Memory for Ordered Retrieval''. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(8): 756-757 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Valeri P. Il'in [2] [8]
2Dmitri A. Pospelov [6]
3Alexander Vazhenin (Alexander P. Vazhenin) [4] [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)