
Oge Marques

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30EELiam M. Mayron, Oge Marques: Using a game to evaluate image retrieval, organization, and annotation. ICIP 2008: 77-80
29EEOge Marques, Mathias Lux: An exploratory study on joint analysis of visual classification in narrow domains and the discriminative power of tags. MS 2008: 40-47
28 Gustavo B. Borba, Humberto R. Gamba, Liam M. Mayron, Oge Marques: Integrated global and object-based image retrieval using a multiple example query scheme. VISAPP (2) 2007: 143-148
27 Oge Marques, Liam M. Mayron, Daniel Socek, Gustavo B. Borba, Humberto R. Gamba: An attention-based method for extracting salient regions of interest from stereo images. VISAPP (2) 2007: 294-297
26 Dubravko Culibrk, Daniel Socek, Oge Marques, Borko Furht: Automatic kernel width selection for neural network based video object segmentation. VISAPP (2) 2007: 472-479
25EEDubravko Culibrk, Oge Marques, Daniel Socek, Hari Kalva, Borko Furht: Neural Network Approach to Background Modeling for Video Object Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18(6): 1614-1627 (2007)
24EEDaniel Socek, Hari Kalva, Spyros S. Magliveras, Oge Marques, Dubravko Culibrk, Borko Furht: New approaches to encryption and steganography for digital videos. Multimedia Syst. 13(3): 191-204 (2007)
23EEGustavo B. Borba, Humberto R. Gamba, Oge Marques, Liam M. Mayron: An unsupervised method for clustering images based on their salient regions of interest. ACM Multimedia 2006: 145-148
22EELakis Christodoulou, Liam M. Mayron, Hari Kalva, Oge Marques, Borko Furht: 3D TV using MPEG-2 and H.264 view coding and autostereoscopic displays. ACM Multimedia 2006: 505-506
21EEOge Marques, Liam M. Mayron, Gustavo B. Borba, Humberto R. Gamba: Using visual attention to extract regions of interest in the context of image retrieval. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 638-643
20EEDaniel Socek, Hari Kalva, Spyros S. Magliveras, Oge Marques, Dubravko Culibrk, Borko Furht: A Permutation-Based Correlation-Preserving Encryption Method for Digital Videos. ICIAR (1) 2006: 547-558
19EEHari Kalva, Lakis Christodoulou, Liam M. Mayron, Oge Marques, Borko Furht: Challenges and Opportunities in Video Coding for 3D TV. ICME 2006: 1689-1692
18EEDaniel Socek, Dubravko Culibrk, Hari Kalva, Oge Marques, Borko Furht: Permutation-Based Low-Complexity Alternate Coding in Multi-View H.264/AVC. ICME 2006: 2141-2144
17EEOge Marques, Liam M. Mayron, Gustavo B. Borba, Humberto R. Gamba: On the Potential of Incorporating Knowledge of Human Visual Attention into Cbir Systems. ICME 2006: 773-776
16EELiam M. Mayron, Oge Marques, Gustavo B. Borba, Humberto R. Gamba, Vladimir Nedovic: A Forward-Looking User Interface for CBIR and CFIR Systems. ISM 2006: 779-780
15EEDaniel Socek, Michal Sramka, Oge Marques, Dubravko Culibrk: An improvement to a biometric.based multimedia content protection scheme. MM&Sec 2006: 135-139
14EEHari Kalva, Lakis Christodoulou, Liam M. Mayron, Oge Marques, Borko Furht: Design and evaluation of a 3D video system based on H.264 view coding. NOSSDAV 2006: 12
13 Dubravko Culibrk, Oge Marques, Daniel Socek, Hari Kalva, Borko Furht: A neural network approach to bayesian background modeling for video object segmentation. VISAPP (1) 2006: 474-479
12EEOge Marques: Content Extraction and Metadata. Encyclopedia of Multimedia 2006
11EEOge Marques: Image Compression and Coding. Encyclopedia of Multimedia 2006
10EEOge Marques: Image Data Representations. Encyclopedia of Multimedia 2006
9EEHari Kalva, Oge Marques: Guest editorial: Special issue on wireless multimedia. Multimedia Tools Appl. 28(1-2): 123-124 (2006)
8EEDaniel Socek, Dubravko Culibrk, Oge Marques, Hari Kalva, Borko Furht: A Hybrid Color-Based Foreground Object Detection Method for Automated Marine Surveillance. ACIVS 2005: 340-347
7EEOge Marques, Pierre Baillargeon: A Multimedia Traffic Classification Scheme for Intrusion Detection Systems. ICITA (2) 2005: 496-501
6EEOge Marques, Nitish Barman: Semi-automatic Semantic Annotation of Images Using Machine Learning Techniques. International Semantic Web Conference 2003: 550-565
5 Borko Furht, Oge Marques: Image and Video Databases Track Editorial. SAC 2003: 759
4 Borko Furht, Ken Gustafson, Hesong Huang, Oge Marques: An Adaptive Three-Dimensional DCT Compression Based on Motion Analysis. SAC 2003: 765-768
3 Oge Marques, Borko Furht: Combining Clustering and Relevance Feedback Techniques in Content-based Image Retrieval. IMSA 2002: 306-311
2 Oge Marques, Borko Furht: MUSE: A Content-Based Image Search and Retrieval System Using Relevance Feedback. Multimedia Tools Appl. 17(1): 21-50 (2002)
1 Oge Marques, Borko Furht: Issues in Designing Contemporary Video Database Systems. IMSA 1999: 43-47

Coauthor Index

1Pierre Baillargeon [7]
2Nitish Barman [6]
3Gustavo B. Borba [16] [17] [21] [23] [27] [28]
4Lakis Christodoulou [14] [19] [22]
5Dubravko Culibrk [8] [13] [15] [18] [20] [24] [25] [26]
6Borko Furht [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [13] [14] [18] [19] [20] [22] [24] [25] [26]
7Humberto R. Gamba [16] [17] [21] [23] [27] [28]
8Ken Gustafson [4]
9Hesong Huang [4]
10Hari Kalva [8] [9] [13] [14] [18] [19] [20] [22] [24] [25]
11Mathias Lux [29]
12Spyros S. Magliveras [20] [24]
13Liam M. Mayron [14] [16] [17] [19] [21] [22] [23] [27] [28] [30]
14Vladimir Nedovic [16]
15Daniel Socek [8] [13] [15] [18] [20] [24] [25] [26] [27]
16Michal Sramka [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)