
Gerhard E. Wittig

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5 Gavin R. Finnie, Gerhard E. Wittig, Jean-Marc Desharnais: Estimating Software Development Effort with Case-Based Reasoning. ICCBR 1997: 13-22
4EEGerhard E. Wittig, Gavin R. Finnie: Estimating software development effort with connectionist models. Information & Software Technology 39(7): 469-476 (1997)
3EEGavin R. Finnie, Gerhard E. Wittig, Jean-Marc Desharnais: A comparison of software effort estimation techniques: Using function points with neural networks, case-based reasoning and regression models. Journal of Systems and Software 39(3): 281-289 (1997)
2 Gerhard E. Wittig, Gavin R. Finnie: Software design for the automation of unadjusted function point counting. Business Process Re-Engineering 1994: 613-623
1EEGavin R. Finnie, Gerhard E. Wittig, Doncho I. Petkov: Prioritizing software development productivity factors using the analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Systems and Software 22(2): 129-139 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Marc Desharnais [3] [5]
2Gavin R. Finnie [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Doncho I. Petkov [1]

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