
Ashraf M. Abdelbar

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18 Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Manar I. Hosny: A Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm Applied to Bayesian Networks. Computers and Their Applications 2007: 118-122
17EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Suzan Abdelshahid, Donald C. Wunsch II: Gaussian Versus Cauchy Membership Functions in Fuzzy PSO. IJCNN 2007: 2902-2907
16EEShawn T. Chivers, Gene A. Tagliarini, Ashraf M. Abdelbar: An Evolutionary Optimization Approach to Cost-Based Abduction, with Comparison to PSO. IJCNN 2007: 2926-2930
15EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Sarah H. Gheita, Heba A. Amer: Exploring the fitness landscape and the run-time behaviour of an iterated local search algorithm for cost-based abduction. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 18(3): 365-386 (2006)
14EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Deena Hassan, Gene A. Tagliarini, Sridhar Narayan: Receptive field optimization for ensemble encoding. Neural Computing and Applications 15(1): 1-8 (2006)
13 Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Sahar Attia: Finding MAPs for Large Belief Networks Using Evolutionary Computation. I. J. Comput. Appl. 12(1): 16-20 (2005)
12EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Mohamed Hefny: An efficient LP-based admissible heuristic for cost-based abduction. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 17(3): 297-303 (2005)
11EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Mostafa A. El-Hemaly, Emad A. M. Andrews, Donald C. Wunsch II: Recurrent neural networks with backtrack-points and negative reinforcement applied to cost-based abduction. Neural Networks 18(5-6): 755-764 (2005)
10 M. Mohy Mahmoud, Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Maha Bali, Mohamed El Hagry: Effective Stock Market Prediction with Neural Networks Optimized by Population-Oriented Simulated Annealing. IASSE 2004: 131-134
9EEAshraf M. Abdelbar: Approximating cost-based abduction is NP-hard . Artif. Intell. 159(1-2): 231-239 (2004)
8EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Emad A. M. Andrews, Donald C. Wunsch II: Abductive reasoning with recurrent neural networks. Neural Networks 16(5-6): 665-673 (2003)
7EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Sahar Attia, Gene A. Tagliarini: A hybridization of Bayesian and neural learning. Neurocomputing 48(1-4): 443-453 (2002)
6 Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Awad H. Khalil, Emad A. M. Andrews: A Hybrid Annealing-Neural Approach to Knowledge Discovery in Databases. IRI 2001: 42-47
5EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Sandra Mitchell Hedetniemi: The complexity of approximating MAPs for belief networks with bounded probabilities. Artif. Intell. 124(2): 283-288 (2000)
4 Amr Goneid, Ibrahim Farag, Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Abear Kamel: A Mahalanobis Distance Error Measure for Backpropagation Neural Networks. NC 1998: 572-576
3EEAshraf M. Abdelbar, Sandra Mitchell Hedetniemi: Approximating MAPs for Belief Networks is NP-Hard and Other Theorems. Artif. Intell. 102(1): 21-38 (1998)
2EEAshraf M. Abdelbar: An Algorithm for Finding MAPs for Belief Networks Through Cost-Based Abduction. Artif. Intell. 104(1-2): 331-338 (1998)
1 Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Gene A. Tagliarini: Using neural network learning in an Othello evaluation function. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 10(2): 217-229 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Suzan Abdelshahid [17]
2Heba A. Amer [15]
3Emad A. M. Andrews [6] [8] [11]
4Sahar Attia [7] [13]
5Maha Bali [10]
6Shawn T. Chivers [16]
7Mostafa A. El-Hemaly [11]
8Ibrahim Farag [4]
9Sarah H. Gheita [15]
10Amr Goneid [4]
11Mohamed El Hagry [10]
12Deena Hassan [14]
13Sandra Mitchell Hedetniemi (Sandra L. Mitchell) [3] [5]
14Stephen T. Hedetniemi [5]
15Mohamed Hefny [12]
16Manar I. Hosny [18]
17Abear Kamel [4]
18Awad H. Khalil [6]
19M. Mohy Mahmoud [10]
20Sridhar Narayan [14]
21Gene A. Tagliarini [1] [7] [14] [16]
22Donald C. Wunsch II (Donald C. Wunsch) [8] [11] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)