
Juho Rousu

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30EEEsa Pitkänen, Ari Rantanen, Juho Rousu, Esko Ukkonen: A Computational Method for Reconstructing Gapless Metabolic Networks. BIRD 2008: 288-302
29EETapio Elomaa, Jussi Kujala, Juho Rousu: Practical Approximation of Optimal Multivariate Discretization. ISMIS 2006: 612-621
28EEAri Rantanen, Taneli Mielikäinen, Juho Rousu, Hannu Maaheimo, Esko Ukkonen: Planning optimal measurements of isotopomer distributions for estimation of metabolic fluxes. Bioinformatics 22(10): 1198-1206 (2006)
27EEJuho Rousu, Craig Saunders, Sándor Szedmák, John Shawe-Taylor: Kernel-Based Learning of Hierarchical Multilabel Classification Models. Journal of Machine Learning Research 7: 1601-1626 (2006)
26EEAri Rantanen, Hannu Maaheimo, Esa Pitkänen, Juho Rousu, Esko Ukkonen: Equivalence of Metabolite Fragments and Flow Analysis of Isotopomer Distributions for Flux Estimation. T. Comp. Sys. Biology: 198-220 (2006)
25EETapio Elomaa, Jussi Kujala, Juho Rousu: Approximation Algorithms for Minimizing Empirical Error by Axis-Parallel Hyperplanes. ECML 2005: 547-555
24 Ari Rantanen, Taneli Mielikäinen, Juho Rousu, Esko Ukkonen: Planning isotopomer measurements for estimation of metabolic fluxes. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2005: 177-191
23EEJuho Rousu, Craig Saunders, Sándor Szedmák, John Shawe-Taylor: Learning hierarchical multi-category text classification models. ICML 2005: 744-751
22EEEsa Pitkänen, Ari Rantanen, Juho Rousu, Esko Ukkonen: Finding Feasible Pathways in Metabolic Networks. Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2005: 123-133
21EEJuho Rousu, John Shawe-Taylor: Efficient Computation of Gapped Substring Kernels on Large Alphabets. Journal of Machine Learning Research 6: 1323-1344 (2005)
20EETapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Efficient Multisplitting Revisited: Optima-Preserving Elimination of Partition Candidates. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 8(2): 97-126 (2004)
19EEJuho Rousu, Ari Rantanen, Hannu Maaheimo, Esa Pitkänen, Katja Saarela, Esko Ukkonen: A Method for Estimating Metabolic Fluxes from Incomplete Isotopomer Information. CMSB 2003: 88-103
18EETapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: On Decision Boundaries of Naïve Bayes in Continuous Domains. PKDD 2003: 144-155
17EETapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Necessary and Sufficient Pre-processing in Numerical Range Discretization. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 5(2): 162-182 (2003)
16 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Fast Minimum Training Error Discretization. ICML 2002: 131-138
15 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Linear-Time Preprocessing in Optimal Numerical Range Partitioning. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 18(1): 55-70 (2002)
14EETapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Preprocessing Opportunities in Optimal Numerical Range Partitioning. ICDM 2001: 115-122
13 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: On the Computational Complexity of Optimal Multisplitting. Fundam. Inform. 47(1-2): 35-52 (2001)
12 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Generalizing Boundary Points. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 570-576
11EETapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: On the Complexity of Optimal Multisplitting. ISMIS 2000: 552-561
10 Juho Rousu, Tapio Elomaa, Robert J. Aarts: Predicting the Speed of Beer Fermentation in Laboratory and Industrial Scale. IWANN (2) 1999: 893-901
9 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Speeding Up the Search for Optimal Partitions. PKDD 1999: 89-97
8 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: General and Efficient Multisplitting of Numerical Attributes. Machine Learning 36(3): 201-244 (1999)
7 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Postponing the Evaluation of Attributes with a High Number of Boundary Points. PKDD 1998: 221-229
6 Robert J. Aarts, Juho Rousu: Qualitative Knowledge to Support Reasoning About Cases. ICCBR 1997: 489-498
5 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Well-Behaved Evaluation Functions for Numerical Attributes. ISMIS 1997: 147-156
4 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: Efficient Multisplitting on Numerical Data. PKDD 1997: 178-188
3 Tapio Elomaa, Juho Rousu: On the Well-Behavedness of Important Attribute Evaluation Functions. SCAI 1997: 95-106
2 Robert J. Aarts, Juho Rousu: Towards CBR for Bioprocess Planning. EWCBR 1996: 16-27
1 Juho Rousu, Robert J. Aarts: Adaptation Cost as a Criterion for Solution Evaluation. EWCBR 1996: 354-361

Coauthor Index

1Robert J. Aarts [1] [2] [6] [10]
2Tapio Elomaa [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [25] [29]
3Jussi Kujala [25] [29]
4Hannu Maaheimo [19] [26] [28]
5Taneli Mielikäinen [24] [28]
6Esa Pitkänen [19] [22] [26] [30]
7Ari Rantanen [19] [22] [24] [26] [28] [30]
8Katja Saarela [19]
9Craig Saunders [23] [27]
10John Shawe-Taylor [21] [23] [27]
11Sándor Szedmák [23] [27]
12Esko Ukkonen [19] [22] [24] [26] [28] [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)