
Y. C. Ho

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6EEY. C. Ho: Foreword to the Learning, Optimization, and Decision Making in DEDS. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 13(1-2): 5 (2003)
5EEClyde F. Martin, Y. C. Ho: Value of information in the Polya urn process. Inf. Sci. 147(1-4): 65-90 (2002)
4EEY. C. Ho: Foreword. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 11(1-2): 5 (2001)
3 Y. C. Ho, Kim-Fung Man, Kit-Sang Tang, Sam Kwong: A Codesign Approach to Real-time High Precision Control. Real-Time Systems 19(1): 41-60 (2000)
2EEMei Deng, Y. C. Ho, J. Q. Hu: Effect of Correlated Estimation Errors in Ordinal Optimization. Winter Simulation Conference 1992: 466-474
1EED. M. Chiu, Y. C. Ho: A Methodology for Interpreting Tree Queries Into Optimal Semi-Join Expressions. SIGMOD Conference 1980: 169-178

Coauthor Index

1D. M. Chiu [1]
2Mei Deng [2]
3J. Q. Hu [2]
4Sam Kwong [3]
5Kim-Fung Man [3]
6Clyde F. Martin [5]
7Kit-Sang Tang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)