22. CATA 2007:
Bidyut Gupta (Ed.):
22nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, CATA-2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 28-30, 2007.
ISCA 2007, ISBN 978-1-880843-62-8 BibTeX
- Tieming Ji, K. Gopavarapu, Desh Ranjan, B. Vasudevan, C. S. Gopalan, Mary O'Connell:
Tools for Cis-element Recognition and Phylogenetic Tree Construction Based on Conserved Patterns.
1-6 BibTeX
- Parimal Patel, Chirag Parikh:
Low Power Implementation of AES (RIJNDAEL) Algorithm.
7-11 BibTeX
- Hung-Chi Su, Hai Jiang, Bin Zhang:
An Empirical Study on Many-Particle Collision Algorithms.
12-17 BibTeX
- Reza Sotudeh, Jun Xu, Aladdin M. Ariyaeeinia:
Speech Processing on FPGA.
18-23 BibTeX
- Amal Perera, William Perrizo:
Parameter Optimized, Vertical, Nearest-Neighbor-Vote and Boundary-Based Classification.
24-29 BibTeX
- Sadiq M. Sait, Mohammed Faheemuddin, Mustafa I. Ali, Syed Sanaullah:
Simulated Evolution based Hybrids for Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search.
30-35 BibTeX
- Yijie Han:
Computing Lowest Common Ancestors in Directed Acyclic Graphs.
36-37 BibTeX
- Samer F. Khasawneh, Michael E. Richter, Timothy W. O'Neil:
Static Scheduling for Synchronous Data Flow Graphs.
38-43 BibTeX
Artificial Intelligence
Computing Practice and Applications
- Asad A. Salem:
Computer Modeling of Forced Convection in a Channel Saturated with a Non-Newtonian Fluid.
151-156 BibTeX
- Morteza Ansari Dogaheh, Mohammad Eshghi:
The Computer-Brain Interface.
157-162 BibTeX
- Ching-Tang Hsieh, Yi-Chih Yeh, Yeh-Kuang Wu:
The Multi-Purpose Watermarking for Halftone Image.
163-168 BibTeX
- Adnan Anbuky, Darren Lim, Phillip Pascoe:
Battery Embedded Distributed Sensing & Control.
169-176 BibTeX
- Chung-Hong Lee, Hsin-Chang Yang:
Development of Unsupervised and Supervised Learning Systems for Multilingual Text Categorization.
177-182 BibTeX
- Mohd. Osama Saeed Kahn, Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar, Ian R. Greenshields:
Application of Wavelet Denoising Techniques to Ultrasonic Railroad Track Inspection.
183-188 BibTeX
- Michael Wainer, Fil Schroeder:
Faster Computation and Display of Dotplots using Graphics Hardware.
189-193 BibTeX
- James H. Graham, Mostafa S. Mostafa, Benjamin Arazi, Ashraf Tantawy, Jeffrey L. Hieb, Patricia A. S. Ralston, Sandip C. Patel:
Improvements in SCADA and DCS Systems Security.
194-200 BibTeX
- Hormoz Zareh, William Carter, Chien Wern, Matt Carter, James Koenig:
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of the Effects of Residual Stresses on a Rockwell Hardness Test of 7050 T-7451 Aluminum.
201-206 BibTeX
- John M. Weiss, James Devine, Andrew Detwiler:
Automated Counting of Water Droplets in Cloud Chamber Images.
207-212 BibTeX
- Eduardo Mario Nebot, Julio J. Gonzalez:
Main Research Issues for the Deployment of Full Autonomous Surface Mining Operations.
213-218 BibTeX
- Sidi Mohamed Benslimane, Djamal Benslimane, Seksun Suwanmanee, Zakaria Maamar, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane:
Towards Owl Ontologies from Relational Databases: An HTML-Form Driven Approach.
219-224 BibTeX
- Les Miller, Jing Ding, Sarah Nusser:
An Accuracy Model for Relational Databases.
225-230 BibTeX
- Mohamed Ali Ben Hassine, Amel Grissa-Touzi, Habib Ounelli:
About the Choice of Data Type in a Fuzzy Relational Database.
231-238 BibTeX
- Tennyson X. Chen, Sean Shuangquan Liu, Martin D. Meyer:
Removing Data Redundancies in High Level Normal Forms by Considering Functional Independency.
239-242 BibTeX
- M. P. Canton, William Perrizo:
Visualizations of High-Dimensional Space.
243-248 BibTeX
- M. P. Canton, William Perrizo:
Spatial Proximity of Structural Attributes in Analyzing Remotely Sensed Imagery.
249-254 BibTeX
- Xiao Chen:
A Replica Allocation Scheme with One-Hop Time Constraint in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
255-259 BibTeX
- S. P. Alampalayam, Anup Kumar, J. H. Graham, S. Srinivasan:
Intruder Identification and Response Framework for Mobile Ad hoc Networks.
260-265 BibTeX
- Parimal Patel, Ashok Kumar Tummala:
Detecting TCP Port Scans Generated by NMAP using Reconfigurable Hardware.
266-270 BibTeX
- Bruce Beyeler, David C. Pheanis:
Cell-Phone Accuracy Tests: Data-Collection Techniques.
271-276 BibTeX
- Jae Sung Choi, Yonghe Liu, Ramez Elmasri:
Relative Clock Drift based Secure Time Synchronization for Sensor Networks.
277-282 BibTeX
- Masomeh Azimzadeh, Masoud Sabaei:
Localization in Sensor Networks through MALD Algorithm.
283-288 BibTeX
- Mohamed Mahmoud, Behnam S. Arad:
Modeling and Verification of the Physical Layer of PCI Express.
289-294 BibTeX
- Sachin Shetty, Min Song, Robert Ash, Ersin Ancel, Kenneth Bone:
Wireless Sensor Payload Design for Sounding Rocket.
295-300 BibTeX
Operating Systems
Software Engineering
Special Session on Sensor Networks
Special Session on Software Engineering and Applications
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:00:33 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)