13. MMB 2006:
Reinhard German, Armin Heindl (Eds.):
Proceedings 13th GI/ITG Conference on Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, MMB 2006, March 27-29, 2006, Nürnberg, Germany.
VDE Verlag/VDE Verlag 2006, ISBN 978-3-8007-2945-6 BibTeX
Invited Talk 1
Wireless Network
Traffic Modelling
Invited Talk 2
- Jan Tretmans:
Model-based testing: An attempt to combine provable soundness and effective automation and industrial applicability.
99-100 BibTeX
Benchmarking and Measurements
Emulation and Testing
Queueing Systems
Analysis Techniques
Invited Talk 3
Network Models
Traffic Engineering
Queueing Networks
Tool Presentations
- Detlef Sass, Sascha Junghans:
I2MP - An architecture for hardware-supported high-precision traffic measurement.
437-440 BibTeX
- Dirk Christiansen, Lars Diederichsen, Tadeus Uhl:
TraceView®: Ein hybrides Messsystem für ISDN und VoIP.
441-444 BibTeX
- Dietmar Tutsch, Daniel Lüdtke, Matthias Kühm:
Investigating dynamic reconfiguration of network architectures with CINSim.
445-448 BibTeX
- Frank Slomka:
Simulation of distributed embedded real-time systems.
449-452 BibTeX
- René Böringer, Andreas Mitschele-Thiel, Gunnar Scharfe:
TRIAS: Optimization of complex networks.
453-456 BibTeX
- Peter Buchholz, Peter Kemper, Dennis Müller, Mathias Stöber, Axel Thümmler:
OPEDo: A tool for optimization and performance evaluation of stochastic models.
457-460 BibTeX
- Max Walter, Carsten Trinitis:
Modeling inter-component dependencies of high-availability systems using OpenSESAME.
461-464 BibTeX
- Matthias Kuntz, Markus Siegle:
CASPA: Symbolic model checking of stochastic systems.
465-468 BibTeX
- Patrick Wüchner, Hermann de Meer, Jörg Barner, Gunter Bolch:
A brief introduction to MOSEL-2.
469-472 BibTeX
- Armin Zimmermann, Michael Knoke, Alexander Huck, Günter Hommel:
Towards version 4.0 of TimeNET.
473-476 BibTeX
- Peter Bazan, Gunter Bolch, Reinhard German:
WinPEPSY-QNS - Performance evaluation and prediction system for queueing networks.
477-480 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:30:18 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)