
Ian R. Greenshields

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24 Gamal A. El-Sayed, Ian R. Greenshields: L58ow FM: A Robust Non-Blocking Low Frequency Messaging Checkpoint for Parallel/Grid Applications. Computers and Their Applications 2008: 154-158
23 Yahia Zakaria Rabie, Ian R. Greenshields, Osman Hegazy: Applying Service Oriented Architecture on Enterprise Resource Planning Environment. SEDE 2008: 198-202
22 Mohd. Osama Saeed Kahn, Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar, Ian R. Greenshields: Application of Wavelet Denoising Techniques to Ultrasonic Railroad Track Inspection. Computers and Their Applications 2007: 183-188
21 Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar, Ian R. Greenshields: Computer-Based, Real-Time, Ultrasonic Railroad Track Flaw Inspection. Computers and Their Applications 2005: 339-343
20EEIan R. Greenshields: Gross Computed Surface Anthropometry from 3D Datasets. CBMS 2004: 39-43
19EEIan R. Greenshields: Agent-Based Model of Flow in the Urethra. CBMS 2004: 510-515
18 Gamal A. El-Sayed, Ian R. Greenshields: A New Non-Blocking Counter-Based Coordinated Checkpointing Algorithm as a Migration Tool in a High Performance Dynamic Grid Scheduler. PDPTA 2004: 217-223
17EEMohamed A. Kerasha, Ian R. Greenshields: Huskysim: a simulation toolkit for application scheduling in computational grids. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 380-381
16EEIan R. Greenshields: A Vectorial Rotation-Invariant 3-D Shape Descriptor. CBMS 2003: 62-67
15 A. A. Abdel-Raouf, Ian R. Greenshields, Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar: Real-time Fixed-point Denoising of Ultrasound Data. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 245-247
14EEZhihong Yang, Ian R. Greenshields: Ensemble Classification of the VF Dataset with Limited Merging. CBMS 2001: 117-122
13EEIan R. Greenshields: 3D Shape Approximants via Spherical Wavelet Decompositions. CBMS 2001: 31-35
12EEIan R. Greenshields, Zhihong Yang: A Multigrid Approach to the Gibbsian Classification of Mammograms. CBMS 2000: 169-174
11EEIan R. Greenshields: Distributed Visualization of Volumetric Medical Datasets. CBMS 2000: 241-246
10 Ian R. Greenshields, Zhihong Yang: Framework for Security Analysis and Access Control in a Distributed Service Medical Imaging Network. SEC 2000: 391-400
9EET. A. Daggett, Ian R. Greenshields, Gehan Weerasinghe: Asynchronous, Parallel Pseudo-Gibbs Classification of the VF Dataset. CBMS 1999: 164-170
8EEMohamed A. Kerasha, Ian R. Greenshields: Compression of Sequential Images. CBMS 1999: 272-276
7EEIan R. Greenshields: Extended Superquadric Models of Elastic Hollow Viscera. CBMS 1999: 98-103
6EEIan R. Greenshields: Coherent computation of the multispectral maximal directional derivative. Image Vision Comput. 18(1): 1-7 (1999)
5EEIan R. Greenshields, Zhihong Yang: Architecture of a Distributed Collaborative Medical Imaging System. CBMS 1998: 132-136
4EEJun Li, Ian R. Greenshields: De-Noising ENMR Spectra by Wavelet Shrinkage. CBMS 1998: 252-
3EET. A. Daggett, Ian R. Greenshields: Parallelization of Classification Algorithms for Medical Imaging on a Cluster Computing System. CBMS 1998: 305-310
2EEIan R. Greenshields, Joel A. Rosiene: A fast wavelet-based Karhunen-Loeve transform. Pattern Recognition 31(7): 839-845 (1998)
1 Junchul Chun, Ian R. Greenshields: Classification Algorithm for Multi-Echo Magnetic Resonance Image Using Gibbs Distributions. ICSC 1995: 419-426

Coauthor Index

1A. A. Abdel-Raouf [15]
2Reda A. Ammar [15] [21] [22]
3Junchul Chun [1]
4T. A. Daggett [3] [9]
5Gamal A. El-Sayed [18] [24]
6Osman Hegazy [23]
7Mohd. Osama Saeed Kahn [22]
8Mohamed A. Kerasha [8] [17]
9Jun Li [4]
10Yahia Zakaria Rabie [23]
11Joel A. Rosiene [2]
12Howard A. Sholl [15] [21] [22]
13Gehan Weerasinghe [9]
14Zhihong Yang [5] [10] [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)