Query Processing in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1).
Philip A. Bernstein, Nathan Goodman, Eugene Wong, Christopher L. Reeve, James B. Rothnie Jr.:
Query Processing in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1).
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 6(4): 602-625(1981)@article{DBLP:journals/tods/BernsteinGWRR81,
author = {Philip A. Bernstein and
Nathan Goodman and
Eugene Wong and
Christopher L. Reeve and
James B. Rothnie Jr.},
title = {Query Processing in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1)},
journal = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
volume = {6},
number = {4},
year = {1981},
pages = {602-625},
ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/319628.319650, db/journals/tods/BernsteinGWRR81.html},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
This paper describes the techniques used to optimize relational queries in the SDD-1 distributed database system. Queries are submitted to SDD-1 in a high-level procedural language called Datalanguage. Optimization begins by translating each Datalanguage query into a relational calculus form called an envelope, which is essentially an aggregate-free QUEL query. This paper is primarily concerned with the optimization of envelopes.
Envelopes are processed in two phases. The first phase executes relational operations at various sites of the distributed database in order to delimit a subset of the database that contains all data relevant to the envelope. This subset is called a reduction of the database. The second phase transmits the reduction to one designated site, and the query is executed locally at that site.
The critical optimization problem is to perform the reduction phase efficiently. Success depends on designing a good repertoire of operators to use during this phase, and an effective algorithm for deciding which of these operators to use in processing a given envelope against a given database. The principal reduction operator that we employ is called a semjoin. In this paper we define the semijoin operator, explain why semijoin is an effective reduction operator, and present an algorithm that constructs a cost-effective program of semijoins, given an envelope and a database.
Copyright © 1981 by the ACM,
Inc., used by permission. Permission to make
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Implementing a Relational Database by Means of Specialized Hardware.
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- Philip A. Bernstein, David W. Shipman, James B. Rothnie Jr.:
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- Robert S. Epstein, Michael Stonebraker, Eugene Wong:
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SIGMOD Conference 1978: 169-180 BibTeX
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- Nathan Goodman, Oded Shmueli:
Tree Queries: A Simple Class of Relational Queries.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 7(4): 653-677(1982) BibTeX
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- Michael Hammer, David W. Shipman:
Reliability Mechanisms for SDD-1: A System for Distributed Databases.
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- Alan R. Hevner, S. Bing Yao:
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- Larry Kerschberg, Peter D. Ting, S. Bing Yao:
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- Esen A. Ozkarahan, Stewart A. Schuster, Kenneth C. Sevcik:
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ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(2): 175-195(1977) BibTeX
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- James B. Rothnie Jr., Philip A. Bernstein, Stephen Fox, Nathan Goodman, Michael Hammer, T. A. Landers, Christopher L. Reeve, David W. Shipman, Eugene Wong:
Introduction to a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1).
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(1): 1-17(1980) BibTeX
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- James B. Rothnie Jr., Nathan Goodman:
An Overview of the Preliminary Design of SDD-1: A System for Distributed Databases.
Berkeley Workshop 1977: 39-57 BibTeX
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- James B. Rothnie Jr., Nathan Goodman:
A Survey of Research and Development in Distributed Database Management.
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- Patricia G. Selinger, Michel E. Adiba:
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- Stanley Y. W. Su, Ahmed Emam:
CASDAL: CASSM'a DAta Language.
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ICDT 1999: 348-364
- Gunter Saake, Andreas Heuer:
Datenbanken: Implementierungstechniken.
MITP-Verlag 1999, ISBN 3-8266-0513-6
Contents - Weiyi Meng, Clement T. Yu, Wei Wang, Naphtali Rishe:
Performance Analysis of Three Text-Join Algorithms.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 10(3): 477-492(1998)
- Michael J. Carey, Donald Kossmann:
Reducing the Braking Distance of an SQL Query Engine.
VLDB 1998: 158-169
- Surajit Chaudhuri:
An Overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems.
PODS 1998: 34-43
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ICDE 1998: 351-360
- Richard Hull:
Managing Semantic Heterogeneity in Databases: A Theoretical Perspective.
PODS 1997: 51-61
- Michael Stonebraker, Paul M. Aoki, Witold Litwin, Avi Pfeffer, Adam Sah, Jeff Sidell, Carl Staelin, Andrew Yu:
Mariposa: A Wide-Area Distributed Database System.
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- Chihping Wang, Ming-Syan Chen:
On the Complexity of Distributed Query Optimization.
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Join Queries with External Text Sources: Execution and Optimization Techniques.
SIGMOD Conference 1995: 410-422
- Zhe Li, Kenneth A. Ross:
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CIKM 1995: 137-144
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Foundations of Databases.
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Mariposa: A New Architecture for Distributed Data.
ICDE 1994: 54-65
- Peter Scheuermann, Eugene Inseok Chong:
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- Wolfgang Nejdl, Stefano Ceri, Gio Wiederhold:
Evaluating Recursive Queries in Distributed Databases.
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- Jörg Liebeherr, Edward Omiecinski, Ian F. Akyildiz:
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- Ming-Syan Chen, Philip S. Yu:
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- Goetz Graefe:
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- Peter Bodorik, J. Spruce Riordon, James S. Pyra:
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- Dennis Shasha, Jason Tsong-Li Wang:
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- Nick Roussopoulos, Hyunchul Kang:
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- Chihping Wang, Victor O. K. Li, Arbee L. P. Chen:
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ICDE 1991: 42-49
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Query Optimization in Database Systems.
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VLDB 1984: 26-29
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Optimizing Star Queries in a Distributed Database System.
VLDB 1984: 429-438
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Using Semiouterjoins to Process Queries in Multidatabase Systems.
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- Giovanni Maria Sacco:
Distributed Query Evaluation in Local Area Networks.
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- Umeshwar Dayal:
Processing Queries Over Generalization Hierarchies in a Multidatabase System.
VLDB 1983: 342-353
- Arvola Chan, Umeshwar Dayal, Stephen Fox, Daniel R. Ries:
Supporting a Semantic Data Model in a Distributed Database System.
VLDB 1983: 354-363
- Clement T. Yu, C. C. Chang:
On the Design of a Query Processing Strategy in a Distributed Database Environment.
SIGMOD Conference 1983: 30-39
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SIGMOD Conference 1983: 40-54
- Arvola Chan, Umeshwar Dayal, Stephen Fox, Nathan Goodman, Daniel R. Ries, Dale Skeen:
Overview of an Ada Compatible Distributed Database Manager.
SIGMOD Conference 1983: 228-237
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PODS 1983: 125-136
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The Theory of Relational Databases.
Computer Science Press 1983, ISBN 0-914894-42-0
Contents - Nathan Goodman, Oded Shmueli:
Tree Queries: A Simple Class of Relational Queries.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 7(4): 653-677(1982)
- Jo-Mei Chang:
A Heuristic Approach to Distributed Query Processing.
VLDB 1982: 54-61
- Yahiko Kambayashi, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Shuzo Yajima:
Query Processing for Distributed Databases Using Generalized Semi-Joins.
SIGMOD Conference 1982: 151-160
- Matthias Jarke, Joachim W. Schmidt:
Query Processing Strategies in the PASCAL/R Relational Database Management System.
SIGMOD Conference 1982: 256-264
- Umeshwar Dayal, Nathan Goodman:
Query Optimization for CODASYL Database Systems.
SIGMOD Conference 1982: 138-150
- Philip A. Bernstein, Nathan Goodman:
Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems.
ACM Comput. Surv. 13(2): 185-221(1981)
- James B. Rothnie Jr., Philip A. Bernstein, Stephen Fox, Nathan Goodman, Michael Hammer, T. A. Landers, Christopher L. Reeve, David W. Shipman, Eugene Wong:
Introduction to a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1).
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(1): 1-17(1980)
- Michael Hammer, David W. Shipman:
Reliability Mechanisms for SDD-1: A System for Distributed Databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(4): 431-466(1980)
- Philip A. Bernstein, David W. Shipman, James B. Rothnie Jr.:
Concurrency Control in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1).
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(1): 18-51(1980)
- Robert S. Epstein, Michael Stonebraker:
Analysis of Distributed Data Base Processing Strategies.
VLDB 1980: 92-101
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