
Roldan Pozo

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10EEIain S. Duff, Michael A. Heroux, Roldan Pozo: An overview of the sparse basic linear algebra subprograms: The new standard from the BLAS technical forum. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 28(2): 239-267 (2002)
9EEMichael Philippsen, Ronald F. Boisvert, Vladimir Getov, Roldan Pozo, José E. Moreira, Dennis Gannon, Geoffrey Fox: JavaGrande - High Performance Computing with Java. PARA 2000: 20-36
8EERonald F. Boisvert, Jack Dongarra, Roldan Pozo, Karin A. Remington, G. W. Stewart: Developing numerical libraries in Java CoRR cs.MS/9809009: (1998)
7 Ronald F. Boisvert, Jack Dongarra, Roldan Pozo, Karin A. Remington, G. W. Stewart: Developing numerical libraries in Java. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 10(11-13): 1117-1129 (1998)
6 Ronald F. Boisvert, Roldan Pozo, Karin A. Remington, Richard F. Barrett, Jack Dongarra: Matrix Market: a web resource for test matrix collections. Quality of Numerical Software 1996: 125-137
5 Roldan Pozo, Sharon L. Smith: Limited Resource Scheduling in Sparse Matrix Algorithms. HICSS (2) 1994: 473-482
4 Jaeyoung Choi, Jack Dongarra, Roldan Pozo, David W. Walker: Constructing Numerical Software Libraries for High-Performance Computing Environments. PARA 1994: 147-168
3 Roldan Pozo, Sharon L. Smith: Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Multifrontal Method in a Distributed Memory Environment. PPSC 1993: 453-456
2EEJack Dongarra, Roldan Pozo, David W. Walker: LAPACK++: a design overview of object-oriented extensions for high performance linear algebra. SC 1993: 162-171
1 Roldan Pozo: Performance Modeling of Sparse Matrix Methods for Distributed Memory Architectures. CONPAR 1992: 677-688

Coauthor Index

1Richard F. Barrett [6]
2Ronald F. Boisvert [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Jaeyoung Choi [4]
4Jack Dongarra [2] [4] [6] [7] [8]
5Iain S. Duff [10]
6Geoffrey Fox (Geoffrey Charles Fox) [9]
7Dennis Gannon [9]
8Vladimir Getov [9]
9Michael A. Heroux [10]
10José E. Moreira [9]
11Michael Philippsen [9]
12Karin A. Remington [6] [7] [8]
13Sharon L. Smith [3] [5]
14G. W. Stewart [7] [8]
15David W. Walker [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)