
Kamel Barkaoui

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35EENasreddine Aoumeur, Kamel Barkaoui, Gunter Saake: Validating and Dynamically Adapting and Composing Features in Concurrent Product-Lines Applications. ECBS 2009: 138-146
34EEHanifa Boucheneb, Kamel Barkaoui: Relevant Timed Schedules / Clock Valuations for Constructing Time Petri Net Reachability Graphs. FORMATS 2008: 265-279
33EENasreddine Aoumeur, Kamel Barkaoui, Gunter Saake: Towards Maude-Tla based Foundation for Complex Concurrent Systems Specification and Certification. ITNG 2008: 1305-1307
32EEAicha Choutri, Faiza Belala, Kamel Barkaoui: Towards a tile based LfP semantics. RCIS 2008: 9-16
31EEKamel Barkaoui, Manfred Broy, Ana Cavalcanti, Antonio Cerone: Guest Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 20(4-5): 349-350 (2008)
30EEKamel Barkaoui, Awatef Hicheur: Towards Analysis of Flexible and Collaborative Workflow Using Recursive ECATNets. Business Process Management Workshops 2007: 232-244
29EENasreddine Aoumeur, Kamel Barkaoui, Gunter Saake: Incremental Specification Validation and Runtime Adaptivity of Distributed Component Information systems. CSMR 2007: 123-136
28 Chadlia Jerad, Kamel Barkaoui, Amel Grissa-Touzi: On the Design and Analysis of Real-time Systems. Computers and Their Applications 2007: 380-386
27EEChadlia Jerad, Kamel Barkaoui, Amel Grissa-Touzi: Hierarchical Verification in Maude of L f P Software Architectures. ECSA 2007: 156-170
26 Nasreddine Aoumeur, Gunter Saake, Kamel Barkaoui: Dynamic Interaction of Information Systems - Weaving Architectural Connectors on Component Petri Nets. ICEIS (3) 2007: 152-158
25EEHafedh Zayani, Rahma Ben Ayed, Karim Djouani, Kamel Barkaoui: Eco-mac: an energy-efficient and low-latencyhybrid mac protocol for wireless sensor networks. PM2HW2N 2007: 68-71
24 Kamel Barkaoui, Ana Cavalcanti, Antonio Cerone: Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2006, Third International Colloquium, Tunis, Tunisia, November 20-24, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
23EEAwatef Hicheur, Kamel Barkaoui, Noura Boudiaf: Modeling Workflows with Recursive ECATNets. SYNASC 2006: 389-398
22EEL. Kahloul, Kamel Barkaoui, Zaidi Sahnoun: Using AUML to derive formal modeling agents interactions. AICCSA 2005: 109
21 Nadia Zeghib, Mohamed Bettaz, Kamel Barkaoui: CIRTA: An ECATNets Based Model for Embedded Systems Specification. ESA 2005: 261-267
20EEKamel Barkaoui, Jean-Michel Couvreur, Kais Klai: On the Equivalence Between Liveness and Deadlock-Freeness in Petri Nets. ICATPN 2005: 90-107
19EEChadlia Jerad, Kamel Barkaoui: On the Use of Rewriting Logic for Verification of Distributed Software Architecture Description Based LfP. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2005: 202-208
18 Hacene Sebih, Kamel Barkaoui: A Proof-Term Structure for the Interpretation of the Temporal Logic Tau-LTL. PDPTA 2005: 1255-1263
17EEKamel Barkaoui, Rabah Benamara: On Concurrency Control in Multidatabase Systems with an Extended Transaction Model. The Journal of Supercomputing 24(2): 193-202 (2003)
16EEKamel Barkaoui, Ph. Dechambre, R. Hachicha: Verification and Optimisation of an Operating Room Workflow. HICSS 2002: 210
15EEKamel Barkaoui, Mohamed Jmaiel, Ali Mili: Guest editorial. Journal of Systems and Software 60(2): 87-89 (2002)
14EEMohamed Escheikh, Kamel Barkaoui, Ammar Bouallégue: Performance Analysis of an N(N ATM Switch with Markov Modulated Poisson Process under Back-Pressure Mechanism. MASCOTS 2000: 416-423
13 Kamel Barkaoui, Rabah Benamara: On Concurrency Control in Multidatabase Systems with an Extended Transaction Model. PDPTA 1999: 2836-2842
12EEKamel Barkaoui, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre: Verification in Concurrent Programming with Petri Nets Structural Techniques. HASE 1998: 124-133
11EEKamel Barkaoui, Claude Kaiser, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre: Petri nets based proofs of Ada 95 solution for preference control. APSEC 1997: 238-248
10 Kamel Barkaoui, Yasmina Maïzi: Efficient Answer Extraction of Deductive Databases Modeled by HLPN. DEXA 1997: 324-336
9EEKamel Barkaoui, Rabah Benamara: Towards an efficient probabilistic deadlock detection method for multidatabase systems. FTDCS 1997: 84-91
8 Kamel Barkaoui, Jean-François Pradat-Peyre: On Liveness and Controlled Siphons in Petri Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1996: 57-72
7 Kamel Barkaoui, Yasmina Maïzi: Optimizing Query Evaluation in Deductive Databases Using Reductions. DEXA Workshop 1996: 30-39
6EEMohamed Bettaz, Mourad Maouche, Kamel Barkaoui: Formal Specification of Communication Protocols with Object-Based ECATNets. EUROMICRO 1996: 492-
5 Kamel Barkaoui, Jean-Michel Couvreur, Claude Dutheillet: On Liveness in Extended non Self-Controlling Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995: 25-44
4 Kamel Barkaoui, Claude Dutheillet, Serge Haddad: An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Structural Deadlocks in Colored Petri Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1993: 69-88
3 Kamel Barkaoui, Michel Minoux: A Polynomial-Time Graph Algorithm to Decide Liveness of Some Basic Classes of Bounded Petri Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1992: 62-75
2 Kamel Barkaoui, Noureddine Boudriga, Amel Touzi: A Transition Net Formalism for Deductive Databases Efficiently Handling Quering and Integrity Constraints Aspects. DEXA 1992: 221-225
1EEMichel Minoux, Kamel Barkaoui: Deadlocks and traps in Petri nets as Horn-satisfiability solutions and some related polynomially solvable problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 29(2-3): 195-210 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Nasreddine Aoumeur [26] [29] [33] [35]
2Rahma Ben Ayed [25]
3Faiza Belala [32]
4Rabah Benamara [9] [13] [17]
5Mohamed Bettaz [6] [21]
6Ammar Bouallégue [14]
7Hanifa Boucheneb [34]
8Noura Boudiaf [23]
9Noureddine Boudriga [2]
10Manfred Broy [31]
11Ana Cavalcanti [24] [31]
12Antonio Cerone [24] [31]
13Aicha Choutri [32]
14Jean-Michel Couvreur [5] [20]
15Ph. Dechambre [16]
16Karim Djouani [25]
17Claude Dutheillet [4] [5]
18Mohamed Escheikh [14]
19Amel Grissa-Touzi [27] [28]
20R. Hachicha [16]
21Serge Haddad [4]
22Awatef Hicheur [23] [30]
23Chadlia Jerad [19] [27] [28]
24Mohamed Jmaiel [15]
25L. Kahloul [22]
26Claude Kaiser [11]
27Kais Klai [20]
28Yasmina Maïzi [7] [10]
29Mourad Maouche [6]
30Ali Mili [15]
31Michel Minoux [1] [3]
32Jean-François Pradat-Peyre [8] [11] [12]
33Gunter Saake [26] [29] [33] [35]
34Zaidi Sahnoun [22]
35Hacene Sebih [18]
36Amel Touzi [2]
37Hafedh Zayani [25]
38Nadia Zeghib [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)