
Christian Lécot

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6 Christian Lécot, Wolfgang Wagner: A quasi-Monte Carlo scheme for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation. Math. Comput. 73(248): 1953-1966 (2004)
5EEShigeyoshi Ogawa, Christian Lécot: A quasi-random walk method for one-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 62(3-6): 487-494 (2003)
4EEChristian Lécot, Abdoul Koudiraty: Quasi-random Simulation of Linear Kinetic Equations. J. Complexity 17(4): 795-814 (2001)
3EEChristian Lécot, Faysal El Khettabi: Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulation of Diffusion. J. Complexity 15(3): 342-359 (1999)
2 Ibrahim Coulibaly, Christian Lécot: A quasi-randomized Runge-Kutta method. Math. Comput. 68(226): 651-659 (1999)
1 Christian Lécot: Error bounds for quasi-Monte Carlo integration with nets. Math. Comput. 65(213): 179-187 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Ibrahim Coulibaly [2]
2Faysal El Khettabi [3]
3Abdoul Koudiraty [4]
4Shigeyoshi Ogawa [5]
5Wolfgang Wagner [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)