Volume 73,
Number 245,
- Huo-Yuan Duan, Guo-Ping Liang:
Nonconforming elements in least-squares mixed finite element methods.
1-18 BibTeX
- Jianguo Huang:
Numerical solution of the elastic body-plate problem by nonoverlapping domain decomposition type techniques.
19-34 BibTeX
- Qiya Hu, Jun Zou:
Substructuring preconditioners for saddle-point problems arising from Maxwell's equations in three dimensions.
35-61 BibTeX
- D. Aregba-Driollet, R. Natalini, S. Tang:
Explicit diffusive kinetic schemes for nonlinear degenerate parabolic systems.
63-94 BibTeX
- Ben-yu Guo, Cheng-long Xu:
Mixed Laguerre-Legendre pseudospectral method for incompressible fluid flow in an infinite strip.
95-125 BibTeX
- Isaías Alonso-Mallo, Nuria Reguera:
Discrete absorbing boundary conditions for Schröinger-type equations. Practical implementation.
127-142 BibTeX
- Snorre H. Christiansen:
Discrete Fredholm properties and convergence estimates for the electric field integral equation.
143-167 BibTeX
- Yves Nievergelt:
Perturbation analysis for circles, spheres, and generalized hyperspheres fitted to data by geometric total least-squares.
169-180 BibTeX
- Tomas Sauer:
Lagrange interpolation on subgrids of tensor product grids.
181-190 BibTeX
- Steven B. Damelin:
Asymptotics of recurrence coefficients for orthonormal polynomials on the line - Magnus's method revisited.
191-209 BibTeX
- Gerald Moore:
Laguerre approximation of stable manifolds with application to connecting orbits.
211-242 BibTeX
- G. Criscuolo:
A note on a paper by G. Mastroianni and G. Monegato.
243-250 BibTeX
- Hirofumi Tsumura:
Evaluation formulas for Tornheim's type of alternating double series.
251-258 BibTeX
- Stefan Heinrich, Fred J. Hickernell, Rong-Xian Yue:
Optimal quadrature for Haar wavelet spaces.
259-277 BibTeX
- J. N. Lyness, Tor Sørevik:
Four-dimensional lattice rules generated by skew-circulant matrices.
279-295 BibTeX
- Cornelius Greither, Xavier-François Roblot, Brett A. Tangedal:
The Brumer-Stark conjecture in some families of extensions of specified degree.
297-315 BibTeX
- G. J. van der Heiden:
Factoring polynomials over finite fields with Drinfeld modules.
317-322 BibTeX
- Julián Aguirre, Fernando Castañeda, Juan Carlos Peral:
High rank elliptic curves with torsion group Integer/(2*Integer).
323-331 BibTeX
- Kamal Khuri-Makdisi:
Linear algebra algorithms for divisors on an algebraic curve.
333-357 BibTeX
- Bill Allombert:
An efficient algorithm for the computation of Galois automorphisms.
359-375 BibTeX
- Sunghan Bae, Hwanyup Jung, Jaehyun Ahn:
Class numbers of some abelian extensions of rational function fields.
377-386 BibTeX
- Mark L. Bauer:
The arithmetic of certain cubic function fields.
387-413 BibTeX
- Mark Watkins:
Real zeros of real odd Dirichlet L-functions.
415-423 BibTeX
- Pieter Moree:
Chebyshev's bias for composite numbers with restricted prime divisors.
425-449 BibTeX
- Pieter Moree, Herman J. J. te Riele:
The hexagonal versus the square lattice.
451-473 BibTeX
- T. Goto, S. Shibata:
All numbers whose positive divisors have integral harmonic mean up to 300.
475-491 BibTeX
- Hugh L. Montgomery, Ulrike M. A. Vorhauer:
Greedy sums of distinct squares.
493-513 BibTeX
Volume 73,
Number 246,
- Alfred H. Schatz, Lars B. Wahlbin:
Asymptotically exact a posteriori estimators for the pointwise gradient error on each element in irregular meshes. Part II: The piecewise linear case.
517-523 BibTeX
- Yunqing Huang, Zhongci Shi, Tao Tang, Weimin Xue:
A multilevel successive iteration method for nonlinear elliptic problems.
525-539 BibTeX
- Xiaobing Feng, Andreas Prohl:
Analysis of a fully discrete finite element method for the phase field model and approximation of its sharp interface limits.
541-567 BibTeX
- Bernardo Cockburn, Guido Kanschat, Dominik Schötzau:
The local discontinuous Galerkin method for the Oseen equations.
569-593 BibTeX
- Lung-An Ying:
Finite difference method for a combustion model.
595-611 BibTeX
- Georgios Akrivis, Michel Crouzeix:
Linearly implicit methods for nonlinear parabolic equations.
613-635 BibTeX
- Sheldon Axler, Pamela Gorkin, Karl Voss:
The Dirichlet problem on quadratic surfaces.
637-651 BibTeX
- Alan George, Khakim D. Ikramov:
Gaussian elimination is stable for the inverse of a diagonally dominant matrix.
653-657 BibTeX
- Silvia Bertoluzza:
Substructuring preconditioners for the three fields domain decomposition method.
659-689 BibTeX
- Joan-Josep Climent, Carmen Perea, Leandro Tortosa, Antonio Zamora:
Sequential and parallel synchronous alternating iterative methods.
691-717 BibTeX
- Yoshinori Miyazaki, Nobuyoshi Asai, Yasushi Kikuchi, DongSheng Cai, Yasuhiko Ikebe:
Computation of multiple eigenvalues of infinite tridiagonal matrices.
719-730 BibTeX
- George Kvernadze:
Approximating the jump discontinuities of a function by its Fourier-Jacobi coefficients.
731-751 BibTeX
- Paul N. Swarztrauber, William F. Spotz:
Spherical harmonic projectors.
753-760 BibTeX
- Antonella Zanna:
Recurrence relations and convergence theory of the generalized polar decomposition on Lie groups.
761-776 BibTeX
- Mireille Bossy:
Optimal rate of convergence of a stochastic particle method to solutions of 1D viscous scalar conservation laws.
777-812 BibTeX
- Piotr Gajda, Youming Li, Leszek Plaskota, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski:
A Monte Carlo algorithm for weighted integration over Reald.
813-825 BibTeX
- Peter Mathé, Gang Wei:
Quasi-Monte Carlo integration over Reald.
827-841 BibTeX
- Kai-Tai Fang, Gennian Ge:
A sensitive algorithm for detecting the inequivalence of Hadamard matrices.
843-851 BibTeX
- Friedrich Pillichshammer:
A lower bound for rank 2 lattice rules.
853-860 BibTeX
- B. Datskovsky, P. Guerzhoy:
Searching for Kummer congruences in an infinite slope family.
861-868 BibTeX
- Imin Chen, Chris Cummins:
Elliptic curves with nonsplit mod 11 representations.
869-880 BibTeX
- Manuel Breuning:
On equivariant global epsilon constants for certain dihedral extensions.
881-898 BibTeX
- Philip B. McLaughlin Jr.:
New frameworks for Montgomery's modular multiplication method.
899-906 BibTeX
- Mark Watkins:
Class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields.
907-938 BibTeX
- Joshua Holden:
First-hit analysis of algorithms for computing quadratic irregularity.
939-948 BibTeX
- Tadej Kotnik:
Computational estimation of the order of zeta (1/2 + it).
949-956 BibTeX
- Michael Filaseta, Andrzej Schinzel:
On testing the divisibility of lacunary polynomials by cyclotomic polynomials.
957-965 BibTeX
- Peter B. Borwein, R. A. Ferguson:
A complete description of Golay pairs for lengths up to 100.
967-985 BibTeX
- Kevin A. Broughan, A. Ross Barnett:
The holomorphic flow of the Riemann zeta function.
987-1004 BibTeX
- Alessandro Conflitti, Igor Shparlinski:
On the multidimensional distribution of the subset sum generator of pseudorandom numbers.
1005-1011 BibTeX
- Koji Suzuki:
An estimate for the number of integers without large prime factors.
1013-1022 BibTeX
- A. O. L. Atkin, Daniel J. Bernstein:
Prime sieves using binary quadratic forms.
1023-1030 BibTeX
- Jerzy Browkin:
Some new kinds of pseudoprimes.
1031-1037 BibTeX
Volume 73,
Number 247,
- Susanne C. Brenner:
Convergence of nonconforming V-cycle and F-cycle multigrid algorithms for second order elliptic boundary value problems.
1041-1066 BibTeX
- Susanne C. Brenner:
Korn's inequalities for piecewise H1 vector fields.
1067-1087 BibTeX
- Jun Zhao:
Analysis of finite element approximation for time-dependent Maxwell problems.
1089-1105 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Dahmen, B. Faermann, Ivan G. Graham, Wolfgang Hackbusch, S. A. Sauter:
Inverse inequalities on non-quasi-uniform meshes and application to the mortar element method.
1107-1138 BibTeX
- Jinchao Xu, Zhimin Zhang:
Analysis of recovery type a posteriori error estimators for mildly structured grids.
1139-1152 BibTeX
- Carsten Carstensen:
All first-order averaging techniques for a posteriori finite element error control on unstructured grids are efficient and reliable.
1153-1165 BibTeX
- Zhiming Chen, Jia Feng:
An adaptive finite element algorithm with reliable and efficient error control for linear parabolic problems.
1167-1193 BibTeX
- Alan Demlow:
Piecewise linear finite element methods are not localized.
1195-1201 BibTeX
- Bruno Després:
Lax theorem and finite volume schemes.
1203-1234 BibTeX
- K. H. Karlsen, C. Klingenberg, Nils Henrik Risebro:
A relaxation scheme for conservation laws with a discontinuous coefficient.
1235-1259 BibTeX
- Mao Ye:
Existence and asymptotic stability of relaxation discrete shock profiles.
1261-1296 BibTeX
- Ivan P. Gavrilyuk, Wolfgang Hackbusch, Boris N. Khoromskij:
Data-sparse approximation to the operator-valued functions of elliptic operator.
1297-1324 BibTeX
- Mohamed El-Gamel, John R. Cannon, Ahmed I. Zayed:
Sinc-Galerkin method for solving linear sixth-order boundary-value problems.
1325-1343 BibTeX
- D. P. Dryanov, M. A. Qazi, Q. I. Rahman:
Local behaviour of polynomials.
1345-1364 BibTeX
- Allal Guessab, Gerhard Schmeisser:
Convexity results and sharp error estimates in approximate multivariate integration.
1365-1384 BibTeX
- J. M. Peña:
A stable test to check if a matrix is a nonsingular M-matrix.
1385-1392 BibTeX
- Carlos M. Mora:
Numerical simulation of stochastic evolution equations associated to quantum Markov semigroups.
1393-1415 BibTeX
- Bernard Deconinck, Matthias Heil, Alexander I. Bobenko, Mark van Hoeij, Markus Schmies:
Computing Riemann theta functions.
1417-1442 BibTeX
- Richard P. Groenewegen:
Bounds for computing the tame kernel.
1443-1458 BibTeX
- Nils Bruin:
Visualising Sha[2] in Abelian surfaces.
1459-1476 BibTeX
- Arjeh M. Cohen, Scott H. Murray, D. E. Taylor:
Computing in groups of Lie type.
1477-1498 BibTeX
- Joachim von zur Gathen, Michael Nöcker:
Computing special powers in finite fields.
1499-1523 BibTeX
- David S. Dummit, Brett A. Tangedal, Paul B. van Wamelen:
Stark's conjecture over complex cubic number fields.
1525-1546 BibTeX
- Felix Lazebnik, Andrew Thomason:
Orthomorphisms and the construction of projective planes.
1547-1557 BibTeX
- Pedro Berrizbeitia, Thomas G. Berry:
Biquadratic reciprocity and a Lucasian primality test.
1559-1564 BibTeX
- Marc Deléglise, Pierre Dusart, Xavier-François Roblot:
Counting primes in residue classes.
1565-1575 BibTeX
Volume 73,
Number 248,
- Nicolas Neuss, Christian Wieners:
Criteria for the approximation property for multigrid methods in nonnested spaces.
1583-1600 BibTeX
- Ivo Babuska, S. A. Sauter:
Algebraic algorithms for the analysis of mechanical trusses.
1601-1622 BibTeX
- Alan Demlow:
Localized pointwise error estimates for mixed finite element methods.
1623-1653 BibTeX
- Huo-Yuan Duan, Guo-Ping Liang:
A locking-free Reissner-Mindlin quadrilateral element.
1655-1671 BibTeX
- M. Amara, E. Chacón Vera, D. Trujillo:
Vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation for Stokes problem.
1673-1697 BibTeX
- Maxim A. Olshanskii, Arnold Reusken:
Grad-div stablilization for Stokes equations.
1699-1718 BibTeX
- J. L. Guermond, Jie Shen:
On the error estimates for the rotational pressure-correction projection methods.
1719-1737 BibTeX
- James H. Bramble, Joseph E. Pasciak:
A new approximation technique for div-curl systems.
1739-1762 BibTeX
- Paola Pozzi:
L2-estimate for the discrete Plateau Problem.
1763-1777 BibTeX
- Xavier Antoine, Christophe Besse, Vincent Mouysset:
Numerical schemes for the simulation of the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation using non-reflecting boundary conditions.
1779-1799 BibTeX
- I. Alonso-Mallo, B. Cano, J. C. Jorge:
Spectral-fractional step Runge-Kutta discretizations for initial boundary value problems with time dependent boundary conditions.
1801-1825 BibTeX
- Xiaobai Sun, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí:
Spectral division methods for block generalized Schur decompositions.
1827-1847 BibTeX
- Marcelo Gomes de Queiroz, Joaquim Júdice, Carlos Humes Jr.:
The symmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem.
1849-1863 BibTeX
- Jerry Eriksson, Mårten E. Gulliksson:
Local results for the Gauss-Newton method on constrained rank-deficient nonlinear least squares.
1865-1883 BibTeX
- Fred J. Hickernell, Ian H. Sloan, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski:
On tractability of weighted integration over bounded and unbounded regions in Reals.
1885-1901 BibTeX
- Fred J. Hickernell, Ian H. Sloan, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski:
On strong tractability of weighted multivariate integration.
1903-1911 BibTeX
- Bin Han, Thomas P. Y. Yu, Bruce R. Piper:
Multivariate refinable Hermite interpolant.
1913-1935 BibTeX
- Iván Area, Dimitar K. Dimitrov, Eduardo Godoy, André Ronveaux:
Zeros of Gegenbauer and Hermite polynomials and connection coefficients.
1937-1951 BibTeX
- Christian Lécot, Wolfgang Wagner:
A quasi-Monte Carlo scheme for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation.
1953-1966 BibTeX
- Josef Dick, Frances Y. Kuo:
Reducing the construction cost of the component-by-component construction of good lattice rules.
1967-1988 BibTeX
- Ichiro Shimada:
Rational double points on supersingular K3 surfaces.
1989-2017 BibTeX
- Arthur Baragar:
Canonical vector heights on K3 surfaces with Picard number three - An argument for nonexistence.
2019-2025 BibTeX
- Neal Koblitz, Alfred Menezes:
Obstacles to the torsion-subgroup attack on the decision Diffie-Hellman Problem.
2027-2041 BibTeX
- Pilar Fernandez-Ferreiros, Maria de los Angeles Gomez-Molleda:
Deciding the nilpotency of the Galois group by computing elements in the centre.
2043-2060 BibTeX
- Karim Belabas:
On quadratic fields with large 3-rank.
2061-2074 BibTeX
- Petteri Kaski, Patric R. J. Östergård:
The Steiner triple systems of order 19.
2075-2092 BibTeX
- Garikai Campbell:
Points on y = x2 at rational distance.
2093-2108 BibTeX
- G. J. van der Heiden:
Addendum to "Factoring polynomials over finite fields with Drinfeld modules".
2109 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:13:54 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)