
Hirosuke Yamamoto

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25EEMarat V. Burnashev, Hirosuke Yamamoto: On zero-rate error exponent for BSC with noisy feedback CoRR abs/0808.2092: (2008)
24EEMitsugu Iwamoto, Hirosuke Yamamoto, Hirohisa Ogawa: Optimal Multiple Assignments Based on Integer Programming in Secret Sharing Schemes with General Access Structures. IEICE Transactions 90-A(1): 101-112 (2007)
23EEMitsugu Iwamoto, Hirosuke Yamamoto: Strongly secure ramp secret sharing schemes for general access structures. Inf. Process. Lett. 97(2): 52-57 (2006)
22EEMitsugu Iwamoto, Hirosuke Yamamoto, Hirohisa Ogawa: Optimal multiple assignments based on integer programming in secret sharing schemes with general access structures CoRR abs/cs/0506064: (2005)
21EEMitsugu Iwamoto, Hirosuke Yamamoto: Strongly secure ramp secret sharing schemes for general access structures CoRR abs/cs/0506065: (2005)
20EEHideyuki Sakai, Hirosuke Yamamoto: Asymptotically Optimal Tree-based Group Key Management Schemes CoRR abs/cs/0507001: (2005)
19EEDaisuke Kobayashi, Hirosuke Yamamoto, Tomohiro Ogawa: Secure multiplex coding to attain the channel capacity in wiretap channels CoRR abs/cs/0509047: (2005)
18EEMitsuharu Arimura, Hirosuke Yamamoto: Asymptotic redundancy of the MTF scheme for stationary ergodic sources. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(11): 3742-3752 (2005)
17 Yuko Matsunaga, Hirosuke Yamamoto: A coding theorem for lossy data compression by LDPC codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(9): 2225-2229 (2003)
16 Hirosuke Yamamoto, Hidetoshi Yokoo: Average-sense optimality and competitive optimality for almost instantaneous VF codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(6): 2174-2184 (2001)
15 Hirosuke Yamamoto: A new recursive universal code of the positive integers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(2): 717-723 (2000)
14 Hirosuke Yamamoto: Rate-distortion theory for the Shannon cipher system. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(3): 827-835 (1997)
13 Hirosuke Yamamoto: Source coding theory for a triangular communication system. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(3): 848-853 (1996)
12 Hirosuke Yamamoto, T. Itoh: Competitive optimality of source codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(6): 2015-2019 (1995)
11 Hirosuke Yamamoto: Coding theorems for Shannon's cipher system with correlated source outputs, and common information. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(1): 85-95 (1994)
10 Hirosuke Yamamoto: A coding theorem for secret sharing communication systems with two Gaussian wiretap channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(3): 634- (1991)
9 Hirosuke Yamamoto, Hiroshi Ochi: A new asymptotically optimal code for the positive integers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(5): 1420- (1991)
8 Tsutomu Kawabata, Hirosuke Yamamoto: A new implementation of the Ziv-Lempel incremental parsing algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(5): 1439- (1991)
7 Hirosuke Yamamoto: Coding theorem for secret sharing communication systems with two noisy channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 35(3): 572-578 (1989)
6 Hirosuke Yamamoto: A rate-distortion problem for a communication system with a secondary decoder to be hindered. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34(4): 835-842 (1988)
5 Hirosuke Yamamoto: On secret sharing communication systems with two or three channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 32(3): 387-393 (1986)
4 Hirosuke Yamamoto: Correction to 'Wyner-Ziv theory for a general function of the correlated sources' (Sep 82 803-807). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(2): 320 (1983)
3 Hirosuke Yamamoto: A source coding problem for sources with additional outputs to keep secret from the receiver or wiretappers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(6): 918- (1983)
2 Hirosuke Yamamoto: Wyner-Ziv theory for a general function of the correlated sources. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(5): 803- (1982)
1 Hirosuke Yamamoto: Source coding theory for cascade and branching communication systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(3): 299-307 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Mitsuharu Arimura [18]
2Marat V. Burnashev [25]
3T. Itoh [12]
4Mitsugu Iwamoto [21] [22] [23] [24]
5Tsutomu Kawabata [8]
6Daisuke Kobayashi [19]
7Yuko Matsunaga [17]
8Hiroshi Ochi [9]
9Hirohisa Ogawa [22] [24]
10Tomohiro Ogawa [19]
11Hideyuki Sakai [20]
12Hidetoshi Yokoo [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)