
Wei Yan

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35EEWei Yan, Martin Victor Sewell, Christopher D. Clack: Learning to optimize profits beats predicting returns -: comparing techniques for financial portfolio optimisation. GECCO 2008: 1681-1688
34EEMartin Victor Sewell, Wei Yan: Ultra high frequency financial data. GECCO (Companion) 2008: 1847-1850
33EEWei Yan, Shurong Li: A class of portfolio selection with a four-factor futures price model. Annals OR 164(1): 139-165 (2008)
32EEMeng-Dar Shieh, Wei Yan, Chun-Hsien Chen: Soliciting customer requirements for product redesign based on picture sorts and ART2 neural network. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(1): 194-204 (2008)
31EEChun-Hsien Chen, Wei Yan: An in-process customer utility prediction system for product conceptualisation. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(4): 2555-2567 (2008)
30EEWei Yan, Youfang Huang, Junliang He: An investigation into dynamic yard crane deployment and comparisons between hill-climbing and best-first-search algorithms. IJCAT 32(4): 254-264 (2008)
29EEDaofang Chang, Wei Yan, Chun-Hsien Chen, Zuhua Jiang: A berth allocation strategy using heuristics algorithm and simulation optimisation. IJCAT 32(4): 272-281 (2008)
28EEChun-Hsien Chen, Wei Yan, Kuohsiang Chen: A supply-chain-oriented business process reengineering strategy for on-demand new product development. IJCAT 32(4): 298-311 (2008)
27 Jinzhao Wu, Wei Yan: A Logic for Flow Event Structures. Computers and Their Applications 2007: 373-379
26EEJinzhao Wu, Wei Yan: Model Checking of Computer-Based Systems. ECBS 2007: 557-568
25EEWei Yan, Christopher D. Clack: Diverse committees vote for dependable profits. GECCO 2007: 2226-2233
24EEWei Yan, Christopher D. Clack: Evolving robust GP solutions for hedge fund stock selection in emerging markets. GECCO 2007: 2234-2241
23EEMaoshen Ren, Chao Liu, Huizhou Zhao, Tong Zhao, Wei Yan: MEMO: An Applied Wireless Mesh Network with Client Support and Mobility Management. GLOBECOM 2007: 5075-5079
22EEChao Liu, Zhongyi Liu, Yongqiang Liu, Huizhou Zhao, Tong Zhao, Wei Yan: A Clustering-Based Channel Assignment Algorithm and Routing Metric for Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Networks. ISPA 2007: 832-843
21EEYongqiang Liu, Tong Zhao, Zhongyi Liu, Wei Yan, Xiaoming Li: An analytical flow control scheme for real-time traffic in wireless mesh network: from theoretic model to practical mechanism. Mobility Conference 2007: 288-295
20EEWei Yan, Rong Miao, Shurong Li: Multi-period semi-variance portfolio selection: Model and numerical solution. Applied Mathematics and Computation 194(1): 128-134 (2007)
19EEWei Yan, Christopher D. Clack: Behavioural GP diversity for dynamic environments: an application in hedge fund investment. GECCO 2006: 1817-1824
18EEHuizhou Zhao, Wei Yan, Tong Zhao, Xiaoming Li: Wireless Multi-hop Network Scenario Emulation with MinMax Error. LCN 2006: 949-951
17EEWei Yan: Integrating web 2D and 3D technologies for architectural visualization: applications of SVG and X3D/VRML in environmental behavior simulation. Web3D 2006: 37-45
16EEChun-Hsien Chen, Li Pheng Khoo, Wei Yan: An investigation into affective design using sorting technique and Kohonen self-organising map. Advances in Engineering Software 37(5): 334-349 (2006)
15EEWei Yan, Edwin S. H. Hou, Nirwan Ansari: Description logics for an autonomic IDS event analysis system. Computer Communications 29(15): 2841-2852 (2006)
14EEWei Yan, M. C. Pritchard, Chun-Hsien Chen, Li Pheng Khoo: A study of bidding-oriented collaborative product conceptualization. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19(2): 161-177 (2006)
13 Kanad Keeni, Wei Yan, Noriyuki Kitazima, Takashi Takeda: A Rehabilitation Guidance System using Multi-Layer Feed-Forward Neural Networks. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2005: 809-813
12EEWei Yan: Measuring the Histogram Feature Vector for Anomaly Network Traffic. CIS (2) 2005: 279-284
11EEYue Wang, Li Zhang, Zhinan Han, Wei Yan: Anycast Extensions to OSPFv3. ICPADS (1) 2005: 223-229
10EEYongqiang Liu, Wei Yan, Yafei Dai: Cross-Layer Flow Control Based on Path Capacity Prediction for Multi-hop Ad Hoc Network. ISPA 2005: 955-965
9EEWei Yan, Edwin S. H. Hou, Nirwan Ansari: Frame-based attack representation and real-time first order logic automatic reasoning. ITRE 2005: 225-229
8EEYongqiang Liu, Wei Yan, Yafei Dai: GCMPR: Gateway-Centric Multi-path Routing for Internet Connectivity of Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network. NPC 2005: 487-494
7EEWei Yan, David A. Forsyth: Learning the Behavior of Users in a Public Space through Video Tracking. WACV/MOTION 2005: 370-377
6EEChun-Hsien Chen, Li Pheng Khoo, Wei Yan: PDCS - a product definition and customisation system for product concept development. Expert Syst. Appl. 28(3): 591-602 (2005)
5EEWei Yan: Network Attack Scenarios Extraction and Categorization by Mining IDS Alert Streams. J. UCS 11(8): 1367-1382 (2005)
4EEWei Yan, Li Pheng Khoo, Chun-Hsien Chen: A QFD-enabled product conceptualisation approach via design knowledge hierarchy and RCE neural network. Knowl.-Based Syst. 18(6): 279-293 (2005)
3EEYan Qi, Xin Wang, Wei Yan, XinJun Mao, Zhi-Chang Qi: A Formal Specification and Method for MAS as a Distributed System. APPT 2003: 189-193
2 Wei Yan, Chun-Hsien Chen, Li Pheng Khoo: An integrated approach to the elicitation of customer requirements for engineering design using picture sorts and fuzzy evaluation. AI EDAM 16(2): 59-71 (2002)
1EEChun-Hsien Chen, Li Pheng Khoo, Wei Yan: A strategy for acquiring customer requirement patterns using laddering technique and ART2 neural network. Advanced Engineering Informatics 16(3): 229-240 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Nirwan Ansari [9] [15]
2Daofang Chang [29]
3Chun-Hsien Chen [1] [2] [4] [6] [14] [16] [28] [29] [31] [32]
4Kuohsiang Chen [28]
5Christopher D. Clack [19] [24] [25] [35]
6Yafei Dai [8] [10]
7David A. Forsyth [7]
8Zhinan Han [11]
9Junliang He [30]
10Edwin S. H. Hou [9] [15]
11Youfang Huang [30]
12Zuhua Jiang [29]
13Kanad Keeni [13]
14Li Pheng Khoo [1] [2] [4] [6] [14] [16]
15Noriyuki Kitazima [13]
16Shurong Li [20] [33]
17Xiaoming Li [18] [21]
18Chao Liu [22] [23]
19Yongqiang Liu [8] [10] [21] [22]
20Zhongyi Liu [21] [22]
21XinJun Mao [3]
22Rong Miao [20]
23M. C. Pritchard [14]
24Yan Qi [3]
25Zhichang Qi (Zhi-Chang Qi) [3]
26Maoshen Ren [23]
27Martin Victor Sewell [34] [35]
28Meng-Dar Shieh [32]
29Takashi Takeda [13]
30Xin Wang [3]
31Yue Wang [11]
32Jinzhao Wu [26] [27]
33Li Zhang [11]
34Huizhou Zhao [18] [22] [23]
35Tong Zhao [18] [21] [22] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)