
Wil J. van Gils

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7 Ludo M. G. M. Tolhuizen, Wil J. van Gils: A large automorphism group decreases the number of computations in the construction of an optimal encoder/decoder pair for a linear block code. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34(2): 333- (1988)
6 Jean-Paul Boly, Wil J. van Gils: Codes for combined symbol and digit error control. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34(5): 1286-1307 (1988)
5 Wil J. van Gils: Two-dimensional dot codes for product identification. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 33(5): 620-631 (1987)
4 Wil J. van Gils, Jean-Paul Boly: On combined symbol-and-bit error-control [4, 2] codes over {0, 1}8 to be used in the (4, 2) concept fault-tolerant computer. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 33(6): 911- (1987)
3 Wil J. van Gils: A Triple Modular Redundancy Technique Providing Multiple-Bit Error Protection Without Using Extra Redundancy. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(7): 623-631 (1986)
2 Wil J. van Gils: Linear unequal error protection codes from shorter codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 30(3): 544- (1984)
1 Wil J. van Gils: Two topics on linear unequal error protection codes: Bounds on their length and cyclic code classes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(6): 866-876 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Paul Boly [4] [6]
2Ludo M. G. M. Tolhuizen [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)