dblp.uni-trier.de GI

5. Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems 1991: Nürnberg, Germany

Mario Dal Cin, Wolfgang Hohl (Eds.): Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems, Tests, Diagnosis, Fault Treatment, 5th International GI/ITG/GMA Conference, Nürnberg, Germany, September 25-27, 1991, Proceedings. Informatik-Fachberichte 283 Springer 1991, ISBN 3-540-54545-X BibTeX
  editor    = {Mario Dal Cin and
               Wolfgang Hohl},
  title     = {Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems, Tests, Diagnosis, Fault Treatment,
               5th International GI/ITG/GMA Conference, N{\"u}rnberg, Germany,
               September 25-27, 1991, Proceedings},
  booktitle = {Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
  volume    = {283},
  year      = {1991},
  isbn      = {3-540-54545-X},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}

Keynote Address

Reconfiguration and Recovery

System Level Diagnosis

Voting and Agreement


Fault-Tolerant Circuits

Array Testing

Applied Fault Tolerance

Fault-Tolerant Arrays Systems

Interconnection Networks

Fault-Tolerant Software

Appendix: Industrial Presentation

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:19:40 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)