
Oh-Young Kwon

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14EEEui Heo, Kyung-Lang Park, Oh-Young Kwon, Oh-Kyung Kwon, Shin-Dug Kim: Web Service Resource Framework Based Computing Service Framework for Computational Grid Applications. ISPA Workshops 2006: 569-578
13EEHyung-Min Yoon, WooShik Kang, Oh-Young Kwon, Seong-Hun Jeong, Bum-Seok Kang, Tack-Don Han: Design of a Mobile Application Framework with Context Sensitivities. IEICE Transactions 89-D(2): 508-515 (2006)
12EEKyung-Lang Park, Chang-Soon Kim, Oh-Young Kwon, Hyoung-Woo Park, Shin-Dug Kim: A Personalized and Scalable Service Broker for the Global Computing Environment. ISPA 2005: 725-736
11EEKumrye Park, Sung-Yong Park, Oh-Young Kwon, Hyoung-Woo Park: MPICH-GP: A Private-IP-Enabled MPI Over Grid Environments. ISPA 2004: 469-473
10EESiyoul Choi, Kumrye Park, Saeyoung Han, Sungyong Park, Oh-Young Kwon, Yoonhee Kim, Hyoung-Woo Park: An NAT-Based Communication Relay Scheme for Private-IP-Enabled MPI over Grid Environments. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 499-502
9EEKyung-Lang Park, Hwang-Jik Lee, Youn-Joo Lee, Oh-Young Kwon, Sung-Yong Park, Hyoung-Woo Park, Shin-Dug Kim: An Efficient Collective Communication Method for Grid Scale Networks. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 819-828
8 Hwang-Jik Lee, Kyung-Lang Park, Kwang-Won Koh, Oh-Young Kwon, Hyoung-Woo Park, Shin-Dug Kim: Improving the Performance of Grid-Enabled MPI by Intelligent Message Compression. International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 772-780
7EEKyung-Lang Park, Hwang-Jik Lee, Kwang-Won Koh, Oh-Young Kwon, Sung-Yong Park, Hyoung-Woo Park, Shin-Dug Kim: Dynamic Topology Selection for High Performance MPI in the Grid Environments. PVM/MPI 2003: 595-602
6 Chang-Soon Park, Mann-Ho Lee, Young-Sung Son, Oh-Young Kwon: Design and Implementation of VoD Server by using Clustered File System. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III) 2000: 1465-1468
5 Chang-Soon Park, Young-Sung Son, Mann-Ho Lee, Oh-Young Kwon: Design and Implementation of Linux Clustered VoD System. PDPTA 2000
4 Oh-Young Kwon, Young-Sung Son, Tae-Geun Kim: A High Performance VOD Server by Using PC-Clustering Techniques. IMSA 1999: 157-162
3 Young-Sung Son, Oh-Young Kwon, Tae-Geun Kim, Sung-Soon Park: A High Performance VOD Server and its I/O Scheme on PC-Clustering Environment. PDPTA 1999: 765-771
2EEYoung-Sung Son, Yu-Seok Bae, Oh-Young Kwon, Tae-Geun Kim, Chang-Soon Park: CrownFS: a clustered continuous media server. ICPADS 1997: 498-505
1 Youngsik Kim, Oh-Young Kwon, Tack-Don Han, Youngsong Mun: Design and performance analysis of the Practical Fat Tree Network using a butterfly network. Journal of Systems Architecture 43(1-5): 355-363 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Yu-Seok Bae [2]
2Siyoul Choi [10]
3Saeyoung Han [10]
4Tack-Don Han [1] [13]
5Eui Heo [14]
6Seong-Hun Jeong [13]
7Bum-Seok Kang [13]
8WooShik Kang [13]
9Chang-Soon Kim [12]
10Shin-Dug Kim [7] [8] [9] [12] [14]
11Tae-Geun Kim [2] [3] [4]
12Yoonhee Kim [10]
13Youngsik Kim [1]
14Kwang-Won Koh [7] [8]
15Oh-Kyung Kwon [14]
16Hwang-Jik Lee [7] [8] [9]
17Mann-Ho Lee [5] [6]
18Youn-Joo Lee [9]
19Youngsong Mun [1]
20Chang-Soon Park [2] [5] [6]
21Hyoung-Woo Park [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
22Kumrye Park [10] [11]
23Kyung-Lang Park [7] [8] [9] [12] [14]
24Sung-Soon Park [3]
25Sung-Yong Park [7] [9] [11]
26Sungyong Park [10]
27Young-Sung Son [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
28Hyung-Min Yoon [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)