
M. Becker

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11 D. C. Smith, M. Becker, J. Burns-Howell, J. Kyriakides: Creating high performance IS teams. South African Computer Journal 28: 21-29 (2002)
10 M. Becker, Friedrich Lücking: A Practical Approach for a Fault-Tolerant Massively Paralle Computer. Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems 1991: 419-424
9 M. Becker, C. Dekoninck, J. P. Prost, B. Verrier: Stochastic Petri net model for the FPS/264. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 5(2): 65-72 (1990)
8 B. J. Roessler, G. Bell, S. Heidler, S. Seino, M. Becker, T. D. Palella: Cloning of two distinct copies of human phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase cDNA. Nucleic Acids Research 18(1): 193 (1990)
7EEJ. P. Prost, M. Becker: Modeling Methodology for Performance Evaluation of Parallel Architectures a Case Study, LCAP. International Journal of High Speed Computing 1(4): 563-601 (1989)
6 M. Becker, C. Dekoninck, J. P. Prost, B. Verrier: An Aggregated Stochastic Petri Net for the FPS/264 Model. SIGMETRICS 1988: 272
5 M. Becker, R. Kopp: Anwendung von höheren Optimierungsverfahren in der Umformtechnik. Simulationstechnik 1988: 337-342
4 J. R. Barra, M. Becker, E. F. M. Kouka, M. Tricot: Application of Data Analysis Methods and of Simulated Annealing for the Automatic Layout of Circuits. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 2(1): 3-15 (1987)
3EEM. Becker, G. Pion: Simulation of an Apollo network in order to evaluate response-time speedup of parallel algorithms. Journal of Systems and Software 6(1-2): 81-91 (1986)
2 Nguyen Hoan Phuc, M. Becker, P. Sevray: Performance Comparison Between B*-Tree and Prefix Binary Tree Index Organizations. ICOD 1983: 358-376
1 M. Becker, W. Dersch, K. Guntermann, P. Hofferbert, A. Kappas, E. Seibert, H. Waldschmidt: Ein PASCAL-Übersetzer für Kleinrechner mit Z80-Kern. PASCAL 1979: 64-73

Coauthor Index

1J. R. Barra [4]
2G. Bell [8]
3J. Burns-Howell [11]
4C. Dekoninck [6] [9]
5W. Dersch [1]
6K. Guntermann [1]
7S. Heidler [8]
8P. Hofferbert [1]
9A. Kappas [1]
10R. Kopp [5]
11E. F. M. Kouka [4]
12J. Kyriakides [11]
13Friedrich Lücking [10]
14T. D. Palella [8]
15Nguyen Hoan Phuc [2]
16G. Pion [3]
17J. P. Prost [6] [7] [9]
18B. J. Roessler [8]
19E. Seibert [1]
20S. Seino [8]
21P. Sevray [2]
22D. C. Smith [11]
23M. Tricot [4]
24B. Verrier [6] [9]
25H. Waldschmidt [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)