
Bing Leng

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8EEBing Leng, Randall K. Hands, Manoj K. Mahapatra, James R. Stuhlmacher: Maintaining data consistency across distributed elements using XML/XSLT. Bell Labs Technical Journal 9(4): 117-131 (2005)
7 James R. Trott, Bing Leng: An Engineering Approach for Troubleshooting Case Bases. ICCBR 1997: 178-189
6 Wei-Min Shen, Bing Leng: Metapattern Generation for Integrated Data Mining. KDD 1996: 152-157
5EEWei-Min Shen, Bing Leng: A Metapattern-Based Automated Discovery Loop for Integrated Data Mining - Unsupervised Learning of Relational Patterns. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(6): 898-910 (1996)
4 Bing Leng, Wei-Min Shen: A Metapattern-Based Automated Discovery Loop for Integrated Data Mining (Abstract). KDOOD/TDOOD 1995: 36-38
3 Bing Leng, Bruce G. Buchanan, Hugh B. Nicholas: Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using Two-Level Case-Based Reasoning. ISMB 1993: 251-259
2 Bing Leng, Bruce G. Buchanan: Extending Inductive Methods to Create Practical Tools for Building Expert Systems. ICTAI 1992: 442-445
1 Bing Leng, Bruce G. Buchanan: Constructive Induction on Symbolic Features. ML 1991: 163-167

Coauthor Index

1Bruce G. Buchanan [1] [2] [3]
2Randall K. Hands [8]
3Manoj K. Mahapatra [8]
4Hugh B. Nicholas [3]
5Wei-Min Shen [4] [5] [6]
6James R. Stuhlmacher [8]
7James R. Trott [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)