
Jürgen Schumacher

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5EEJürgen Schumacher, Uwe Jaekel, Achim Basermann: Parallelization and Vectorization of Simulation Based Option Pricing Methods. ICCSA (3) 2003: 139-147
4 Jürgen Schumacher: Empolis orenge - an Open Platform for Knowledge Management Applications. German Workshop on Experience Management 2002: 61-62
3EEJürgen Schumacher, Ralph Bergmann: An Efficient Approach to Similarity-Based Retrieval on Top of Relational Databases. EWCBR 2000: 273-284
2EERalph Bergmann, Sean Breen, Emmanuelle Fayol, Mehmet H. Göker, Michel Manago, Sascha Schmitt, Jürgen Schumacher, Armin Stahl, Stefan Wess, Wolfgang Wilke: Collecting Experience on the Systematic Development of CBR Applications Using the INRECA Methodology. EWCBR 1998: 460-470
1 Ralph Bergmann, Wolfgang Wilke, Jürgen Schumacher: Using Software Process Modeling for Building a Case-Based Reasoning Methodology: Basis Approach and Case Study. ICCBR 1997: 509-518

Coauthor Index

1Achim Basermann [5]
2Ralph Bergmann [1] [2] [3]
3Sean Breen [2]
4Emmanuelle Fayol [2]
5Mehmet H. Göker [2]
6Uwe Jaekel [5]
7Michel Manago [2]
8Sascha Schmitt [2]
9Armin Stahl [2]
10Stefan Wess [2]
11Wolfgang Wilke [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)