
Ben-Zion Bobrovsky

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14EED. Ezri, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Z. Schuss: About the true type of smoothers CoRR abs/0802.0130: (2008)
13EEUri Yehuday, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Jeffrey Davidson: Mean Time to Lose Lock for a PLL with Loop Delay under Thermal and Phase Noise Conditions. ICC 2007: 2888-2893
12EEMonika Pinchas, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky: A Novel HOS Approach for Blind Channel Equalization. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(3): 875-886 (2007)
11EEAmir Averbuch, Gabi Liron, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky: Scene based non-uniformity correction in thermal images using Kalman filter. Image Vision Comput. 25(6): 833-851 (2007)
10EES. Landis, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Z. Schuss: The Exit Problem in a Nonlinear System Driven by 1/f Noise: The Delay Locked Loop. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 66(4): 1188-1208 (2006)
9EEMonika Pinchas, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky: A Maximum Entropy approach for blind deconvolution. Signal Processing 86(10): 2913-2931 (2006)
8EEE. Fischler, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky: Mean time to loose lock of phase tracking by particle filtering. Signal Processing 86(11): 3481-3485 (2006)
7EERita Perets, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky: An Array of Time Varying Kalman Carrier Trackers for Improved Receivers in Burst Communications. IEICE Electronic Express 1(3): 51-56 (2004)
6EEJeffrey Davidson, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky: Threshold extension with Kalman array for synchronization of burst communication. IEICE Electronic Express 1(7): 165-170 (2004)
5EEBen-Zion Bobrovsky, Y. Steinberg, Z. Schuss: Fixed-Point Smoothing of Scalar Diffusions II: The Error of the Optimal Smoother. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 61(4): 1431-1444 (2001)
4 Arnold L. Welti, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky: Mean Time to Lose Lock for a Coherent Second-Order PN-Code Tracking Loop - The Singular Perturbation Approach. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(5): 809-818 (1990)
3 Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Moshe Zakai, Ofer Zeitouni: Error bounds for the nonlinear filtering of signals with small diffusion coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34(4): 710-721 (1988)
2 Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Moshe Zakai: Asymptotic a priori estimates for the error in the nonlinear filtering problem. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(2): 371- (1982)
1 Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Moshe Zakai: On lower bounds for the nonlinear filtering problem. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(1): 131- (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Amir Averbuch [11]
2Jeffrey Davidson [6] [13]
3D. Ezri [14]
4E. Fischler [8]
5S. Landis [10]
6Gabi Liron [11]
7Rita Perets [7]
8Monika Pinchas [9] [12]
9Z. Schuss [5] [10] [14]
10Y. Steinberg [5]
11Arnold L. Welti [4]
12Uri Yehuday [13]
13Moshe Zakai [1] [2] [3]
14Ofer Zeitouni [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)