
Marc Necker

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7EEMarc Necker: Local Interference Coordination in Cellular OFDMA Networks. VTC Fall 2007: 1741-1746
6 Marc Necker, Christoph Gauger, Sebastian Kiesel, Ulrich Reiser: IKREmuLib: A library for seamless integration of simulation and emulation. MMB 2006: 173-190
5EEMarc Necker: Towards frequency reuse 1 cellular FDM/TDM systems. MSWiM 2006: 338-346
4EEMarc Necker, Michael Scharf, Andreas Weber: Performance of Different Proxy Concepts in UMTS Networks. EuroNGI Workshop 2004: 36-51
3EEMichael Scharf, Marc Necker, Bernd Gloss: The Sensitivity of TCP to Sudden Delay Variations in Mobile Networks. NETWORKING 2004: 76-87
2 Marc Necker: Improving Performance of SDH/SONET-WDM Multilayer Networks Using Weighted Integrated Routing. KiVS 2003: 421-432
1EEMarc Necker, Didier Contis, David E. Schimmel: TCP-Stream Reassembly and State Tracking in Hardware. FCCM 2002: 286-

Coauthor Index

1Didier Contis [1]
2Christoph Gauger [6]
3Bernd Gloss [3]
4Sebastian Kiesel [6]
5Ulrich Reiser [6]
6Michael Scharf [3] [4]
7David E. Schimmel [1]
8Andreas Weber [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)