
Kai Lampka

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6EEKai Lampka: A New Algorithm for Partitioned Symbolic Reachability Analysis. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 223: 137-151 (2008)
5EEKai Lampka, S. Harwarth, Markus Siegle: Can matrix-layout-independent numerical solvers be efficient?: implementing the Moebius state-level abstract functional interface for ZDDs. VALUETOOLS 2007: 78
4EEKai Lampka, Markus Siegle, Max Walter: An Easy-to-Use, Efficient Tool-Chain to Analyze the Availability of Telecommunication Equipment. FMICS/PDMC 2006: 35-50
3 Kai Lampka, Markus Siegle: Activity-local symbolic state graph generation for high-level stochastic models. MMB 2006: 245-264
2EEKai Lampka, Markus Siegle: Analysis of Markov reward models using zero-suppressed multi-terminal BDDs. VALUETOOLS 2006: 35
1EEMatthias Kuntz, Kai Lampka: Probabilistic Methods in State Space Analysis. Validation of Stochastic Systems 2004: 339-383

Coauthor Index

1S. Harwarth [5]
2Matthias Kuntz [1]
3Markus Siegle [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Max Walter [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)