
Tae-Geun Kim

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8EESung-Woo Lee, Hyun-Sung Kim, Jung-Joon Kim, Tae-Geun Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Efficient Fixed-Size Systolic Arrays for the Modular Multiplication. COCOON 1999: 442-451
7 Kook-Heui Lee, Sang-Jae Moon, Won-Young Jeong, Tae-Geun Kim: A 2-Pass Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Mobile Communications. ICISC 1999: 156-168
6 Oh-Young Kwon, Young-Sung Son, Tae-Geun Kim: A High Performance VOD Server by Using PC-Clustering Techniques. IMSA 1999: 157-162
5 Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo, Jung-Joon Kim, Tae-Geun Kim: Pipelined Systolic Multiplier for Finite Fields GF (2m). PDPTA 1999: 1224-1229
4 Kyeong-Deok Moon, Jun-Hee Park, Tae-Geun Kim, Kyung-Hee Choi: Implementing the Scalable PC Clustering System. PDPTA 1999: 758-764
3 Young-Sung Son, Oh-Young Kwon, Tae-Geun Kim, Sung-Soon Park: A High Performance VOD Server and its I/O Scheme on PC-Clustering Environment. PDPTA 1999: 765-771
2EEYoung-Sung Son, Yu-Seok Bae, Oh-Young Kwon, Tae-Geun Kim, Chang-Soon Park: CrownFS: a clustered continuous media server. ICPADS 1997: 498-505
1EETae-Geun Kim, Kyeong-Deok Moon, Nanjoo Ban, Jungkwon Kim: Pptran: Source to Source Translator for High Performance Fortran. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 9(3-4): 213-225 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Yu-Seok Bae [2]
2Nanjoo Ban [1]
3Kyung-Hee Choi [4]
4Won-Young Jeong [7]
5Hyun-Sung Kim [5] [8]
6Jung-Joon Kim [5] [8]
7Jungkwon Kim [1]
8Oh-Young Kwon [2] [3] [6]
9Kook-Heui Lee [7]
10Sung-Woo Lee [8]
11Kyeong-Deok Moon [1] [4]
12Sang-Jae Moon [7]
13Chang-Soon Park [2]
14Jun-Hee Park [4]
15Sung-Soon Park [3]
16Young-Sung Son [2] [3] [6]
17Kee-Young Yoo [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)